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#105 : Episode 5

Diana Bishop en balade à cheval à Sept-Tours

Les tensions entre les créatures grandissent à mesure que les sorcières découvrent que les vampires étudient l'ADN. Matthew franchit une ligne à son retour à Oxford. Diana découvre son sombre passé, avant que quelque chose d'inattendu ne les déchire.


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Trailer Episode 5


This Changes Everything | BBC America

This Changes Everything | BBC America


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Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan) emmène Diana à la chasse

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan) emmène Diana à la chasse

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) sait-elle ce que sont les vampires ?

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) sait-elle ce que sont les vampires ?

Qui suit Gillian Chamberlain ? (Louise Brealey)

Qui suit Gillian Chamberlain ? (Louise Brealey)

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan) veut mettre en garde Diana

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan) veut mettre en garde Diana

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan), la mère de Matthew

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan), la mère de Matthew

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel) et Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart), au labo

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel) et Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart), au labo

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel)

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel)

Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey) n'est pas très heureuse de voir Matthew (Matthew Goode)

Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey) n'est pas très heureuse de voir Matthew (Matthew Goode)

Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey)

Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Aie !!! Gillian paie ses mauvais choix

Aie !!! Gillian paie ses mauvais choix


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 05.05.2019 à 21:00
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Logo de la chaîne BBC America

Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 05.05.2019 à 21:00
0.24m / 0.1% (18-49)

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Mardi 02.04.2019 à 21:00

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Mercredi 05.12.2018 à 22:00

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Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Vendredi 12.10.2018 à 21:00

Plus de détails

Réalisé par : Alice Troughton
Ecrit par : Charlene James

Guests :
Nila Aalia ... Sylvia Rattigan
Ken Bones ... Sigismund
Leo Ashizawa ... Osamu
Julian Kostov ... Timur
Tuwaine Barrett ... Reese
Hussina Raja ... Zara

Petit précision :

L'enveloppement (ou bundling en anglais) est une ancienne coutume qui consistait à partager un lit, mais chacun dans son drap ou une autre variante, séparé par une planche. En clair, Matthew et Diana ne consomment pas leur union.

Matthew arrive à Oxford et retrouve Miriam et Marcus qui lui disent qu'une sorcière est responsable de la vandalisation du laboratoire. Ils n’ont pas pu accéder à leurs ordinateurs et Myriam croit que Diana est la cause de l'intrusion. Elle pense également que Matthew prévoit d'épouser Diana, elle affirme reconnaître les signes. Matthew inspecte le laboratoire et demande si les prises de sang de Diana sont en sécurité. Quand il détecte un parfum familier, il part rapidement, en colère. Miriam voudrait le retenir. Marcus explique la situation à Baldwin pensant qu'il peut peut-être les protéger parce qu’il fait partie de la Congrégation. Baldwin répond que si Matthew enfreint les règles, il en paie le prix.

Pendant ce temps, Diana est dévastée. Marthe lui explique que ce que Diana a fait dehors quand Matthew est parti, s'appelle "Eau de Sorcière" et qu’elle n'a pas vu ce sortilège depuis des siècles. Diana déclare vouloir se rendre à Madison, car ses tantes pourront peut-être l’aider, mais Ysabeau et Marthe refusent car elles ont fait une promesse à Matthew. Ysabeau invite alors Diana à une partie de chasse.

Elle lui demande si elle a déjà vu un vampire chasser, car ce n’est pas aussi romantique que ce que les humains pensent. En fait, c’est impitoyable et brutal. Ysabeau dit à Diana de ne pas s’approcher d’elle pendant la chasse, car le parfum de l’animal pourrait se mêler au sien, et elle ne peut pas promettre de ne pas l'attaquer. 

Alors qu'Ysabeau chasse, Matthew le fait aussi à Oxford… et sa proie est Gillian ! Il commence par se moquer de l’incapacité de Gillian à monter dans la hiérarchie à l'université puis il révèle qu’il sait que Gillian a fait irruption dans son laboratoire. Alors que Matthew attaque Gillian, En France Ysabeau attaque un renard. C’est intense, Matthew commence à se plonger dans les souvenirs de Gillian en buvant son sang, il la voit prendre des photos du labo, mais le défilé des souvenirs s'arrêtent quand Gillian glisse à terre. Pendant ce temps, en France, Diana s’approche lentement d’Ysabeau sans avoir peur. Le plan d’Ysabeau pour l'effrayer n’a pas fonctionné.

