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#101 : Episode 1

Première rencontre entre Diana Bishop et Matthew Clairmont

A Oxford, dans la Bibliothèque Bodléienne, l'historienne américaine et sorcière malgré elle, Diana Bishop, appelle involontairement un manuscrit magique antique, l'Ashmole 782 qui a disparu depuis des siècles. Elle se retrouve confrontée au généticien renommé et vampire, Matthew Clairmont, qui est déterminé à mettre la main sur le livre. La détermination de Diana de ne pas être effrayée par Matthew alors qu'il lutte pour contrôler ses instincts de prédateur envers d'elle, alimente une connexion dangereuse entre eux. Quand les nouvelles de l'apparition du livre se répandent dans le monde des démons, vampires et sorcières, vivant cachés parmi les humains, la chasse à la sorcière l'ayant appellé prend une intensité mortelle.


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Episode 1

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Episode 1

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Trailer saison 1 VOSTF


First look season 1 : A Discovery Of Witches

First look season 1 : A Discovery Of Witches


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Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) ne maîtrise pas bien ses pouvoirs

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) ne maîtrise pas bien ses pouvoirs

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) regarde Diana s'éloigner précipitamment

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) regarde Diana s'éloigner précipitamment

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) étudie un vieux livre à la bibliothèque

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) étudie un vieux livre à la bibliothèque

Le vampire Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Le vampire Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont rend à Diana Bishop le livre qu'elle a fait tomber ((Matthew Goode et Teresa Palmer)

Matthew Clairmont rend à Diana Bishop le livre qu'elle a fait tomber ((Matthew Goode et Teresa Palmer)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) retrouve Diana à la bibliothèque

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) retrouve Diana à la bibliothèque

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) a récupéré ses documents

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) a récupéré ses documents

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

La sorcière Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey)

La sorcière Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) sur la balcon de la bibliothèque

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) sur la balcon de la bibliothèque

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana (Teresa Palmer) n'arrive pas à travailler avec Matthew (Matthew Goode) en face d'elle

Diana (Teresa Palmer) n'arrive pas à travailler avec Matthew (Matthew Goode) en face d'elle

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) observe Diana sur le fleuve

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) observe Diana sur le fleuve

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) en plein travail

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) en plein travail

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop à l'Université d'Oxford (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop à l'Université d'Oxford (Teresa Palmer)

Matthew observe Diana (Matthew Goode)

Matthew observe Diana (Matthew Goode)

Diana Bishop quitte rapidement l'Université (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop quitte rapidement l'Université (Teresa Palmer)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Diana Bishop range son embarcation à la nuit tombée (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop range son embarcation à la nuit tombée (Teresa Palmer)

Matthew tend l'oreille (Matthew Goode)

Matthew tend l'oreille (Matthew Goode)


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Plus de détails

Réalisé par Juan Carlos Medina
Ecrit par : Kate Brooke

Guests :
Dominic Borrelli ... Fred
David Newman ... Stephen Proctor
Sophia Myles ... Rebecca Bishop
Adam Stevenson ... James
Nila Aalia ... Sylvia Rattigan
Alister Cameron ... Mr. Johnson
Imogen Comrie ... Clem
Michael Culkin ... Professeur Marsh

Le saviez-vous ?

Deborah Harkness fait une apparition dans cet épisode : elle est l'une des participante à la conférence donnée par Diana, assise juste à côté de Gillian Chamberlain. Ce rôle ne lui pemet pas d'être créditée au générique mais sa participation est un charmant clin d'oeil aux fans.

Deborah Harkness fait une apparition dans le premier épisode

Nous sommes à Oxford, en Angleterre, à l’époque de l’équinoxe d’automne, et nous découvrons rapidement le récit onirique de Matthew Clairmont sur le monde pendant qu’il observe Diana Bishop en train de faire de l'aviron. Après son rituel habituel, Diana se prépare et part en vélo dans les rues d'Oxford. Quand elle arrive à destination, elle laisse tomber quelques papiers et crie. Elle tend la main et les papiers se rangent comme par magie dans l'ordre… Diana est là pour présenter ses recherches sur l'alchimie à des confrères historiens. Elle parle d’en apprendre d'avantage des manuscrits d’Elias Ashmole à la Bibliothèque Bodléienne , puis se voit proposer un poste potentiel en tant que professeur.

