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#104 : La lame du jugement dernier

Sceptique, Wynonna force Doc à jouer à un jeu de tir révélateur. L'équipe enquête sur la mort d'une femme étrangement liée à un miroir.


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The Blade

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La lame du jugement dernier

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Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano)

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano)

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) dans une voiture

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) dans une voiture

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) observe un badge

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) observe un badge

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

Un homme sort de l'eau

Un homme sort de l'eau

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) arme au poing

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) arme au poing

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) utilise le Peacemaker

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) utilise le Peacemaker


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Plus de détails

Scénario : James Hurst
Réalisation : Paolo Barzman

Doc raconte à Wynonna la dernière fois qu’il a vu Wyatt Earp.
Doc était mourant et Wyatt arrive en lui disant qu’il s’apprête à partir à Purgatory. A ce moment-là, Wyatt ne croit pas au démon, pour lui, il n’existe que des hommes qui font du bien ou du mal sur la Terre. Pensant que Doc va mourir, les deux amis se disent au revoir, ils se reverront de l’autre côté.

Wynonna trouve l’histoire jolie mais elle veut une réelle preuve qu’il est bien Doc Holliday alors elle lui demande de tirer sur des canettes. Doc joue au malin et fait des poses les plus bizarres les unes que les autres pour détruire les bouteilles : les yeux fermés, la main dans le dos et même le pistolet à l’envers. Wynonna le croit donc enfin mais elle ne comprend pas pourquoi il est toujours en vie. Il lui apprend alors qu’en soignant sa tuberculose, on lui a donné la vie éternelle. Wynonna essaie alors de savoir ce que Wyatt avait dit à Doc par rapport à la malédiction mais malheureusement, il n’en a rien dit.

Dans une maison, une dénommée Megan implore le pardon à une femme. Son temps est écoulé pour se faire pardonner et August Hamilton, un Revenant, l’égorge en sortant de son miroir.

Wynonna et Dolls enquêtent sur le meurtre de Megan. Wynonna la reconnaît et avoue qu’elle la détestait
De retour au poste, ils demandent de l’aide à Waverly. En voyant l’inscription laissée sur le miroir, Waverly pense directement à Robert Malick, pasteur évangéliste qui a été pendu par Wyatt pour avoir tué sa femme et son amante. Avant que Dolls et Wynonna partent à la recherche du Père, Waverly demande de les accompagner mais Dolls refuse. Wynonna avoue à sa sœur que Henry est Doc Holliday mais Waverly la coupe, elle le sait déjà. Wynonna s’énerve qu’elle ne lui ait pas dit et Waverly lui avoue qu’elle la suivit jusqu’au champ de caravanes de Bobo et qu’il lui a tiré dessus.

Wynonna s’en prend à Doc pour avoir tiré sur Waverly. Il se défend alors en disant qu’il l’a fait uniquement pour l’éloigner du camping où il garde à l’œil les Revenants que Bobo cache. Ils ont alors une conversation « hypothétique » où Wynonna apprend que le Père Malick se trouve dans le camping.

Wynonna et Dolls s’arment et ce dernier veut savoir comment elle avait eu l’information que le Revenant qu’ils cherchent se trouvait ici. Il devine que c’est Henry et ils entrent dans le parc pour parler à Bobo. Wynonna se présente à lui et il la cherche en parlant de Waverly et de Ward Earp. Ils finissent par lui demander des informations sur le Père Malick et Bobo leur dit de suivre la puanteur pour trouver sa tente. Il ajoute que si ils le blessent d’une quelconque façon, tous ses hommes s’en prendront à Dolls et Wynonna.

Wynonna et Dolls se rendent sous la tente de Malick et lui demandent des informations sur la mort de Megan. Malick leur apprend que c’est la culpabilité qui l’a tué car elle devait se repentir mais ne l’a pas fait mais ce n’est pas lui qui l’a tué : il n’a pas bougé de cette tente depuis qu’il n’a plus de ses jambes. Il ne dit rien de plus sur le vrai tueur si ce n’est qu’il veut s’en prendre à Wynonna.

Dans la voiture, Wynonna aperçoit le Revenant qu’ils cherchent dans le rétroviseur mais le temps qu’elle descende, il a disparu. Elle a le souvenir qu’il était présent la nuit de l’attaque de l’Homestead et le dit à Dolls. Dolls ne la croit pas, ils n’ont pas le pouvoir d’apparaître et disparaître. Il reçoit une notification, Nicole Haught a le nom et la plaque de la voiture qui a quitté la maison de Megan juste avant son meurtre : Samantha Baker.

Wynonna et Dolls interrogent Samantha qui leur dit que Megan l’a appelé pour se confesser : c’est elle qui a tué le père de Samantha des années plus tôt. Elle n’a pas accepté de la pardonner ce qui a mené à sa mort.

Au Shorty’s, Doc demande du Whisky à Gus mais elle refuse de le servir, prétextant que c’est un blaireau. Il s’incruste alors à la table d’un homme seul et se sert d’un verre. Cet homme essaie de se faire pardonner auprès de sa femme mais ça ne marche pas, il s’éclipse en direction des toilettes où le Revenant s’en prend à lui : l’heure est arrivée et il n’a toujours pas obtenu le pardon de la personne qui lui en veut le plus.