De manière surprenante, Gillian n’est pas morte. Elle se présente à la porte d’une sorcière, très mal en point. Knox et Satu ont appris que Matthew était derrière l'attaque de Gillian et qu'il étudiait l'ADN des sorcières. Knox pense que Gillian a dû pénétrer dans le laboratoire car elle se souciait de Diana, mais Satu n’ a pas l’air convaincue.

Diana appelle Sarah et Em pour leur parler de Domenico et du Convenant. Elles lui disent qu'elles ne lui ont pas donné cette information car elle a abandonné la magie. Diana leur annonce qu'elle aime Matthew. Sarah est contre, alors qu'Em est un peu plus ouverte.

Matthew parle à Hamish de sa situation avec Diana, et il convient également que la Congrégation ne devrait pas pouvoir de leur dire qui ils peuvent aimer. Matthew parle du courage de Diana et de toutes ses autres qualités. Hamish dit que s'il l'aime, ils ne devraient rien laisser se mettre en travers de leur amour.

Ysabeau tente une autre tactique avec Diana : le passé de Matthew. Elle l'emmène dans le village où il est né et dans l'église que Matthew a construite lui-même ce qui émerveille Diana. Cependant, elle voit un mémorial dédié à Blanca et Lucas et Ysabeau l'informe qu'il s'agit de l'épouse et du fils de Matthew qui sont tombés malades et sont morts. Elle explique qu’ils seront toujours les véritables amours de Matthew, Diana ne pouvant jamais lui donner d’enfant. Elle ajoute que Matthew ne s’est jamais remarié et qu'il ne le fera probablement jamais. La vie de Diana est éphémère comparée à celle d'un vampire et Matthew devra continuer à vivre sans elle. Elle continue ensuite en disant qu'elle a engendré Matthew dans l'église après qu'il ait glissé ou sauté de la tour et que, par la suite, il était toujours en colère et que son besoin de s'alimenter était sans fin.

Knox demande à la Congrégation que Diana soit enlevée à la famille de Clermont et ramenée aux sorcières. Il raconte que Matthew a attaqué une sorcière, mais Baldwin explique que c'est parce qu'elle était entrée sur le territoire des vampires. Gerbert offre ses services, car il pense être plus persuasif que Domenico et qu'un représentant de chaque espèce devrait y aller. Cependant, Baldwin est contre et déclare qu'il va chercher Diana lui-même.

Satu dit à Knox qu’ils doivent savoir comment Diana cache ses pouvoirs, mais Knox réplique qu’ils ne peuvent pas faire passer une sorcière à travers la magie noire et le traumatisme qui en résulte. Satu dit alors qu'ils devraient peut-être travailler avec l'un des vampires, car Baldwin voudra garder Diana pour lui-même. Knox la met en garde contre eux.

À Oxford, Nathaniel dîne avec un groupe de démons et discute de son obligation à se dissimuler et de la Congrégation lorsque Sophie se présente. Elle dit qu'elle a fait un rêve étrange où figuraient Agatha, la sorcière, et son père qui disait qu'elle devait dire la vérité. Sophie veut parler à Agatha et lui dire la vérité sur ce qu'elle est mais Nathaniel est opposé à cette idée. Néanmois, il finit par accepter.

Plus tard, Gerbert ouvre à nouveau le coffre qui contient la tête et demande si Diana est la sorcière de la prophétie, lorsque Satu se présente chez lui. Quant à Domenico, il trouve Juliette et lui révèle que Matthew est amoureux de Diana.

Alors qu’elle travaille sur son ordinateur, Diana découvre des timbres et des médailles cachés dans le bureau de Matthew. Pendant ce temps, Matthew renifle longuement un cheveu de Diana avant de l’appeler. Après quelques secondes maladroites et des mots inexprimés, ils se disent bonne nuit. Matthew travaille ensuite sur les échantillons de sang de Diana pendant la nuit et il semble que ses marqueurs ne correspondent pas. Il montre ses découvertes à Miriam. Ils sont stupéfaits par l’ADN de Diana qui semble normal par rapport au déclin de son espèce. Ils refont les tests avant que Matthew ne revienne à Sept-tour pour parler de sa découverte.