Gillian Chamberlain, une amie de Diana qui assistait à sa conférence, va à sa rencontre et le duo part prend un café ensemble. Gillian révèle qu'elle fait partie du coven local et qu'il y a une réunion bientôt. Cependant, Diana est mal à l'aise avec la pratique de la magie après ce qui est arrivé à ses parents. Elle révèle que ses pouvoirs sont complètement imprévisibles en raison de son manque de pratique.

Le lendemain, Diana se rend à la Bibliothèque Bodléienne et demande divers manuscrits d’Ashmole. L'Ashmole 782 n’est pas là au début, mais lorsque le bibliothécaire revient, il est bien dans l'étagère. Immédiatement, Diana semble intriguée par l'Ashmole 782 et, après son ouverture, Matthew - qui est dans une église - et Diana ressentent quelque chose. Le manuscrit semble avoir des pages manquantes et des mots cachés et brouillés qui rampent sur la peau de Diana avant de lui laisser une marque de brûlure dans la paume de la main. Matthew reçoit ensuite un appel de Miriam Shepherd qui sent que son sang réagit également à quelque chose. Diana restitue rapidement le livre et s'en va avant de croiser un homme qui ressemble exactement à son père décédé, lorsque Gillian se précipite vers elle car elle a aussi ressenti quelque chose. Elle pose beaucoup de questions sur le manuscrit, mais Diana s'enfuit.

Dans un laboratoire, Matthew informe Miriam que Diana est une descendante directe de Bridget Bishop, première femme à être exécutée lors des procès pour sorcières de Salem. Apparemment, Matthew recherche l'Ashmole 782 depuis des siècles pour l’aider à en apprendre davantage sur leurs origines.

Nous sommes ensuite présentés à Marcus qui tente de convaincre son ami James de sortir, mais celui-ci préfére rentrer chez lui à la place. Cependant, il est heurté par une voiture et il semble qu'il soit mort. En l'absence de témoins, Marcus prend la décision de lui mordre le cou avant de donner son sang à James, qui réagit avidement. Malheureusement, James s'effondre une fois de plus. Plus tard, Marcus est interrogé par la police pendant que Matthew écoute dans le couloir, fâché contre Marcus par rapport à ce qu’il a fait. Marcus se demande pourquoi cela n’a pas fonctionné. C’est apparemment ce qu’ils cherchent à comprendre au labo. À présent, Marcus est leur nouveau sujet de test, à la grande consternation de Miriam.

Après avoir fait des cauchemars, Diana se réveille le lendemain et appelle sa famille dans le comté de Madison, à New York. Sarah Bishop est immédiatement inquiète et Diana lui explique ce qui s'est passé avec le manuscrit. Sarah est furieuse que Diana ait rendu le livre sans en savoir plus, lorsque la compagne de Sarah, Emily Mather, prend part à la conversation. Diana les informe qu’elle pense avoir vu son père. L’approche de Sarah est bien plus agressive, alors qu'Emily est plus décontractée et aimante.

De retour à la Bibliothèque Bodléienne, Diana a besoin d’un autre manuscrit. Après avoir eu du mal à l’atteindre, sa magie s’active et le livre s'envole dans les airs. Heureusement, Matthew se présente et attrape le livre. Diana sent qu'il est un vampire et il se présente comme le biochimiste Matthew Clairmont. Il parle de son intérêt pour son travail et fait ensuite des remarques sur ses démonstrations publiques de sorcellerie avant de partir brusquement.

Diana va déjeuner dans un cyber café, Matthew passe la porte. Diana devient très directe avec lui au sujet de ce qu’il veut et il pose des questions sur le manuscrit d’Ashmole, demandant s’il s’agit du numéro 782. Matthew dit que de nombreuses personnes le recherchent et qu’elle devrait le lui remettre afin qu’elle ne soit pas en danger. 