Wynonna et Dolls sortent de leur interrogatoire, la jeune femme est énervée d’avoir revue Samantha qui s’en prenait à elle plus jeune. Elle se confie à Dolls sur la fameuse soirée qu’a évoqué Samantha. Wynonna voulait se venger de Megan et avait donc couché avec son petit ami, Megan était partie furieuse, sans avoir le permis. Wynonna s’en veut de ce qui lui est arrivé mais Dolls la rassure : elle n’avait que 16 ans à l’époque.

Au Shorty’s, Doc s’inquiète de ne pas voir revenir son compagnon de bouteille et se rend dans les toilettes où il le trouve mort, baignant dans son sang avec une inscription sur le miroir. Il dégaine son couteau pour se défendre et Waverly entre au même moment, horrifiée de ce qu’elle voit.

Lorsque Wynonna et Dolls sont appelés, Wynonna reconnaît l’homme en question, c’est ancien agent de probation. Doc étant sur les lieux, il est arrêté et interrogé par Dolls qui veut savoir ce que lui cache les sœur Earp. Dolls essaie de le faire parler mais Doc se joue de lui. De retour de l’autre côté du miroir sans teint, Dolls demande à Wynonna quand elle comptait lui avoue que c’était Doc Holliday. Nedley les interrompt, la veuve de l’agent de probation veut parler à Wynonna.

Wynonna et Dolls se rendent chez Suzie qui leur raconte que son mari voulait à tout prix se faire pardonner d’être devenu un dealer et qu’il était suivi par un spectre. Wynonna comprend que le Revenant utilise les miroirs pour atteindre ses cibles et Suzie est la prochaine. Suzie n’a plus que quelques minutes et les membres de la Black Badge Division recouvrent toutes les surfaces réfléchissantes. Suzie essaie de se faire pardonner auprès de Wynonna : c’est elle qui a appelé la police et a fait arrêté Wynonna pour protéger son mari. Le Revenant débarque, Wynonna lui dit qu’il pardonne Suzie mais le Revenant ne la croit pas et tue Suzie. Cette fois, c’est à Wynonna de se faire pardonner.

Au bureau des Black Badge, Dolls et Wynonna réfléchissent à une stratégie pour éradiquer le Revenant. Dolls a une idée pour attirer le corps du Revenant et non son reflet mais pour ça il a besoin d’outils. En attendant, Wynonna doit trouver toutes les personnes qu’elle a blessées pour se faire pardonner.

Wynonna se rend d’abord au Shorty’s où elle trouve Pete York, elle s’excuse de l’avoir trompé avec son frère, Kyle York, quand ils étaient ensemble. Les deux jeunes hommes qui jouaient au billard se battent sans octroyer leur pardon à Wynonna.

Waverly se demande ce qui se passe avec sa sœur alors Wynonna lui explique ce qu’ils ont découvert. Waverly a pour mission de trouver le nom du Revenant tandis que Wynonna va trouver tous ceux qu’elle a blessés. Waverly lui crie alors que tout le monde la déteste, ce que Wynonna sait déjà.

Au poste de police, Waverly vient parler à Doc qui est toujours dans une cellule. Ils parlent du moment où Doc lui a tiré dessus mais Waverly n’est pas là pour ça, elle a un deal à lui proposer : Doc trouve le nom du Revenant et elle le fait sortir de cellule. Doc a trouvé, il s’agit de August Hamilton qui était barbier, tout le monde venait se faire coiffer et se confesser chez lui.

Lorsque Waverly sort Doc de cellule, Dolls et Wynonna lui crient dessus avant que Waverly les siffle pour les faire taire.

Dans une pièce du poste, l’équipe met en place le rituel que Dolls a prévu pour faire disparaître Hamilton. Ils mettent en place des miroirs tandis que Waverly doit lire quelque chose en latin. Des démons prennent possession de Dolls ce qui effraie tout le monde, ils décident de le taser ce qui le rend inconscient. Hamilton sort des miroirs mais Wynonna n’arrive pas à l’atteindre. Pendant ce temps, Dolls ne respire plus alors Wynonna lui fait du bouche à bouche et un massage cardiaque pour le faire revenir ce qui finit par fonctionner.

Lorsque Dolls crache de l’eau, Wynonna comprend que le corps d’Hamilton doit être dans l’eau pour qu’il puisse se refléter dans les miroirs comme il le fait. Doc connaît le lac où Hamilton a été emprisonné puisque c’est lui qui s’en est occupé.

Waverly, Doc et Wynonna dont le tour du lac à la recherche du Revenant quand ce dernier sort de l’eau, empêchant Wynonna de bouger. Il commence à la couper de son rasoir en lui demande de réfléchir à qui elle a blessé le plus. Wynonna se rend compte qu’il s’agit de Waverly, elle pense d’abord que c’est parce qu’elle a tué leur père ou parce qu’elle s’est enfuit. Mais finalement, Waverly lui en veut d’être l’Heritière, ça devrait être la cadette, pas Wynonna. Alors que Hamilton s’apprête à la tuer, Doc lui tire dessus ce qui suffit pour que Wynonna se libère de son emprise et elle le renvoi en enfer grâce au Peacemaker.

Doc et Wynonna discutent du fait de faire du mal à ceux qu’on aime et Doc lui fait une confession. La chose qu’il regrette le plus est de ne pas avoir demandé pardon à Wyatt. Ils rigolent sur le fait qu’il était ivre, à 8h du matin, lorsqu’il lui a parlé de Wyatt.