Diana court vers lui et lui demande de tout lui dire, même si cela veut dire ne pas revenir en arrière. Matthew confesse son amour et l'embrasse. Le couple croise Ysabeau, qui n’est pas vraiment satisfaite de leur choix. Néanmois, elle ajoute qu'ils peuvent rester, que Diana est maintenant sa fille, que leur combat est maintenant le sien, puis elle la serre dans ses bras. Elle précise que les femmes de la famille de Clermont savent se défendre et que Diana ne sera pas différente.

Matthew montre les résultats à Diana et explique qu’elle possède tous les marqueurs génétiques qu’il n'a jamais vus chez une sorcière, y compris les marqueurs élémentaux de l’air, de l’eau et de la terre. Matthew dit qu'ils vont relever le défi ensemble, et bien que Matthew veuille parler d'Oxford, Diana a d'autres projets. Il la porte dans la chambre. Alors qu'elle commence à enlever sa chemise, il s'inquiète à l'idée qu'elle n'aimera pas ce qu'elle verra... ses nombreuses cicatrices.

Au petit matin, Diana est réveillée alors que Matthew dort encore. Elle décide d'aller courir, mais sa course s'achève brusquement lorsqu'elle est emportée dans les airs...

Résumé écrit par albi2302 à partir du recap de The Nerd Daily.






Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared - demons, vampires and witches... Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say... In every ending there is a new beginning.


Marthe: Witch water. Power like that is rarely seen nowadays. What you did I've not seen for many centuries.

Diana: I didn't mean for it to happen. Witch water, witch wind... It's just more magic that my body can't control.

Marthe: Give it time.

Diana: I should go to Madison. See if my aunts can help me.

Ysabeau: You're not going anywhere for now. And I made my son a promise… Get dressed, we're going hunting.


Miriam: The lab's secured. We've accounted for everything.

Marcus: It was witches. Their scent was everywhere. They tried hacking into the computers.

Miriam: They failed, of course. Our servers are impenetrable.

Matthew: I need to see it for myself.


Matthew: This is Peter Knox's doing.

Miriam: It's because of you, Matthew. We've run this lab for years without being noticed. Flown under the radar of humans and creatures. Then suddenly, it's all jeopardized because you decide to mate with a witch.

Matthew: That is enough, Miriam.

Miriam: Don't even begin to deny it. I'm the only one of us who's mated before. I know the signs.

Marcus: Domenico knows, too. Ysabeau phoned me.

Matthew: Domenico can go to hell… You're absolutely positive nothing was stolen? Diana's DNA samples, her bloods?

Miriam: They're secure.

Marcus: You think this was about Diana?

Matthew: Of course this is about Diana… I know that scent.

Miriam: Where are you going? Matthew, don't go there! Call Baldwin. It's time we told him the truth.


Baldwin: What do you mean, they're mating?

Marcus: He's fighting it. He's gone back to Oxford and she's at Sept-Tours. Ysabeau says he will respect the Covenant. He just needs to get his head straight.

Baldwin: I thought this was about The Book of Life.

Marcus: It was. It still is. But there's more to it than that. Someone broke into the lab, witches. Matthew thinks they were looking for information about Diana. I was just thinking, with you being a member of the Congregation and the head of our family that...

Baldwin: That I could save him? Matthew never destroys only himself, Marcus. He always drags the rest of us down with him. Well, I can't help him this time. If he breaks the rules... He pays the price.


Ysabeau: I thought I'd take you hunting. Have you ever seen a vampire hunt? It's not as romantic as humans believe. It's relentless and it's brutal.


Ysabeau: Do not come anywhere near me when I'm hunting, do you understand?

Diana: Yes.

Ysabeau: If the animal scent gets confused with yours, I can't promise I won't attack you instead.


Gillian: What do you want?

Matthew: Still marking undergraduate essays. Is that why you're jealous of Diana?

Gillian: I'm not jealous of her.

Matthew: Or is this about preferment? Has Knox told you you're going to rise in the ranks? Why did you break into my lab? I smelt your scent… What were you looking for, I wonder? Tell me.

Gillian: Makes me sick that she'd debase herself with a vampire… He was right. The sooner your kind are wiped from the face of the Earth the better.


Ysabeau: This is the nature of vampires. Could you be with my son knowing that he kills? That hunting like this is the only way for him to survive?

Diana: If you're trying to frighten me away from your son... You've failed.

Ysabeau: Marthe said this wouldn't be enough to make you reconsider.

Diana: Well, she was right. Can we go home now?


Sylvia: Gillian. Gillian.


Sigismund: Sylvia reports that Miss Chamberlain took photos when she was inside the laboratory, but De Clermont took her phone.