Diana ne retourne pas à la bibliothèque jusqu’à la fermeture. Elle se rend dans un pub avec Sean, l'un des employés, pour prendre un verre. Elle se confie sur son passé : ses parents ont été assassinés lors d'un voyage de recherche à la frontière entre l'Ukraine et la Russie et croit que les villageois se sont retournés contre eux en le prenant pour des sorciers.

Nous partons en Finlande où Peter Knox et un homme armé jettent un coup d'œil dans les bois avant de s'y aventurer. Avec plusieurs objets de cultes étranges qui traînent, vous savons que quelque chose de terrible va se passer. Quand l'homme avec le fusil pense que la voie est libre, une sorcière apparaît derrière lui et l'enveloppe d'un cercle de feu avant de laisser le sol l'ensevelir. Peter était au courant du pouvoir de Satu Jarvinen et dit qu’elle sera assermentée dans la congrégation. 

A Londres, Gillian boit un verre de vin avant de rencontrer une autre sorcière, Sylvia, au sujet du trouble qu’elle a ressenti. Le lendemain à la bibliothèque, certains professeurs sont inhabituellement présents, à commencer par Matthew. Diana n’est pas vraiment ravie de le voir, sauf qu’il souligne que la bibliothèque est remplie de sorcières et qu’elles sont là pour surveiller Diana, ce qui la pousse à partir. Gillian court après Diana pour lui poser des questions sur Matthew et veut savoir ce qui se passe avec lui. Plus tard dans la journée, Peter et Satu rendent visite à Gillian et Sylvia pour savoir ce qui est arrivé au manuscrit et qui l'a découvert. À en juger par le visage de Peter, il connaît Diana quand son nom est avancé.

Matthew veille sur Diana tout au long de la journée, qu'elle soit au café, en train de courir ou de faire de l'aviron, et elle semble sentir sa présence. Pendant qu'elle rame, il se rend dans son appartement pour chercher l'Ashmole 782. Matthew réapparaît une fois la séance terminée et lui demande ce qu’elle a fait du Livre de Vie, mais elle ne sait pas de quoi il parle. Matthew prend une profonde inspiration en humant la veste de Diana et son comportement change immédiatement, il apparaît comme s’il allait s'en prendre à quelqu'un, et ce quelqu'un pourrait bien être Diana...

Résumé écrit par albi2302 à partir du recap de The Nerd Daily.






Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared. Demons, Vampires and Witches hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery. Ill at ease, even with each other. But as my father used to say: "In every ending, there is a new beginning."


Diana: Hi, Fred !

Fred: Good morning !

Diana: Good morning.


Diana: No! Stop!


Professor: Please join me in welcoming back to Oxford this year's visiting research fellow. As many of you know, she took her DPhil in the history of science here and after publishing two prize winning books, she was awarded tenure at Yale, one of the youngest ever to have been awarded that distinction. We are delighted to have her back amongst us. Dr Diana Bishop.

Diana: Thank you, thank you so much. Alchemy. In the 17th century, Alchemy was at the very heart of the study of nature and a precursor to modern chemistry... All parts of the natural world, be they animate or inanimate, were believed to experience these stages. Although these images were often interpreted as allegory, they actually represent the chemical process. With access to the Bodleian Library's collection of unique manuscripts owned by Elias Ashmole, the seventeenth century antiquarian, astrologer and alchemist, I will continue to explore the role alchemy had in 17th century thought and how it influenced great scientists such as Isaac Newton and Robert Boyle. Thank you.

Professor: Very stimulating.

Diana: Thank you.

Professor: There's an opening coming up soon in the faculty. I'm drawing up a short list of candidates. Would it interest you?

Diana: Yes!

Professor: We'll need to evaluate all your work. The talk that you just gave today, I assume it's ready to be published?

Diana: It is, it's almost finished.

Professor: Well, I'd need it by late October.

Diana: Absolutely.

Professor: I look forward to reading it.

Diana: Thank you!

Gillian: Diana! That was brilliant!

Diana: Gillian Chamberlain? At a lecture for Alchemy? What a lovely surprise!


Diana: It's been what? Four years since I've seen you?

Gillian: Almost six, actually. Can't believe it. When did you arrive?