Wynonna va parler à Waverly pour réellement s’excuser d’être l’Heritière. Les deux sœurs parlent à coeur ouvert et boivent du bourbon. Waverly a passé des années à étudier les Revenants pensant qu’elle pourrait arrêter la malédiction alors que Wynonna n’a jamais cherché à faire du bien et c’est elle l’Héritière.

Dans la dernière scène, on voit un autre flashback avec Doc et Wyatt. Wyatt est en colère contre Doc car il était soit-disant trop malade pour l’accompagner à Purgatory mais il le retrouve en train de prendre du plaisir avec deux filles. Wyatt comprend alors qu’il a passé un deal avec le diable. Même si il a une malédiction à gérer, l’attitude de Doc lui fait encore plus de mal et pour lui, son ami est mort.


Doc : I'm gonna tell you a tale about the last time I saw my best friend, the man who happens to be your forebear.

Wynonna : I'm all ears, Hank. Hit me.



Wyatt : I'm all packed up, ready to go, Doc. Headed for a burg called Purgatory. See, a corrupted lawman there out of fix and in need of a little adjustment.

Doc : I've heard some things of the particular corruption of that damn sheriff.

Wyatt : Save your hoodoo-voodoo talk for your Calico Queens.

Doc : They say he's part devil.

Wyatt : Ain't no such thing as devils. Only men and the good and evil they do in this world. What say you, huh? You got enough breath in you for one more fight?

Doc : I think this is farewell, Wyatt.

Wyatt : Ah, fiddle-faddle. You'll be fine.

Doc : Farewell, old friend.

Wyatt : I'll see you on the other side, Doc.

End of Flashback


Wynonna : It's a cute story. But if you want me to believe you're Doc Holliday, you're gonna have to prove it. Not only was Doc famous for having the quickest draw in the West but also...

Doc : For the sharpness of my eye. Now, has my little demonstration convinced you?

Wynonna : Not yet.

Doc : So you're... you're Doc Holliday. Well then, what are you? 'Cause if you were a revenant, you'd be blown off my land. So what? A ghost?

Doc : Now, if I were a ghost would my heart be pounding like it is?

Wynonna : You were reported dead 130 years ago.

Doc : I made a barter for eternal longevity. Cured me of chronic tuberculosis and freed me from the ravages of time, unless I catch a bullet, a knife, or an oncoming train.

Wynonna : With that mouth, I give you 10 minutes. What did Wyatt think about that?

Doc : I brokered the deal long after Wyatt and I bid our fare thee wells.

Wynonna : What about the curse? Did Wyatt say anything about why his descendants have to battle the outlaws he killed over and over and over again?

Doc : Wyatt never mentioned it. I am sorry.

Wynonna : Why are you here? Why Purgatory?

Doc : Unfinished business.

Wynonna : Well, that makes two of us.

Doc : Ma'am.

Wynonna : Doc freakin' Holliday.



Megan : I didn't mean to do it, Sam. It was an accident! Please! Please, forgive me! Please! Say it!

Sam: You need help, Megan.

Megan : I do. I do. Please, somebody, help me.

Revenant : Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Forgiven? Or not?

Megan : I need more time.

Revenant : No, Megan. Your time is up.

Wynonna : "Repent sinners." Written in blood! Good times.

Dolls : Mm-hmm. Neighbour found the body, and Nedley's outside keeping rubberneckers at bay. He is slowly learning how this works. And I haven't seen this much blood since Kandahar.

Wynonna : What were you doing in Iraq?

Dolls : Afghanistan, and I'm gonna get you a map. And I'm not at liberty to discuss.

Wynonna : You've brought it up. God damn. Megan Halshford.

Dolls : Friend of yours?

Wynonna : Hell, no. Couldn't stand her.


Police Office

Waverly : Megan Halshford?! Aww, I always loved her.

Wynonna : You didn't know her like I did.

Dolls : Waverly, do you know any revenants that leave messages like that?

Waverly : Do I! Father Robert Malick. A hellfire revivalist minister known to rail against women, demanding they repent. Wyatt hung Malick for murdering his wife and his girlfriend, and some hookers too.

Wynonna : Any idea where this guy is so I can shoot him in the dong?

Waverly : Don't know. Hiding like the rest of 'em?

Dolls : So we flush him out.

Waverly : Yeah. Ooh! Hey! Uh, I was kind of wondering if I could tag along with you guys today.

Wynonna : Uh, don't you have to work?

Waverly : Well, you know, it's super slow, and Gus said I could. Plus seeing as I've done the research, you know, I know what questions to ask.

Dolls : I think we got this.

Waverly : Sure.

Wynonna : Ok, so don't freak out. Our friend, Henry, I spent the morning testing him, and it's offish. He is...

Waverly : What? Doc Holliday?

Wynonna : You knew and you didn't tell me?! Well, I bet he can help us.

Waverly : Look, I don't think so. OK, Wynonna? I followed him to a secret meeting with Bobo Del Rey. And something happened.

Wynonna : Oh, my God, what did he do to you?

Waverly : He kind of shot at my head. And there was some pinching.


Revenant camp

Doc : Let's just talk about this.

Wynonna : You threatened my sister! What's to talk about?