Peter: Can Sylvia tell us anything that Gillian saw?

Sigismund: It appears the vampires are studying witches' DNA.

Peter: What's Clermont up to? Testing witches?

Sigismund: It's good Miss Chamberlain discovered it.

Peter: But why did she break into a vampire laboratory in the first place?

Sigismund: She could have been killed.

Peter: Matthew de Clermont abducted her friend. She must have been acting out of concern for Diana.

Sigismund: Will one of us need to go to Oxford?

Peter: Sylvia will handle Oxford and Gillian Chamberlain. We'll be needed here.


Diana: Hey, Sarah. I'm sorry I haven't called.

Sarah: Oh, no matter. Just talk to us now.

Emily: Honey, is everything okay?

Diana: This Venetian vampire came. He's on the Congregation. He told me about the Covenant. How come I didn't know about this?

Sarah: Well... You... You turned your back on being a witch. You... You refused to talk about magic. We didn't tell you because... It wasn't relevant to your life.

Diana: Well, it is now. I love Matthew… I can't help myself.

Sarah: That's impossible. Witches and vampires can't be together.

Diana: Yeah, everyone keeps telling me that. But for me there... There is no choice.

Sarah: You cannot put yourself in that danger.

Diana: I thought you two might understand.

Emily: Honey, it's just the Congregation is going to do everything in their power to stop a mixed species relationship.

Diana: They don't get to choose who I love, no matter the consequences.

Emily: Honey, what does Matthew have to say about all this?

Diana: He... He hasn't told me how he feels yet.


Hamish: You've left her with Ysabeau? A twisted idea of culture.

Matthew: She loves me. Or she says she does.

Hamish: And you love her? Oh, Christ, Matthew.

Matthew: I know. I've been fooling myself that the Congregation would no longer care. And somehow she didn't even know about the Covenant.

Hamish: Why should they tell us who to love? They haven't stopped me.

Matthew: A relationship between a demon and a human doesn't threaten them, but a vampire and a witch. This vampire, a De Clermont no less, and this witch. Honestly, Hamish, she... She is astonishingly powerful. And she's clever and funny. She's full of courage.

Hamish: Then don't fall in the trap of thinking for her. This isn't just about the Congregation, is it?

Matthew: She's an historian. I am her latest research subject.

Hamish: Ah! And you fear she'll come to know your past? I know about it and I love you… There are many things in this life one can control… Love is not one of them. If you love her, then don't let anything get in your way.


Ysabeau: Matthew has been living for 1,500 years. You've been with him a few days. You know nothing about him. It's time you began to understand. Matthew was born in the village. He'd drive his father mad, following him around, picking up his work tools. He became a craftsman, just like his father… This is what I wanted you to see. Matthew built it.


Diana: "Peace. Perfect peace. Blanca and Lucas." Who were Blanca and Lucas?

Ysabeau: When Matthew was human, he had a wife and son.

Diana: What happened to them?

Ysabeau: Fever spread through the village. Lucas was just a small boy. He'd not long turned five. He and Blanca were both struck with the sickness and died. He laid this stone in their memory… Matthew's true love will always be Blanca. She gave him a son. You'll never be able to bear a child by him. In 1,500 years, Matthew has never mated. And I don't think he ever will. It's forever.

Diana: I will never leave him.

Ysabeau: Of course you will. Your life is fleeting compared with a vampire's. When you are long gone... Matthew will have to carry on living without you, just as he did with Blanca.

Villager: Madame De Clermont.

Ysabeau: Ah! Bon jour, madame. Comment allez-vous?


Ysabeau: I sired Matthew in the church… No one knew whether he slipped or if he jumped. His body lay here on the ground. His legs and back broken. Dying man. I told him I could take his suffering away and make him live forever. He was so out of his mind with pain, I don't think he completely understood what he'd agreed to.

Diana: If I could use my blood to save him, I would.

Ysabeau: I felt the gods were giving me an opportunity to make a child.

Diana: And afterwards? How did he adapt?

Ysabeau: Matthew was in a rage at being sired. His need to feed was... Endless.

Diana: I can't imagine him like that. He's always... So controlled.

Ysabeau: He would go away for periods of time. Philippe forbade me asking where he'd been. Matthew was in a dark place, doing things Philippe didn't want my eyes to see.


Peter: I demand that Diana be removed from the clutches of the De Clermont family and be brought back to the witches. Last night, the equilibrium between the species was further threatened when Matthew de Clermont brutally attacked a witch.