Diana: Over a week ago. I've been living in the library. I haven't even unpacked! It is so good to see you. It's like, I don't know, it's like coming home. Nothing's changed.

Gillian: Tell me about it. I'm not regular faculty. Still no vacancies for a classical historian.

Diana: I'm sorry. If there is anything I can do...

Gillian: It'll happen. Otherwise, Oxford's still great. Coven's pretty active. We're meeting tonight for the equinox. You'll know loads of us, if you wanted to come?

Diana: I'm still not comfortable around magic, not after what happened to my parents. I still find it... I just find it difficult.

Gillian: Do you not use your powers at all?

Diana: I am a walking disaster on that front. My powers are so unpredictable. This morning it happened by accident, in public. I mean, no one saw, but they could have.

Gillian: You should speak to Sylvia about that, she's the head of coven now, she might be able to help you.

Diana: It's ok, I'm used to it.


Sean: I hear your lecture impressed a few people yesterday. So, now you've got to get that paper finished, right ? What do you need?

Diana: Ashmole 37, 92, 183 and 782.

Sean: 782? No problem. Be with you shortly.

Diana: Thanks.


Gillian: Hey.

Diana: Hey.

Gillian: How's it going?

Diana: The usual, you know.

Sean: Your Ashmole Manuscripts.

Diana: Thank you.

Gillian: Right. So, I'm out by the call desk. Maybe we could have a coffee later?

Diana: Yeah, great. Ok.

Gillian: See you.

Diana: Bye.


Man: Chrissakes, it's a library...


Miriam : Is it happening to you?

Matthew: Yes.

Miriam : Our blood, it's reacting to something.


Diana: Sorry. Sorry.


Sean: Dr Bishop?


Diana: Dad? Dad? Dad?

Gillian: Diana! What happened in there? Did you feel it? I don't think the humans did! That Ashmole manuscript, there was something weird about it… Did you see anything unusual? Diana? Are you alright? Diana? Where are you going?


Marcus: I presume I'm seeing you tonight?

James: No.

Marcus: Come on. James, look, I found a new place.

James: I've just been on a twelve hour shift, I'm going home to crash.

Marcus: Last week was a mistake and I admit.

James: That's what you said last week.

Marcus: Tuesday is better than the weekend, you can get a booth, it stays open til 3am.

James: Three am, mid-week, are you off your rocker?

Marcus: I'm pretty sure the DJ plays almost exclusively 90's R&B.

James: See, when I'm not on shift I'm in bed by twelve. How come you never look tired?

Marcus: I'm not a lightweight like you… Have a good sleep.

James: Five aside, next week!

Marcus: If you're awake! No! James! Mate! Hang in there, James! No!


Miriam: Matthew? Have you been here all night?

Matthew: She's a witch, Miriam. A powerful one if her family's anything to go by.

Miriam: Who is?

Matthew: The academic I overheard outside the Bodleian. She's a direct descendant of Bridget Bishop, the first woman to be executed at the Salem Witch Trials.

Miriam: You think what happened yesterday was witchcraft?

Matthew: I don't know. But she'd just taken out an alchemical manuscript… An Ashmole manuscript.

Miriam: Come on, Matthew. It's not possible.

Matthew: What, that she's found Ashmole 782? Why?

Miriam: Because you've been looking for that book for over a hundred years!

Matthew: Longer! Ever since I began to believe it'd help us understand our origins.

Miriam: It's missing. It's always been missing. How could this witch have found it?

Matthew: Perhaps it wasn't missing… Perhaps it was waiting.


Diana: Dad!


Sarah: Hello.

Diana: Hey. It's me.

Sarah: D, are you all right? It's five o'clock in the morning, Diana!

Diana: I know. I'm sorry. Something's happened.

Sarah: Are you alright, honey?

Diana: I was in the Bod studying, I took out a manuscript. But it was bewitched or something.

Sarah: Was it a grimoire?

Diana: It was an Ashmole manuscript. There were alchemical illustrations.

Sarah: What else?

Diana: Moving under the pages. I couldn't read it.

Sarah: It definitely sounds like it was bewitched. How did you unravel the spell? Did you say any words?

Diana: There was no witchcraft involved, Sarah. How many times? I refuse to practice. I couldn't wait to get rid of it. I returned it.