Doc : I will confess only to this, a sorry state of finances, which compels me to ply my trade.

Wynonna : Dentistry?

Doc : No. My other trade, poker. Now, I have spied, lurking in those dark corners, a number of revenants, so my aim was to steer little sister from their foul company.

Wynonna : Back up a sec. You're saying Bobo's hiding revenants in the trailer park?

Doc : I'm only speculating on a hypothesis.

Wynonna : All right, I get it. But let's just say, hypothetically, that I was looking for a certain revenant, let's call him Father Malick, should I look in the trailer park?

Doc : Hypothetically? I'd say yep.

Dolls : So who told you Malick's here?

Wynonna : Not at liberty to discuss.

Dolls : So it's your friend Henry? One of these days I'm gonna have to meet this guy, right?

Wynonna : One of these days you will. Let's go "talk" to Bobo.

Dolls : Look, I know you got a score to settle.

Wynonna : You think? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't just walk in there and shoot Bobo in the face.

Dolls : Because we're outgunned and outnumbered. Rules of engagement... we do not fire unless we are fired upon.

Wynonna : Yeah, but if I take him out?

Dolls : Then, you'll die in a hail of gunfire.

Wynonna : Blaze of glory.

Dolls : More like a blaze of stupidity. If you want to win this war, we do it my way.

Wynonna : Party pooper. Bobo.

Bobo : Wynonna Earp. Hello. It's been a while. No? I see. Baby sister has better manners.

Wynonna : Don't talk about Waverly.

Bobo : Why is that? It's not like I'm a stranger to your clan. I knew your Daddy Ward very well while he was alive.

Wynonna : Yeah, you know damn well how he died too.

Bobo : Now you see, that's that wild imagination, always gets you into trouble. You'd think that after all the months in St. Victoria's Psychiatric, you would know the difference between what is real and what ain't.

Dolls : OK. So you want to get real?

Bobo : Yeah. Black star. Wow! You're a long way from home, Marshal, uh... "Dolls."

Dolls : Deputy Marshal Dolls.

Bobo : And you don't have much in the way of, uh, back-up. Just one crazy girl.

Wynonna : "One crazy girl" and a very big gun.

Dolls : Look, this badge is all the back-up I need. One phone call and I can cause your world a whole lot of pain.

Bobo : Let me guess, black choppers, Tomahawks and one steaming crater in the ground. Am I right? Did you know I had friends in Maldito.

Dolls : We're looking for Father Robert Malick. We thought you might know where he is.

Bobo : Say... I did know where Father is, and let's say that I gave you permission to speak to him, I would suspect that if he came to harm in any way, there would be, uh, consequences. Now, the good Father doesn't believe that cleanliness is next to Godliness, so you will find his tent by way of smell. Oh. You have my permission.

Wynonna : We'll see you soon, Bobo.

Bobo : Time will tell. Tick-tock. Tick-tock.



Dolls : Robert Malick?

Malick : Father Malick to you.

Wynonna : We're here to talk about Megan Halshford.

Malick : Sounds like a whore! Then again, you're all whores.

Wynonna : You had me at whore. Still, would you take a look?

Malick : Struck down by the blade of immortal reckoning. It was her guilt sharpened the knife. Always the guilt.

Wynonna : Guilt about what?

Malick : Sinners sin. Killers kill. Whores whore! Only she can tell you why she needed to repent.

Dolls : Is that why you killed her?

Malick : Me?! I'm always here, ever since they took my legs!

Wynonna : OK. Put the sheet back on, stumpy, I just ate breakfast.

Dolls : So you're not the killer. But you know him, don't you?

Malick : His blade thirsts for you. He will drink from the cup of your sins, whore!



Dolls : What just happened?

Wynonna : I saw him in the mirror.

Dolls : Earp?

Wynonna : He was here, the psycho with the razor, and on the night of the attack.

Dolls : He's another one of the Seven.

Wynonna : Or Reverend Skanky's not the crazy one. Okay, you think I'm bonkers, right. Seeing mental shit like revenants appearing and disappearing?

Dolls : But as far as we know, they don't have that power.

Wynonna : No. So what? We're dealing with the David Blaine of revenants?

Dolls : Well, we better not be 'cause that would be a game-changer. A neighbour saw a car leave Megan's home around the time she was killed. Officer Haught ran the plates, and got us a name. Samantha Baker.

Wynonna : Samantha "Perky Tits" Baker. Another one of the Britneys that froze me out.

Dolls : Let me guess, you two were real close?

Wynonna : Like this.



Samantha : I've barely spoken to Megan since high school, and out of the blue, she calls me, says I have to come over right away. She's freaking right out, saying she needs to confess.

Wynonna : Confess for what?

Samantha : Sorry, I'm still trying to wrap my head around why anyone would give Wynonna Earp a badge.

Wynonna : Me too, sister.

Dolls : What did she need to confess?

Samantha : OK. On the last day of school in 11th grade, there was this big bash. You were there, right? Getting destroyed as usual?

Dolls : Go on.

Samantha : I remember walking home, seeing the red lights, spinning. The officer talking to my mom. My dad was killed in a hit-and-run.

Wynonna : I remember. Last I heard, they didn't find the person responsible, right?

Samantha : That's what Megan wanted to confess to me. It was her. She was the one. She begged me to forgive her, like her life depended on it.