Baldwin: Gillian Chamberlain was attacked because she was trespassing on vampire territory. Rules are rules.

Agatha: We won't survive if the vampires continue to abuse their power in the Congregation.

Baldwin: Careful, Agatha.

Peter: We must question Diana Bishop. And bring Matthew de Clermont to account.

Gerbert: I offer my services to retrieve the witch. Be assured, I can be a little more persuasive than Domenico.

Agatha: We can't leave the responsibility of her retrieval in the hands of just one creature. A representative from each species should go to Sept-Tours.

Baldwin: Sept-Tours is my property. I will not have a swarm of creatures invading my home. I will go and get Diana Bishop myself.


Satu: We must find a way to look inside Diana, see how she's hiding her power.

Peter: An opening spell. You can't put a living witch through that. They rarely survive the trauma. That sort of dark magic's unreliable and highly dangerous. It's almost impossible to master, anyway. It affects the spell-caster greatly.

Satu: What if Baldwin wants her for himself?

Peter: She's on his land. We have no choice but to let him go.

Satu: Have you ever considered working with other vampires against him?

Peter: Have you been talking with them?

Satu: No, of course not.

Peter: Domenico's a sneak. And Gerbert... Gerbert is unspeakable. It's long been rumoured that he's kept a witch captive for centuries in his drawer. You keep away from them both.


Nathaniel: Humans, they should be given the choice to either accept us or not.

Reese: A couple of witches at uni know what I am.

Demon woman: There's a big difference between a couple of witches knowing what you are and all humans knowing.

Nathaniel: The Congregation are running scared. The vampires and witches want to shut us up, keep us on the outside. They're afraid of us. They're afraid of what we might do if we come together, which is only natural, it's how we're supposed to be.

Reese: And the thing is, not all humans are ignorant when it comes to us.

Demon woman: Really?! What humans are we talking about?

Reese: I have mates at uni who are fine...

Nathaniel: Hold on a sec.

Reese: All right. Cool, nice one.


Nathaniel: Hey. Where have you  been?

Sophie: Sorry, I, erm... I... I fell asleep and I had this really weird dream. Agatha and the witch were in it and my dad saying over and over I have to tell the truth.

Nathaniel: Can we talk about this later? People are actually here, Soph. They came. Look, the forum actually worked.

Sophie: I know, Nat, but I figured it out. The dream. I, erm... I need to speak to your mum. I have to tell her about my family and what I am.

Nathaniel: Soph, you can't.

Sophie: I know, but...

Nathaniel: She's a Congregation member, okay? Think of the baby. It's not safe.

Sophie: But she'll understand. And I can't pass the statue on without her. The witch needs it.

Nathaniel: Okay. Let's do it. Yeah.


Diana: The Knights... Of Lazarus... Of Bethany. M, D, Cl. Matthew de Clermont.


Matthew: How are you?

Diana: Ysabeau has been keeping me entertained. Telling me stories about you.

Matthew: Yes, I was afraid of that.

Diana: According to her you're a mix between Superman and Lancelot.

Matthew: Well, I try.

Diana: Is everything okay?

Matthew: Yes. Yes, it doesn't look like anything's been taken.

Diana: Was it witches? Peter Knox?

Matthew: I don't want you to worry about that.

Diana: Okay. It's late. I'm going to go to bed. Goodnight, Matthew.

Matthew: Goodnight, Diana.


Miriam: Matthew? What are you doing?

Matthew: Comparing Diana's DNA to pre-11th-century witches.

Miriam: I already did that. The program didn't recognize her markers.

Matthew: Genetic mutations over the centuries made an exact match impossible, but... I compared the actual physical data. The similarities were unmistakable. Take a look. Go on.

Miriam: How is this possible? Everything before pointed to species decline.

Matthew: This changes everything, everything… Help me run them again. I need to get back and tell Diana what we've discovered.


Marthe: Good morning, Diana. Matthew called for you. He's on his way.


Diana: Tell me.

Matthew: If I do... There's no turning back. You have to understand what that means.

Diana: Ysabeau made me understand. Tell me.

Matthew: From this moment... We will always be one. Diana... I love you.


Ysabeau: Do you know what you have just done?

Matthew: If we're not welcome here, Diana and I will leave.

Ysabeau: Have I ever deserted you?

Matthew: No, Maman.