Sarah: What!? Diana, we've always told you, if you ever come across something magical you should always, always try to understand it.

Emily: Honey, what is happening?

Sarah: It's Diana, she's discovered some magical book.

Diana: That is not even why I called. It's what happened afterwards… I think I saw Dad.

Emily: What do you mean, you saw your dad?

Diana: He was just as I remembered him. What do you think it mean?

Sarah: Well, honey, we're not going to know now, are we? You've given it back! Really Diana, it's time you faced what you are! A witch!

Diana: We've been over this, Sarah, I'm a historian, that's what I am! Oxford might offer me a professorship.

Emily: Honey, that is wonderful news, Diana.

Diana: Yeah, well, I don't have it yet. I have to get a paper in.

Sarah: You can't just hide in your work. You saw your father! This is important! If the book is bewitched, there's no telling how you unlocked the spell. You have to take the book out again. Work out what's going on!

Diana: That may be what you would do, Sarah, but I'm not you. I called for your advice, not another lecture.

Emily: Well, you know how she feels about all this. Give her time to cool off, honey, and try again.


Officer: Y7. 53 BCY. You say the car took off at speed. Are you sure registration number's right?

Marcus: Positive! I have very good eyesight.

Officer: And you say you left the hospital at 5:30. But you didn't call the incident in until 6.15?

Marcus: I was giving him CPR.

Officer: For over half an hour?

Marcus: Yes. I'm a doctor, I was trying to save his life.


Marcus: Hey, Matthew.


Matthew: Think of the risks you took! You could have been seen!

Marcus: James was my friend and a brilliant doctor. I couldn't bear for all that potential to go to waste.

Matthew: Did you even get his consent? Christ, Marcus! How many times do you have to be told!?

Marcus: Alright! I messed up… Why didn't it work?

Matthew: That's what we need to find out.


Miriam : What's he doing here?

Matthew: Marcus is our new research subject. Another failed siring. Would you take his bloods and do a cheek swab? Thank you, Miriam.

Marcus: Hello, Miriam.

Miriam : Hello, Marcus… I'll need that. Can you roll up your sleeve?

Marcus: I can take my own blood.

Miriam : Not in my lab you can't.


Marcus: You should have told me. You knew that there'd been other failed sirings, so why the secrecy?

Matthew: You're not meant to be siring anyone.

Miriam : Do I have to haul you two both out of here or can we finish our wine first?

Marcus: You know I didn't plan to sire James. If there'd been more time I would have asked permission. If I'd known there was a risk of failure, I'd never have attempted it… Matthew. His last moments were ugly, confused and desperate and he didn't know why. I did that. He was my friend and I took his death away from him: for nothing.

Matthew: The reason I didn't tell you is because we're all in the dark. We know there's a problem, but we don't know the cause and that's the reason that we need the Book.

Miriam : Matthew thinks Ashmole 782 covers early creature history. It could help us understand our evolution, our origins.

Matthew: The witches cannot be allowed to have that information. Some would want to use that knowledge to destroy us.

Marcus: So what do we do?

Matthew: I talk to Dr Bishop, and if need be, we take the Book for ourselves.


Diana: Notes and Queries, Notes and Queries, where are you? Goddammit!

Matthew: Yours, I believe? That's a nasty burn.

Diana: You're a vampire… 'Professor Clairmont. Biochemistry.'

Matthew: Dr Bishop… Your article on colour symbolism in alchemical transformation's fascinating and your work on Robert Boyle's approach to problems of expansion and contraction quietly persuasive. You have a wonderful way of evoking the past for the reader.

Diana: Thank you.

Matthew: I'm hardly likely to forget you now after that. I didn't think that witches were allowed to show their magic in public?

Diana: I didn't mean for that to happen.

Matthew: Not in control of yourself, Dr Bishop?

Diana: I'm perfectly in control! Thank you… Now if you'll excuse me, Prof. Clairmont, I have to get back to my work.


Sylvia: Focus! Gillian!

Gillian: Sylvia.

Sylvia: Is everything all right?

Gillian: The disturbance we all felt. Your text said, if anyone knew anything.