Dolls : So did you?

Samantha : She killed my dad. And some people you just can't forgive… no matter how hard they try.



Doc : Well, hello, little sister. I'm gonna need a bottle of whiskey, a glass, and some of those ice squares. I am gasping.

Gus : Management reserves the right to refuse service to jackasses. I'm management, and you're the jackass.

Doc : Hm! Friend, you seem to be at the intersection of misery and despair.

Man : Done some things, bad stupid things over and over. Wife can't forgive me. I deserve what's coming, but it's gonna hurt.

Doc : Yeah, we have all made mistakes, friend. I have spent many a night wherein I ruminated on

the errors I've made. But then it strikes me, it was the wrongs done to me that put me down the well of tribulations. So I set myself upon a mission of vengeance. And let me tell you, friend, it shall be biblical. I reckon I've said too much.


Bathroom’s bar

Revenant : Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Forgiven? Or not?


Man : Oh, my God. No. No. No! No! No!



Wynonna : This is why I never wanted to come back here.

Dolls : Spit it out, Earp. We don't get overtime.

Wynonna : OK, I was 16 and fresh out of my 8th foster home, and even for Purgatory High, Megan was... Ugh! You know, her dad owned the local slaughterhouse, and she used to fill my locker with entrails. Every Friday. Because my clothes were wrong. Because I'd been in juvie. Because I was the crazy girl who killed her own father.

Dolls : Where are you going with this?

Wynonna : Uh, that bash Samantha talked about...

Dolls : Mm-hmm.

Wynonna : Yeah, I was there. But I wasn't getting wasted, I was hooking up with Megan's boyfriend, Brad. Didn't even like him. Really. I just wanted to hurt Megan the best way I knew how. And so she found me on top of him, and… Payback's a bitch. She lost it. Bawled her eyes out, total mess. Grabbed Brad's car keys and peeled out. Problem is Megan… Megan couldn't drive. And I never thought about how she got home that night, and now I find out...

Dolls : Wynonna...

Wynonna : No, stop. I have heard that tone my whole life.

Dolls : Actually, I was gonna say you were only 16. We all make mistakes.

Wynonna : It's the most un-Dolls thing you've ever said to me.


Bathroom’s bar

Doc : Pardner, they're looking to settle up the tab.

Revenant : Tick-tock. Tick-tock.

Doc : What a shit.

Waverly, I can explain.


Wynonna : There is a face that I didn't want to see again. Jay Novak, my probation officer.

Dolls : Why would your friend Henry kill him?

Wynonna : He didn't.

Waverly : The only other person in here.

Wynonna : Yeah, but we know he's not a revenant, and the killer has to be.

Waverly : I still don't trust him.

Dolls : Why not? What are you two not telling me about your friend Henry? OK. Guess I'll have to find out for myself.


Interrogating Room

Dolls : Wynonna's told me a lot about you.

Doc : Peculiar. She has told me nothing about you, Mr...?

Dolls : Dolls. Deputy Marshal Dolls. And you're in serious trouble, Henry. You are looking good for two homicides.

Doc : Oh, now, that is one thing we can agree on. I do look great.

Dolls : You know, I ran your prints through IAFIS, then Interpol, then every single national database I could think of. And you know what I found on you? Nothing. You're a non-entity, which means you have no rights. So start talking.

Doc : I am a professional card sharp, Mr. Dolls, so I can read a man's eyes. And I do not like what I see in yours.

Dolls : No shit. Tell me.

Doc : Ooh, I see a captain piloting a ship full of secrets through a stormy sea. And as a gentleman who cares about Wynonna, I will recommend that she quit you, lest she drown.


Waverly : Is Deputy Marshal Dolls laughing?

Wynonna : I've never been so scared in my life.


Dolls : You know what I see in your eyes? A man who doesn't like small spaces. You been in prison? Solitary confinement, ooh. Was that fun?

Doc : I have said all I intend to say.

Dolls : Mm-hmm. It's nice talking to you, "Hank."


Wynonna : You're gonna release him?

Dolls : He's still a suspect. Earp, when were you gonna tell me you were kicking it with the ghost of Doc Holliday?

Wynonna : How did you find out? He's not a ghost. He's got eternal longevity. I was definitely gonna tell you before Christmas. Because then you could be each other's Secret Santas. How cute would that be?

Nedley : Poor dead sucker's wife just called, asking for Wynonna.

Wynonna : For me?!

Nedley : Did I stutter?


Suzie’s House

Suzie : I said I wanted to talk to you, Wynonna, who's this fella?

Wynonna : Boss-man. Package deal.

Dolls : OK, Suzie, start from the beginning.

Suzie : This afternoon, my husband comes to me, says for 10 years he's been a big time drug dealer.

Dolls : I thought he was a probation officer.

Wynonna : Yeah, well, that's a good cover, isn't it? Sometimes, Jay would put his probationers to work too. Unpaid minions. Making a delivery one night, I got arrested. Didn't snitch. Got sent back to juvie for the third time. Another nail in my coffin.

Dolls : Did you know he was dealing?

Suzie : Oh, a little weed. I didn't know he'd become Purgatory's answer to Walter White. Not until today. It was like he'd lost his mind! He kept going on about this spectre coming for him, that I need to forgive him. And then, the spectre comes to me.

Wynonna : The mirrors.