Ysabeau: Then why would I now? You are my beloved son. And you are now my daughter. Your fight is now my fight… If you have the courage to love my son, you have no need to fear your power. The women of the De Clermont family defend themselves. And you will be no different.


Gerbert: In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti… What is it? What can you see? Is Diana Bishop the witch from the prophesy?

Meridiana: Beware of the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf, for with it she shall destroy the children of the night.

Gerbert: I know that. I know. Speak to me or you'll get no more of this.

Meridiana: Two. Light, dark.

Gerbert: There are two witches?

Meridiana: One... Close.

Gerbert: Who is she? Where can I find her?

Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood... Of the lion and the wolf, for with it she shall destroy the children of the night. Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf, for with it she...


Groom: Buonasera, signorina. Prego.


Ysabeau: You think that lighting a fire and pouring some wine will help them?

Marthe: He loves her, Ysabeau.

Ysabeau: They'll need more than love. The witches will think that Diana has turned her back on her own kind and they will come. And when they come, her weakness will put us all at risk.

Marthe: She will find a way to use her magic to protect herself.

Ysabeau: Then she'd better stop behaving like some human and find a way fast.


Matthew: I need to show you something.

Diana: What is this?

Matthew: When I was in Oxford I worked on your DNA samples. These are the results. You ready? We don't understand everything yet, but so far we've discovered that you have every genetic marker we've ever seen in a witch. You have the elemental markers of air and water.

Diana: Witch wind and witch water.

Matthew: Mm. You also have earth, which means you're likely, more than likely, to be able to cast spells.

Diana: It's bizarre. I've never felt connected to magic, like Sarah or Em… Or... Even Gillian.

Matthew: Mm.

Diana: Does this test tell us why this is happening now?

Matthew: Well, your magic's behaving as though it's waking up from a long sleep. It's restless. It wants to get out.

Diana: My parents were persecuted because of their powers.

Matthew: Hey. We will face this together. Otherwise, you'll always be running… I need to talk to you about Oxford, Diana.

Diana: I don't want to hear about Oxford, Matthew.


Matthew: So... What does the distinguished historian know about... Bundling?

Diana: Bundling?

Matthew: Mm.

Diana: Well, I'm familiar with the custom, but it is 2018.

Matthew: Diana… You may not like what you see.

Diana: Oh, Matthew.

Matthew: That one was made by the tip of a broadsword during the 100 Years War. Think of them as, er... A map of my life.

Diana: I want to hunt down everyone who hurt you.

Matthew: With you my life has a beginning, a middle and an end. When you're gone my life will be over.

Diana: I don't think that's bundling.

Matthew: Well... It is in France.


Domenico: I wouldn't bother going home. Gerbert's very disappointed in you.

Juliette: Matthew wasn't even in Oxford. It wasn't my fault.

Domenico: I know where he is. You see, unlike you, he's been able to move on. He has a new woman. A witch. Diana Bishop.

Juliette: He only wants her for her powers. That's all. Matthew hates witches.

Domenico: Not this one. He's in love with her.

Juliette: He's in love with me! Matthew's mine. He belongs to me.

Domenico: What are you waiting for? She's at Sept-Tours.

Juliette: I can't go without Gerbert's permission.

Domenico: Really?

Kikavu ?

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Matthew Goode en père terrifiant dans le film Abigail

Matthew Goode en père terrifiant dans le film Abigail
Après quelques bruits de couloirs, enfin, après la sortie du film côté US et Irlande ce 19 avril, la...

Genesis Lynea ce soir dans Meurtres au Paradis sur France 2, et déjà sur sa plateforme

Genesis Lynea ce soir dans Meurtres au Paradis sur France 2, et déjà sur sa plateforme
Genesis Lynea apparaît ce soir pour la troisième fois dans la série Meurtres au Paradis  diffusée...

James Purefoy sera dans la saison 4 de The Witcher

James Purefoy sera dans la saison 4 de The Witcher
La saison 4 de The Witcher se prépare avec quelques annonces sur le casting qui viendra étoffer les...

Anniversaire - Matthew Goode

Anniversaire - Matthew Goode
Matthew Goode est né le 3 Avril 1978 à Exeter, en Angleterre. L'acteur qui prête ses traits...

Genesis Lynea dans un épisode de Doctor Who

Genesis Lynea dans un épisode de Doctor Who
Nous retrouverons Genesis Lynea (Geraldine Newcopse dans A Discovery of Witches) bientôt dans la...


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Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

Viens chatter !