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#107 : Episode 7

Diana enfant dit au revoir à sa maman Rebecca Bishop

La maison des tantes de Diana livre toutes sortes de secrets lorsque Diana et Matthew leur rendent visite. Le danger menace lorsque Juliette se libère de l'emprise de Gerbert.


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Spellbound S1E07| A Discovery of Witches | BBC America

Spellbound S1E07| A Discovery of Witches | BBC America


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Rebecca Bishop (Sophia Myles) étreint sa petite fille, Diana

Rebecca Bishop (Sophia Myles) étreint sa petite fille, Diana

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) discute avec Emily (Valarie Pettiford)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) discute avec Emily (Valarie Pettiford)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

La jeune Diana donne quelque chose à son père, Stephen Proctor (David Newman)

La jeune Diana donne quelque chose à son père, Stephen Proctor (David Newman)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) et Sarah Bishop (Alex Kingston)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) et Sarah Bishop (Alex Kingston)

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan)

Ysabeau de Clermont (Lindsay Duncan)

Diana enfant

Diana enfant

Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska)

Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)


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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 19.05.2019 à 21:00
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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Dimanche 19.05.2019 à 21:00

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Mardi 09.04.2019 à 21:00

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Grande-Bretagne (inédit)
Vendredi 26.10.2018 à 22:00

Plus de détails

Réalisé par : Sarah Walker
Ecrit par : Sarah Dollard

Guests :
Julian Kostov ... Timur

Matthew et Diana font leurs adieux à Ysabeau et Marthe et partent vers Madison où vivent les tantes de Diana. Quand ils arrivent là-bas, Matthew sent qu'il n'y a personne. Diana lui explique que ses tantes leur ont laissé quelques minutes seuls avec la maison, qui commence à trembler. Elle est connue pour se comporter ainsi avec les nouvelles personnes. Et oui bien sûr, elle est hantée puisqu'elle est habitée par des sorcières. La maison est connue pour ses portes qui claquent, ses lumières vacillantes, et même pour faire disparaître le deuxième étage !

Em et Sarah arrivent chez elles. Elles sont plus que ravies de retrouver Diana, mais cette dernière va droit au but et exige de connaître la vérité sur elle. Elle leur demande si elles savent qu’elle était marquée. Sarah est sous le choc de l'information mais il semblerait qu’Em l’avait deviné et que ce sont les parents de Diana qui en sont responsables. Em explique que Knox était obsédé par le fait de voir si Diana avait hérité des pouvoirs de sa mère et il ne voulait pas attendre que Diana soit majeure pour exploiter son potentiel.

Diana est bouleversée en apprenant la vérité et sort. Sarah essaie de la suivre, mais Matthew l'en empêche. La maison décide alors de leur montrer un souvenir du temps d'une rencontre entre Knox et les parents de Diana. On peut voir Rebecca et Stephen qui marquent Diana, encore enfant, et Rebecca qui lui raconte l'histoire des rubans invisibles et du prince. Knox, plus jeune, examine les pouvoirs de Diana sans rien remarquer. La maison montre ensuite un autre souvenir : on voit Rebecca et Stephen confier la petite Diana à ses tantes. Malheureusement, ils seront tués et ne reviendront  jamais.

Diana s'enfuit et Matthew part à sa recherche. Quand il la retrouve, elle lui explique que tout est lié, notamment son besoin de lui. Pendant ce temps, Em essaie de parler à Sarah qui est contrariée car elle pense que Rebecca ne lui faisait pas confiance. Elle réalise alors que Rebecca la connaissait trop bien au contraire, et qu’elle savait qu'elle aurait poursuivi Knox.

Matthew est agacé par les sorts triviaux et il veut savoir comment Diana peut apprendre des techniques de légitime défense. Apparemment, ils n’ont pas travaillé depuis des générations. Diana dit à Sarah qu’elle va revenir à l’essentiel, tandis que Matthew pourra lui apprendre à se défendre. La première leçon ? Allumer une bougie. Finalement, elle commence à fumer, mais au lieu de s'allumer, elle allume quelque chose d'autre. Pendant ce temps, Matthew admire une boîte, cadeau de Stephen à Em. Puis Matthew réalise que Stephen était un "marcheur du temps". Il demande comment cela est possible car ce n’est pas facile à rélaiser, ça nécessite trois objets issus de la bonne période.

Diana disparaît soudain de la pièce. Matthew se précipite à sa recherche et la retrouve dans la grange. Elle explique qu’elle voulait sortir pour prendre l’air et il lui demande si elle pense qu’elle marche dans le temps, car il n'arrivait plus à la percevoir.

Matthew et Diana se rendent dans les bois pendant la nuit afin de tester les pouvoirs de Diana. Il l’attaque et lui blesse la main. Elle le provoque et lui rappelle la fois où il lui a dit de ne pas courir... avant de se mettre à courir. Après un grognement et une exclamation agacée Matthew la prend en chasse. Quand il la rattrape, Diana s'envole dans les airs puis se pose près de lui. La minute suivante, ils sont de retour à la maison. Dans un moment d'intimité, Matthew lui parle des deux femmes qu’il a aimées, et de sa peur que Diana soit blessée par sa faute.