Dolls : Oh shit, Wynonna.

Suzie : Gives me two hours. I only have a few minutes left!

Dolls : We need to split up, cover every reflective surface you can find. We gotta block his way from going in. Go! Now!


Suzie : We need to talk.

Wynonna : Yeah, can it wait? I'm kind of trying to save your ass here.

Suzie : You're gonna save me, all right. I need you to forgive me.

Wynonna : Why?

Suzie : Because I... I was to blame for you being sent back to juvie.

Wynonna : What?!

Suzie : One day, Jay comes to me. He says that the police are starting to circle him, that he's needing something. I called an anonymous tip on you.

Wynonna : You ratted me out?!

Suzie : It was you or my husband.

Wynonna : You selfish...

Suzie : You need to forgive me before it's too late.

Wynonna : Yeah? I don't know that I can.

Revenant : Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Forgiven? Or not?

Wynonna : Yeah, I forgive her! OK? I forgive her!

Revenant : No, you don't. Not in your heart.

Suzie : I can't move! Help me.

Revenant : Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Time's up. I can taste it. Guilt!

Wynonna : Gross!

Revenant : Repent, Wynonna Earp. Two hours to find forgiveness from the souls you've hurt. Tick-tock.

Dolls : Earp, what the hell happened?

Wynonna : She's gone. And I'm next.


Black Badge Division Office

Wynonna : It's Simple. I take peace maker and right between the revenant's eyes...

Dolls : You shoot.

Wynonna : Boom! Back to Hell they go. This guy can't throw in a reflection clause. That's not fair!

Dolls : Fair? He's a demon, and you shot a mirror.

Wynonna : Yeah, that he traveled through! Totally cheating.

Dolls : No, no, no. What I mean is you shot a reflection, not the revenant itself.

Wynonna : So what does that mean?

Dolls : Itself, itself, itself.

Wynonna : Dolls!

Dolls : Shhh! Just give me a minute, OK?

Wynonna : OK, but too many more minutes, and he turns me into a plate of sashimi.

Dolls : Unless we transmogrify him.

Wynonna : Do you come with a translation app?

Dolls : We have to draw him from his reflection to make him flesh and blood. Yes!

Wynonna : So we need his body? How hard is that for you to say, "We need his body"?

Dolls : I've encountered this before at the BBD. In Kandahar, we dealt with an Iblis with a similar power.

Wynonna : You were fighting demons in the Middle East?

Dolls : Now, the ritual wasn't a total success, four people died.

Wynonna : That's like saying the Titanic almost made land.

Dolls : But I know why it failed. They didn't have the right tools. But leave that to me. That is plan A.

Wynonna : And what's plan B?

Dolls : You need to find everyone you've hurt and beg for their forgiveness.

Wynonna : It didn't work for the others.

Dolls : That's why it's called plan B. We need the killer's name. It's very important.

Wynonna : I'll put Waverly on it.

Dolls : Meet me back here in 90 minutes. Also, bring extra hands.

Wynonna : Dolls! How bad is this?

Dolls : I'll get what we need.

Wynonna : Here I go! Plan B for begging.



Wynonna : Pete. Pete? Oh, my God! Hey, it's been a long time. Can we talk?

Pete : I'm kind of busy, Wynonna. Hey!

Wynonna : Hey! I know it's been, like, a million years since we dated, but, um, remember your 19th birthday party? I left early.

Pete : You said you had cramps. Yeah. "Mega cramps."

Wynonna : Mega lied. I, uh… Oooh, I I went home with another fella.

Kyle : Bro, the table's getting cold.

Pete : Shut up, Kyle. Who'd you go home with?

Wynonna : Hmmm... Ohhh… Brother.

Kyle : You are such a shit, Wynonna!

Wynonna : Wait! You have to forgive... me.

Waverly : Hey, what just happened with the York boys?

Wynonna : Funny story, g-good story. Uh, we found the killer. He gives his victims two hours to, uh, be forgiven for their sins, or he cuts them up!

Waverly : Oh, not that funny!

Wynonna : He also travels through mirrors, and guess who his next victim is.

Waverly : Wynonna, we need to get you on the first bus out of town!

Wynonna : No, I'm done running. And there's a lot of mirrors on busses. God, I hate busses.

Waverly : OK, what's the plan?

Wynonna : OK. I need you to find the revenant's original human name and then meet me back at Black Badge. Dolls says we need extra hands.

Waverly : Wait! For what? Hey, Wynonna, I need more to go on!

Wynonna : Uh… Uhhh, scary guy, mutton chops. Sorry, I'm supposed to go find all the people I've hurt and beg their stupid forgiveness!

Waverly : But everyone hates you Wynonna!

Wynonna : I'm aware.



Doc : I used to get a good night's sleep in the old grey-bar hotel, but now it's pure torture. Which I gather you've come to enjoy watching.

Waverly : You said some really mean things.

Doc : You tracked me like a common horse thief.

Waverly : Then you shot at me.

Doc : No, I shot near you. Nonetheless, I regret the episode. Is that why you came down here?

Waverly : No. No. I come with a proposition. You saw the revenant, right? The guy in the mirrors? So you help me identify him, I'll get you out of here.

Doc : Ha! I will most happily oblige.

Waverly : OK. Here. Newspaper clippings, municipal records, police reports that I'm totally not supposed to have.