Sylvia: Yes?

Gillian: I think, maybe I do.


Matthew: Anything of interest?

Diana: You're following me?

Matthew: We work in the same place, it's hardly strange our paths should cross again?

Diana: You knew who I was yesterday.

Matthew: I call that a Professional Hazard. Your photograph's on the back of all of your books.

Diana: I checked in with the staff at the Bod. You were in and out of it in 5 minutes. You were looking for me, not because you enjoyed my thesis on Robert Boyle. What do you want, Professor Clairmont?

Matthew: That's a fair question… You called up an Ashmole manuscript, earlier this week and something happened, something that disturbed you. Was it Ashmole 782? I'm assuming you used magic to retrieve it.

Diana: Why do you care? Alchemy is not your area.

Matthew: This is about more than just alchemy. Where's the manuscript now?

Diana: Where it always is! You can't take books out of the Bodleian… Excuse me.

Matthew: Dr Bishop. Please hear me out. No one has seen that book for a long time and it's not just me who wants it. Word is spreading. It might be safer for you if the creatures of Oxford knew that it was no longer in your possession.

Diana: Is that a threat?

Matthew: No. It's a warning. You need to be careful.

Diana: I will be. Goodbye, Professor Clairmont.


Diana: Sean?

Sean: Yeah?

Diana: I need a drink.


Diana: For you.

Sean: So now I know what you drink. I know what you read. Pretty much everything pre-eighteen hundred? What else is there? Oh, come on. Family? Brothers, sisters.

Diana: I'm an only child. I was actually raised by my aunt and her partner. Yeah. My parents died.

Sean: Both of them? Car crash or something?

Diana: They were... They were murdered.

Sean: I shouldn't have asked, you really don't have to talk about it.

Diana: It's ok. They were on a research trip to a village on the Ukraine-Russia border. We think the villagers turned on them. They thought that they... That they were witches.

Sean: Witches?

Diana: Some people still believe in witches. That magic is real, they believe in other creatures too.

Sean: Superstitious crap! How people can still be so ignorant? We're living in the 21st century! I'm so sorry, Diana.


Huntsman: No-one's here. The bed's still warm though. She can't be far away.

Satu: We never are!

Huntsman: Where'd you come from, witch?!

Satu: Cover him.

Huntsman: Oh earth, go in his mouth and ears. No, wait!

Satu: Silence him. Cover him.

Peter: I found him in the local pub, told him about the witch in the woods, humans and their prejudices. Tell me, are you always this assertive?

Satu: The equinox gives me an edge.

Peter: You've proven yourself more than worthy, Satu. I shall take you to be sworn into The Congregation. But we have work to do first. There's been a disturbance.


Mr. Johnson: He's already put in his requests. These are his too. Give them to him, will you?

Sean: Sure.

Diana: Hey. What's going on?

Sean: Hey. Some hotshot scientist's graced us with his presence. Sorry, he requested A3. Yours, Professor Clairmont.

Matthew: Thank you. Good morning.

Diana: Professor Clairmont.

Matthew: I'm sorry, am I bothering you?

Diana: No. I'm just surprised you find a southern exposure comfortable.

Matthew: You don't believe everything you read, do you? Alright then. I thought that you might like some company… The library's busy today. Quite a few witches here… Do you see?

Gillian: Hey.

Diana: So what? They often work in here.

Matthew: They're here to watch you. I did warn you that other creatures would take an interest in you.

Diana: It's because I'm talking to you! They're not the ones with the problem.

Matthew: Leaving so soon?

Diana: Yeah.


Gillian: Hey! Diana!

Diana: Hey.

Gillian: That was a vampire.

Diana: Yes, yeah.

Gillian: What was he doing in the library?

Diana: I don't know any more than you do.

Gillian: But he talked to you?

Diana: Yeah. He'd read my work. It's not a big deal.

Gillian: They're very dangerous! And they hate us as much as we hate them.

Diana: Hopefully, he'll be gone by tomorrow.

Gillian: Yeah.

Diana: I'm going back to my rooms to work.

Gillian: Okay, sure.


Sylvia: Welcome to Oxford, Mr Knox. It's such an honour to have you in our city.

