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James Psyched About Dog - Février

James Roday a accordé une interview a une association pour les sauvetage des chiens. Lors de cette interview il y parlent de ces chiens que lui et Maggie possèdent Tristen une chienne Bouldog que possédait Maggie avant qu'ils soit ensemble et un Dogue Français qu'ils ont adopter il y a 3 ans, il y parle aussi de ses souvenir avec son tout premier chien lorsqu'il vivait au Texas, du Westminster Dog Show,  des causes qu'ils soutient et bien sur de Shawn

 By Brian Fischler

“I know that you know that I’m not telling the truth,” declare the opening lyrics to the USA Network’s hit “Psych,” but in this interview with the show’s star, James Roday, we will try to get the truth about his dogs.

James grew up in San Antonio, Texas. He had an English bulldog named Shonee. “Shonee was short for Shoshonee, which is an Indian tribe, because naming bulldogs after Native American communities was the natural order of things in the late 1980’s. She was incredibly special, and while she only spent a couple of years with us, our bond was thicker than blood, and it forever cemented my unbridled adoration for smash-faced breeds,” James Roday fondly recalls, “Shonee loved tiny ice cubes and being lifted.”

James is currently romantically involved with his “Psych” co-star Maggie Lawson. “My gal and I currently have two dogs that own us and dictate the direction of our lives. Alas, a female bulldog named Tristen that was my gal’s before we got together, and Frank, a French mastiff that we adopted three years ago,” says Roday.

So how do the dogs get along?
“They are joined at the hip, methodical, and manipulate us like we’re toddlers,” laughs Roday. “At least we own up to it.”

You’ve attended the Westminster Dog Show. What made you want to attend?
“Well for starters, it is at Madison Square Garden, which is the coolest venue in the world to see anything. I participated for two years as the online backstage correspondent.”

I could only imagine the fun you had doing that, and giving the show a 21st Century twist.
“It was fun to disrupt the formality of the competition and shake some of those owners and handlers loose a little bit. The dogs are all pure love and having full access to all the breeds is a treat. I actually learned a lot about breeds I wasn’t previously familiar with,” states Roday.

Is there anything you would change with the Westminster Dog Show?
“I will say that it is a pageant that celebrates purebred specimens, and I wish they would put a greater emphasis on the epidemic of homeless pets in this country. They have a national platform and it would be great if they really put themselves out there as huge proponents of the rescue mission.”

Having been a backstage correspondent at the Westminster Dog Show, would you ever consider coming to the center of the stage to be a judge?
“I would never be nearly qualified enough to judge a purebred dog show, but sign me up to judge a bunch of mutts anytime, and they’ll all go home winners!”

You obviously have a passion for rescue pets, are you involved with any animal causes?
“A buddy of mine has been running the Liberty Humane Society in New Jersey for the last couple of years. I’ve always supported big national organizations like the ASPCA, but having him run a shelter actually put faces and names in front of me so that I could see and feel where the help was going,” says Roday.

Does having a good friend who runs an animal shelter give you good firsthand experience?
“I’d recommend any animal lover who’s wondering what they can do to help the cause to check out their local... shelter and offer their time and affections. It makes a difference and it costs nothing.”

Dogs are notorious for adapting their owner’s traits. Have Tristen or Frank adapted any of yours?
“They certainly recognize the benefits of being horizontal any time you can be, and spooning and watching Grand Slam Tennis.”

On “Psych”, you play Shawn Spencer, a detective who claims to have psychic abilities. Has Shawn ever used his abilities to help find a lost dog?
“The closest we ever got was way back in Season One, when we did an episode where a cat was the only eye witness to a murder and Shawn carries it around while they investigate,” says Roday.

Would Shawn be as good at tracking down a lost dog as he is at solving murders?
“I am confident that Shawn could and would find a lost dog in less than 44 minutes,” laughs Roday.

Would Shawn and Gus ever think about adding a dog to the detective team?
“Working with animals is tricky because they are infinitely more interesting to watch than we are and rarely do what they are supposed to do on camera. That said, I’d be in heaven if Shawn and Gus had a dog because I’d get to play with him or her all day.”

What breed would be best to help out with the detective work?
“They’d need a hound (that) could track and sniff. Bassets are adorable but I think ultimately an extra-droopy eyed bloodhound would have to get the call. And her name might have to be Henrietta,” laughs Roday.

I’m not sure people know how much time goes into filming a television show. You must live on set. What is the toughest part about spending time away from your dogs?
“Knowing how little time we get with them already. Their life spans are one of Mother Nature’s cruelest jokes.”

© Cesar's Way

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