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I wont stand for - Février

Petite interview de Tim a l'ocassion de l'association I wont stand for, il parle aussi de la série, des média sociaux et de Twitter, de Marlowe...

by: Lynsey Tamborello

Q) What won't you stand for and why was it important for you to be at this event?

A) There are a lot of things that I won't stand for, like bigotry, stupidity, homophobia, racism, sexism - it all falls under the umbrella of stupidity to me. That's really why I am here. I have two daughters under the ages of twelve and God knows I've tried to teach them empathy, tolerance and that we're all on this ride together. It goes a hell of a lot smoother if we can all just get along.

Q) Do you feel like by participating you're making a better world for your daughters?

A) You've got to look for the opportunities to make it a better world and this is something that is great. When the network presented the opportunity, of course I wanted to come and do this. Ultimately, I think we're all lazy people (myself included) and it takes getting off your ass to do something whether it is something like this, speaking at schools or finding the courage to speak up against the jackass picking on the kid in elementary school. Every day there is another example of why we need things like what we're doing today.

Q) How has character chatter and Twitter added to the fan experience that the show provides?

A) The social media aspect of our show has really made it blow up. I think it's one of the reasons we're doing as well as we are. I know, for me, it's been a really wonderful thing getting to interact with fans in a way that I've never been able to do, but yet from the safety of my own home. I've kind of lost my mind being on Twitter. I've been having so much fun and it's so fast and easy. Before, when I was blogging, I just didn't have the time to do it. It just became answering people's questions anyway. The tweeting has just been the perfect thing for that.

Q) Do you think having your own personal account takes away from your Psych Lassie account?

A) Oh certainly, I don't have the energy to devote to it all. I could sit on Twitter all day and then my kids wouldn't have lunch or make it to school. So, I have to limit my time I am on the computer. The thing with Lassiter, it takes work to think up the things he says and I'm not a writer! I am not in charge of that character. I am - but I'm not. So, to think what Lassiter would say and if I'd offend anyone, it's a fine line to walk. He still pops up every now and then to piss people off.

Q) There are plans to do a Clue centered episode, which character are you hoping to play?

A) I'm going to tell you the honest to God truth, I've never seen Clue. I'm going to!

Q) With Kristen Swanson set to return, how would you like to see her and Lassie's relationship develop?

A) I don't know what's going to happen. I want to see them get married, have children and live happily ever after.

Q) With cute little guns and handcuffs?

A) With gun locks. People put gun locks on your guns. Don't be stupid.

© Starry Mag

Ecrit par angella 

Behind The Badge - Février

Timothy parle de la saison, de son experience sur la série, du fait qu'il aimerais passer derrière la caméra, de sa filmographie, de ce que les fans de Psych devrait regarder en premier dans sa filmo, il parle aussi de l'apparition de Maggie dans Justified, de son travail dans le dernier film de Corbin, du fait qu'il aimerais jouer dans Mad Men, de ses séries favorite et celle que lui a conseiller Maggie, et Psych pour la famille...

By Brittany Frederick

While I enjoy the talents of every member of Psych's fun and funny cast, I have a certain affection for Omundson, who's made Lassiter my favorite disgruntled detective on television. His deadpan delivery and expressions are always spot-on, and he's a great straight man for the oft-hyper antics required of star James Roday.

What you might not know is that in addition to six seasons of Lassiter, Omundson has a lengthy resume of solid work. I always smile when I think about the two-episode guest stint he had on Human Target as the nameless interrogator (with a mustache!) who took on Chance and company. His other credits include dramatic work in some really great shows, including Cold Case, Jericho, Deadwood and Judging Amy. And did you know he auditioned for the role that went to Jason Clarke on Showtime's Brotherhood?

He's capable of making us laugh on Psych, but make no mistake about it, he's a talented all-around actor. Oh, and he happens to be a vastly entertaining interview. That deadpan sense of humor isn't scripted.

Here's what he had to say about the new season of Psych and his career to date.

What can we expect from Lassiter in the remainder of this season of Psych?

 Too many things coming from Lassie. You got Lassiter going crazy, and you got Lassiter falling deep in love, which to some people is the exact same thing. The amazing thing about this guy is he's written so tight, and then the writers give me little gifts like, "How about we show him unraveling?"

Has playing him for six seasons made you think more like a cop? I've heard that can happen.

 Sort of. I'm certainly more aware of them around me. I can spot them a little quicker.

What's it been like for you to stay with this character and this cast and crew for that long?

 Luckily, no one's an asshole, so it's a great thing. We get along tremendously well. We're just really sort of dialed in to each other. And the crew is...it's the actors, right, and then three feet away from us is our camera department and our sound department, who are just as big a part of our life as our fellow actors. It's such a good group of people.

James Roday writes for the show, and this season we saw White Collar star Tim DeKay make his acting debut on that series. Have you considered directing or writing for Psych?

I have considered the directing, actually. Not so much the writing. That is not really interesting, but the directing is really interesting to me. I've shadowed a bit on our set. I'm also just trying to figure out what the hell I'm doing as an actor, and I get a tremendous amount of joy out of what I do, [so] I'm not in a massive rush to do it.

Before you came to the show, you'd done a lot of impressive work. I wanted to ask you about some of these other projects. We've talked about Human Target before, but I didn't know you were on Cold Case [in the episode "Sabotage"].

It was great. I liked working with the guy who played my brother [Kim Coates], and the regulars were wonderful.

So for the Psych fans who want to watch more of your work, is there something that you'd suggest they start with? What did you most enjoy working on?

Deadwood is the top of that list. Deadwood was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. I just loved that show.

I also really liked Jericho. My friend Richard Speight was a regular on that and we went to college together. It was a group of writer-producers I had worked with on Judging Amy, so it was like working with friends. Watch Judging Amy and compare [his character] Sean Parks to Carlton Lassiter...

When you were on Deadwood, did you have the opportunity to work with Timothy Olyphant?

We were in scenes together. I don't think we had dialogue together. He's great, he's a funny guy, not unlike Lassiter.

I mention that because your Psych partner Maggie Lawson just tried to kill him on Justified a few episodes back. Did you see that episode?

Not yet. It's one of my absolute favorite shows and I want to watch them in order. I have it on my DVR and I'm racing through.

Are there any other projects that you have going at the moment?

Corbin [Bernsen] and I have been talking about doing another film together; we did 25 Hill last year. Hiatus is almost over and I'm trying to spend as much time with my kids as I can. I've taken up fly fishing. That's become a pretty big obsession.

Do you have any specific ambitions for the future? Dream roles or goals you've set?

If I could be cast as a series regular in anything right now, it would be Mad Men. It's just great. That's one if they said, "Hey, you could pick a job..."

A point where [I] don't have to audition would be really nice, certainly. I've been a journeyman sort of working actor. I'm used to just sort of punching the clock and punching the audition line.

What TV shows are you a fan of?

Mad Men, certainly. Deadwood, certainly. Justified. Rome is one of my favorite series. Eastbound and Down makes me laugh like nobody's business. Maggie keeps talking about The Wire. There's tons of things on my list.

Speaking of fans, you've earned quite a dedicated fan base with this show. For my part, this is one of the only shows that my whole family watches, and we never agree on anything.

I will confess I've heard that before, and that is one of the greatest benchmarks of our show. I have people 70 years old saying "My grandson turned me on to the show." We are a show that has survived because of our fans and how vocal they are and how supportive. We are aware of that and grateful for it.

© Starpulse

Ecrit par angella 



Ecrit par angella 
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