Doc : Waverly, you have put together the most thorough resource on the revenants. You are one natural-born investigator, just like your great-great-granddaddy, and I reckon, the true keeper of the Earp flame. Can't blame you for being miffed.

Waverly : What? "Miffed"? Who said I was "miffed"?

Doc : Well, I'll be damned. Here. This is the face of the man I saw.

Waverly : "August Hamilton"?

Doc : Everybody went to see Auggie for a shave and to confess their sins.

Waverly : What was he? Like, the Father Confessor?

Doc : Well, in a town with no church, you needed one. But Wyatt found out about a cattle rustler who confessed his crimes to ole Father Auggie. So Wyatt aimed to put Auggie on the witness stand.

Waverly : Let me take a wild guess. Auggie never made it to court?

Doc : Mm-mm. Disappeared the night before the trial. People say foul play was involved.

Waverly : Wait. How can August be a revenant, I mean, if Wyatt didn't kill him?

Doc : Oh, but he did. Most definitely. See, by forcing him to testify, Wyatt signed his death certificate.

Waverly : Wynonna needs my help.

Doc : Hey, you promised my release.

Waverly : You know, Dolls is gonna kill me. I really should ask him first.

Doc : You let me out of here, we go see him together? He won't mind a bit.


Black Badge Division’s Office

Dolls : You belong in gail!

Doc : Oh, you know damm well I didn't do it!

Waverly : Hey! You should be ashamed of yourselves! The Barber is coming to slice up Wynonna, and you guys are blubbering like a big bunch of bratty babies! Thank you.



Dolls : That's the black mirror. Made from Obsidian.

Wynonna : Was it on special at Ikea?

Dolls : Funny. Black Badge collects artifacts from all over the world.

Waverly : What else do you have in your storehouse, Dolls? The Ark of the Covenant?

Dolls : It's actually called the Ark of the Testimony. And we don't have it anymore.

Doc : You surprise me, Dolls. I never would have figured you for a practitioner of the hoodoo-voodoo.

Dolls : This ain't no joke, Doc. It's our best way at beating this guy. This ritual calls the spirit by name, and then the spirit will become flesh. And you, Earp, will shoot him.

Wynonna : So I'm bait?

Dolls : More like brunch. You studied ancient languages, right?

Waverly : Yeah.

Wynonna : You have?

Dolls : How is your Latin?

Waverly : Ego sum totaliter stupet balls. That's Latin for "I'm totally amaze-balls."

Dolls : OK then. We will be invoking August by name… but other spirits will try and slip through. And some of them… still have a bone to pick with me.

Wynonna : Kandahar?

Dolls : We're all guilty of something, right, Earp?

Doc : We're just gonna flap our gums or we're gonna get to it?

Waverly : August Hamilton, "extra velum dicam audite vocem meam. Quia audisti vocem" August Hamilton "te iubeo velum coram me transire."

Voice : Xavier. Xavier!

Dolls : No, Mictian, you will not pass.

Voice : Xavier. Waverly, don't stop. Go.

Waverly : Hm, "apparueris mihi spiritus carnem ipsum praecipio tibi."

Dolls : Ah. I'll dine on your souls. Grr! Hahah!

Doc : Sorry, friend, that's not on the menu.

Waverly : No, Doc, wait! Uh... Oh, here! Try 50 000 volts!

Wynonna : What?!

Waverly : Zap him!

Wynonna : No! That'll kill him!

Doc : Well, he's gonna kill us!

Waverly : Wynonna! Dolls! Dolls! Hey! Hey! He's not breathing! Wake up. Wynonna! Quck!

Wynonna : Yeah, give us room!

Waverly : OK. Oh, God.

Wynonna : Hmm. Dolls, please.

Dolls : Hey.

Wynonna : Hey.

Dolls : Ah, we need to regroup. Gotta make a plan. He's gonna come back for you soon.

Waverly : Wait, I don't get it. Wynonna shot him right between the eyes with Peacemaker.

Dolls : No. He wasn't made flesh. He was toying with us.

Waverly : Well, he might be traveling by mirror, but he's still a revenant. OK? His body has to exist somewhere.

Doc : Eurgh!

Wynonna : Oh, my God, he's coughing up water.

Doc : Well, if you give him a bit of laudanum, he'll be all right.

Wynonna : That's not what I mean. Look! OK, OK, water! That's reflective, right? OK. So what if his body is in water? What if he's using the water to project himself? I feel so smart right now!

Dolls : We gotta go. We need to go.

Wynonna : No! You need to sit your ass down and rest.

Doc : We got this, hombre.

Dolls : Look, she'll need back-up. You mess this up, and I will end you.

Doc : I don't mess up. I seem to recall long ago some men of negligible character telling me of a certain lake they'd go to make certain "problems" go away with an anchor and a chain.

Wynonna : Mm-hmm.

Doc : What if some scoundrel was paid to make Mr. Hamilton go away?

Wynonna : OK, "scoundrel," what's this lake called?



Wynonna : I guess "Tiny Muddy Shit-puddle" was taken.

Waverly : Yeah. They might have drained the lake for fracking, but at least, it'll make it way easier for us to find the Barber.

Wynonna : Yeah, super easy. Here he is.

Doc : Another reflection.

Wynonna : He's here. Somewhere.

Doc : Wynonna, move!