La Congrégation est fâchée que Baldwin et Domenico n’aient pas pu récupérer Diana, et Baldwin note le vif intérêt d’Agatha pour ses explications. Baldwin leur explique que Satu s'est emparé de Diana, Knox le confirme. Le Conseil se demande également pourquoi Gerbert n’est pas présent et envoie Domenico pour le découvrir. Il arrive chez Gerbert et Juliette dit qu'il doit partir. Il la provoque en lui parlant dec Matthew et de la possibilité de savoir où il se trouve.

Pendant ce temps, Knox se réveille et trouve Satu dans sa chambre. Elle l’accuse d'avoir tué les parents de Diana et de savoir que le fait de l'avoir torturée affecterait ses pouvoirs vu qu'elle a lancé le sort, tout comme cela lui était arrivé quand il s'en était pris aux parents de Diana. Il l nie et Satu lui révèle que Diana était enchantée. Knox explique que Rebecca dirigeait la Congrégation, mais que Stephen était secret et égoïste en gardant Rebecca pour lui. Satu veut savoir si son pouvoir va revenir, si ça prendra du temps, puis elle lui parle de la prophétie et de la nécessité d'écarter Diana de Matthew.

Agatha se rend chez Hamish et explique que Sophie est née de sorcières. Agatha ajoute que Sophie pense que Diana pourrait sauver les démons et que des relations inter-espèces pourraient être possibles.

Gerbert et Juliette assistent à une messe où Baldwin attend dans la rangée derrière eux. Gerbert accuse Juliette à sa place et dit qu’elle avait décidé d’utiliser La Pierre pour détenir Diana, mais Baldwin ne le croit pas. Lorsque Gerbert demande à Juliette de dire à Baldwin ce qu’elle a fait, elle se défend.

Domenico retrouve Satu. Elle se trouve dans une impasse et n'a plus aucun pouvoir auquel elle pourrait faire appel pour l’aider. Il veut la voir souffrir et envisage de la garder un moment.

Miriam et Marcus arrivent à leur tour à Madison bien que Sarah ne soit pas enthousiasmée par la venue d’autres vampires. Em les accueille fébrilement. Alors qu’elle est assise dans le salon, Sarah regarde les vampires et se demande à haute voix comment on peut penser qu’ils sont humains. Sarah veut ensuite savoir ce que pense Marcus. Il lui répond qu'elle ressemble beaucoup à son ancêtre, Sarah Bishop. Il explique que Sarah Bishop lui a appris à remettre en place une jambe lors de la bataille de Bunker Hill. Elle commence à se fâcher contre le fait que les vampires protègent le territoire des Bishop lorsque la maison commence à trembler et qu'une enveloppe adressée à Diana par son père vole dans la pièce, éjectée du mur. Diana l’ouvre, c’est l’une des pages manquantes de l'Ashmole 782 !

Elle représente un homme en robe noire et une femme en robe blanche. Marcus remarque que la femme porte l’insigne de Matthew. Sarah prend la page pour effectuer un sort, quand Diana identifie l’écriture de son père comme étant celle qui figure dans l'Ashmole 782. Elle se souvient d’une inscription au recto, en deux parties : la première anatomique, la deuxième psychologique. Matthew se demande si c’est la raison pour laquelle seule Diana peut appeler le manuscrit.

Diana a les yeux fermés pendant que Matthew lui demande de laisser ses pouvoirs le détecter. Elle se dirige vers la grange, sentant une présence vampirique, mais à la place de Matthew, elle trouve Juliette qui l'attrape aussitôt par la gorge.

Résumé écrit par albi2302 à partir du recap de The Nerd Daily.

Diana: Thank you for everything. I'm sorry to have brought trouble to your home.

Ysabeau: This house has seen worse… Be careful in Madison. Baldwin will stall the Congregation as long as he can, although it will be no more than a couple of days. But this isn't his battle, it's yours.

Matthew: I know, Maman.

Marthe: Take care, now.

Ysabeau: Whatever you need of me, I'm ready.

Matthew: I thank you, Maman. Shall we?







Matthew: Home.

Diana: Madison in the fall is the best Madison there is.


Matthew: There's nobody here. I told them when we were arriving.

Diana: They wanted to give us a few minutes alone with the house… The house has been known to misbehave with new people. They're letting it get used to you.

Matthew: So it's haunted?

Diana: We're witches. Of course, it's haunted. Okay.

Matthew: What's it capable of?

Diana: Slamming doors, flickering lights. One time, the whole second floor disappeared for a week. Well, nice to see you too, Tabitha. Don't worry. It's not you I need to interrogate. We won't be staying long.