Peter: Come in. Don't linger out there… So? Ms Chamberlain?

Gillian: Hello.

Peter: Please sit down… Now tell me exactly what happened.

Gillian: There was this Ashmole manuscript in the Bodleian Library. An alchemical one.

Peter: Old?

Gillian: Medieval, two clasps, distinctive binding… My friend took it out.

Peter: If it's the book I think it is, then I've been looking for it for a while. What's the name of your friend?

Satu: You heard him. The name.

Gillian: Diana Bishop.


Matthew: Do you actually think it's safe down here in the dark, Dr Bishop?

Diana: Are you stalking me?

Matthew: I'm merely pointing out that rowing on your own is a risk. So The Book of Life. What did you do with it?

Diana: I don't know what that is.

Matthew: A witch with your powers?

Diana: Just because you saw me in the library that was unusual, I don't use magic.

Matthew: Don't lie to me, Diana. I can feel your power!

Diana: If you want the book, why don't you go get it? I told you, I gave it back!

Matthew: I don't believe you.

Diana: Let's say I'm lying. What are you gonna do? Rip my head off to get the truth out of me?

Matthew: I could. But it's not how I operate.

Diana: I'm gonna say this to you one more time. I don't have your book.

Matthew: Ashmole 782 has been missing for centuries and yet you were able to call it up. Aren't you curious why? That book has never appeared to me or anyone else no matter what we've done. Only to you. It could be the key to our survival. So, isn't it strange, that the only creature who can summon it, is a witch who can't control her magic?... Walk past me. Slowly. No sudden movements. Go. But don't run.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 58 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

22.09.2022 vers 02h

21.02.2022 vers 17h

02.09.2021 vers 16h

10.08.2021 vers 09h

17.02.2021 vers 21h

09.02.2021 vers 19h

Derniers commentaires

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Locksley  (20.01.2020 à 12:08)

Super que tu te sois lancée lange' ! Teresa Palmer n'est pas hyper connue (en tout cas, je ne l'ai pas vue dans d'autres rôles pour ma part) et effectivement Matthew Goode est nickel en vampire : la posture, le regard, la voix (si tu regardes en VO).

Bonne saison 1 !

langedu74  (19.01.2020 à 22:53)

Ca y est je commence enfin la série après avoir lu le livre (les 2 autres attendent déjà dans ma pile) ! Excellent premier épisode, on entre tout de suite dans l'intrigue. Quelques différences avec le livre mais ce n'est pas dérangeant, au contraire cela évite le copier/coller.

Les paysages, l'université et la bibliothèque sont vraiment magnifiques, j'aime beaucoup l'ambiance que cela donne avec les lumières.

Je ne crois pas avoir vu Teresa Palmer dans d'autres séries et films mais j'aime beaucoup son jeu. Et Matthew Goode est juste parfait en vampire : j'étais déjà fan mais alors là je craque carrément ^^

mnoandco  (01.12.2018 à 13:19)

Excellente mise en bouche qui permet en 45 mn de bien présenter chaque personnage de manière efficace. L'essentiel est dit ou montré. Paradoxalement, pour l'instant, le clan  vampire semble plus sympa que celui des sorciers. Heureusement, les dernières minutes nous rappelle que Matthew est un vampire et que ceux-ci restent des prédateurs ;  je n'ose même pas imaginer ce qu'il aurait réservé comme sort à Diana si elle avait couru (mention à Matthew Goode sur ce coup là).

J'ai adoré Oxford, les bâtiments sont magnifiques et la bibliothèque juste sublime.

La grosse différence est l'apparition de Satu dès cet épisode (29èm chapitre, sur 46, dans le livre)

Les faits sont différemment présentés, en concentré, mais les éléments principaux des premiers chapitres du livre y  sont.

La scène d'ouverture est géniale. Les acteurs sont justes parfaits.

En clair, rien de négatif sur cet épisode et impatiente de passer au second. Le boulot pour passer du livre à la série a été réalisé de main de maître.

StefLibre  (22.09.2018 à 20:59)

Ce premier épisode pose les personnages principaux... pas déçue pour l'instant wink



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