Wynonna : I can't! He's done something to me! Ah-ah-ah!

Auggie : Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Forgiven? Or not?

Doc : Oh, come on now, Auggie, you know it's me you want. It was these hands that secured those chains and put you in that lake.

Auggie : Yes. You're the guiltiest of all, Doc. But you feel no remorse. Not like this one. Search your heart, Wynonna. Who have you hurt the most?

Wynonna : It's you. Wav, of course, it's you.

Waverly : No! I mean, sure, you've done dumb stuff, but you're my sister, OK? I'll always forgive you.

Auggie : Not for this. What wrong have you done that she could never forgive? Hahaha!

Wynonna : Ugh! Ewww! I'm... I'm sorry I killed Dad! Sorry I let them take Willa! Is it 'cause I left? Right? I'm sorry!

Waverly : No, God, I'm over it, OK? You came back! You came back and now you're here, and you're the chosen one, and... that's definitely not what I'm mad about.

Wynonna : Then what are you… What do you mean, "the chosen"? Wav, just say it, say it.

Waverly : I should be the heir!

Wynonna : Yeah, you should. I'm sorry.

Waverly : I forgive you.

Auggie : Not in your heart.

Waverly : I Forgive her!

Auggie : Say goodbye.

Waverly : No!

Wynonna : Guilty, sinner, forgiveness. Just another dude telling me what I've done wrong. But now… I'm about to do some right.



Wynonna : Sure you're gonna be ok out here?

Doc : Sleeping under the open sky? I'll be dandy. But what about you, little darlin'? Had yourself one hell of a pony ride.

Wynonna : Yeah. I'm just glad it's over. This one cut pretty close to the bone.

Doc : Back in my day, I wronged many a persons, and some done me wrong in turn, but the only regret I have is that I never apologized to Wyatt.

Wynonna : You told me last time you saw him, it was all good.

Doc : I do not recall what lie I told you. I was probably drunk.

Wynonna : It was 8 a.m.

Doc : I was definitely drunk. I do not have much in this world, besides memories and regret. It would be nice for you to have more.



Wynonna : Sorry.

Waverly : aYou ate all the corn chips again?

Wynonna : No. Yeah. I'm serious. I'm really sorry about being the heir.

Waverly : Pfff, no. I only said that because Vidal Sassoon would have killed you if I didn't find something to be mad at you about. I didn't actually mean it.

Wynonna : Yeah, you did.

Waverly : Well, it was a stupid thing to say.

Wynonna : OK. We're gonna do this the hard way.

Waverly : The bubblegum sake I imported from Japan! Hey!

Wynonna : Oh, that's gross!

Waverly : It's unique!

Wynonna : Try it.

Waverly : See? Not-not so bad.

Wynonna : Wav it's OK to just be honest. For once.

Waverly : Fine. I spent years compiling research on the revenants. I did a four-year university degree by correspondence on ancient cultures and langages because I thought that maybe

maybe I could break the curse. And you, who's never tried to be good at anything in life, got to be the special one… while I just got to be Waverly.

Wynonna : Who everybody loves because you're so awesome. I mean, you have a

million reasons to hate me, and you still love me. It's what I love about you, dude.

Waverly : Pass me the booze.

Wynonna : Isn't this the part where you say you love me too?

Waverly : You know, you're awfully needy for a lone wolf.



Doc : Look. Ooh, a cowboy!

Wyatt : Both of you girls, out with you! Go on!

Doc : I paid them fillies for the entire evening, seems an awful waste.

Wyatt : Too sick to ride with me to Purgatory, but here you are, carrying on like a horse gone to stud. Your countenance, Doc, it is...

Doc : A bona-fide miracle. I am cured!

Wyatt : How, Doc? How did you do this? Sweet mercy. Have you made a pact with the devil?

Doc : Now, you never mind that. I am strong again. Let's fight, let's ride together, like we used to. I did this for us.

Wyatt : You did it because you're selfish and a coward! All men must die!

Doc : Who says it was you? C'mon! Men like you so high and so almighty?

Wyatt : And cursed by Hell itself. I thought they only existed in fairy tales… angels, devils… yet demons walk among us, and they mean to end my line. But what you have done pains me more.

Doc : It's still me, Wyatt. Your friend, your brother!

Wyatt : Doc Holliday is dead. And that makes you nothing but a memory. One I surely hope to forget.

End of Flashback

Kikavu ?

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diana62800  (08.08.2021 à 00:26)

Lucky Luke peut aller se rhabiller :D :D 

Je trouve l'histoire de Doc très intéressante, j'ai hâte d'en découvrir encore plus sur lui 

J'aime beaucoup le duo Wynonna/Dolls, ils me font rire tous les deux et je suis comme elle, Dolls en train de rire, ça fout la trouille

J'adore la relation entre les deux soeurs, elles sont très touchantes :) 

Emilie1905  (03.10.2019 à 14:54)

C'est vrai qu'elles ont une relation touchante les deux, un vrai plus de cette série ;)

Sas1608  (03.10.2019 à 11:04)

J'ai bien aimé les soeurs qui se parlent à coeur ouvert. Ca donne de jolies scènes et de beaux moments émouvants.


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choup37, 15.04.2024 à 10:15

Il manque 3 votes pour valider la nouvelle bannière Kaamelott... Clic clic clic

chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

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