Agatha: Domenico fails to retrieve her. You fail to retrieve her. And now what? Are you saying that we've lost her altogether? You expect us to believe that?

Baldwin: You seem extraordinarily interested in Diana Bishop, Agatha. Is there something you'd like to tell us?

Agatha: My interest is in The Book of Life. You promised that Diana would answer our questions.

Baldwin: And she will. Once we find Satu and bring her and Diana home.

Agatha: Satu has Diana?

Baldwin: I'm afraid it looks that way… Gentlemen?

Peter: Our team repeated the spell work and got exactly the same result. There are two distinct magical signatures. Satu's with another witch.

Baldwin: Do we think that Diana is an ally or a prisoner?

Peter: Unclear, I'm afraid.

Baldwin: Let us keep the search going round the clock. I want her found. Why isn't Gerbert here? Do you know where he is? Pay Miss Durand a visit, find out. The rest of you can go home. For now, let us each take care of our own.

Agatha: I intend to.


Emily: Diana! Honey! Oh, my God! Did the house lock you out?

Sarah: What did I say? I said the house wouldn't like him.

Diana: The house likes him fine. Tell me the truth. All this time, did you know what was wrong with me?

Emily: Why don't we just, erm... just go inside?

Diana: No, tell me now.

Sarah: What's going on?

Diana: Did you know that I was spellbound?

Sarah: What?

Emily: I, erm... I guessed that you might be, yes.

Diana: Who was it?

Emily: Diana, you have to understand...

Diana: Who? Who was it?

Emily: Rebecca and Stephen. Honey, your parents.


Sarah: No, Em! No, I don't believe it! Rebecca? She would never put...

Diana: Just tell me why! What is wrong with me?

Emily: Oh, sweetie. Honey, there's nothing wrong with you.

Diana: No, you do not do that for no reason. Not to your child! Not to anyone.

Emily: Believe me, Diana, you did nothing wrong. Look. The Congregation would have tested your powers when you came of age, just like with any other kid, but Knox, he wouldn't wait. He was obsessed with the idea that you would inherit your mum's powers. Rebecca and Stephen didn't want him to see you. I mean, that's why they came here, honey, to get away from him. Look. Whatever Rebecca's reasons were, honey, she only meant to protect you. You were everything to her. Stephen too. They loved you, Diana, they loved you.

Diana: I was half myself for years and you didn't say a thing.

Emily: I had to trust that she wanted me to keep this secret for a reason. I had to trust that what she thought was best.

Diana: And that's it? That's all you know?

Emily: I promise. I said I promise.

Matthew: Let her go.

Sarah: Excuse me?! What the hell?


Stephen: What's wrong with the house?

Rebecca: It's... It's Peter Knox. He's found us. The house is trying to protect us.

Stephen: We're out of time.


Diana: Mum, why are you sad?

Rebecca: I'm not sad, pumpkin. I'm here for a story. Your favourite story, The Magic Ribbons And The Shadow Prince.

Stephen: You have to stay very still if you want to hear it, okay, sweetheart?

Rebecca: Once upon a time, there was a young witch... A very brave young witch who was covered in invisible ribbons...

Stephen: Guardians of the elements, I call you.

Rebecca:... In all the colours of the rainbow.

Stephen: Guardians of the elements...

Rebecca: Lie down, sweetheart. You need to stay very still, remember?

Stephen: Shield you from your power. We bind you.

Rebecca: The ribbons that wrapped around the witch were special ribbons.

Stephen:… We bind you.

Diana: Mum, I don't like it.

Stephen: Guardians of the elements, I call you.

Rebecca: It's okay, baby. Look at me, look at me.

Diana: Mum.

Rebecca: The ribbons would protect the girl from witches who were jealous of her power. Then one day, when she was all grown up, she met the Shadow Prince.

Diana: Mum.

Rebecca: What have we done? Our magic is who we are.

Stephen: She's safe, she's alive. We had no other option. One day, if she really needs it, she'll find it again.

Diana: Mum, finish the story.


Rebecca: He'll put his hand on your head for a few minutes, that's all. You don't have to do anything and it won't hurt, I promise.

Stephen: We'll be right out here, sweetheart, okay?

Peter: Hello, Diana. I'm Peter. Come here. There's nothing to be afraid of. We just need to take a little look at what's inside.


Sarah: Here we go on an adventure! This bag is so heavy!

Emily: Rebecca, you have every book known to man in this suitcase!

Stephen: Come here, give me a hug. We'll be back in a couple of weeks, okay? You be a good girl.

Rebecca: If Peter comes back, it's us he'll be looking for, not Diana.

Stephen: Look after your Aunt Sarah.

Emily: Rebecca, what is going on?

Rebecca: Please don't ask me that.

Emily: Okay. Ah, here we go!

Rebecca: Yeah? Hey, sweetie, can I have my bag? Can I have a hug? We'll be back before you know it, pumpkin. Be good.

Sarah: Bye!

Diana: Bye!

Sarah: Bye!

Emily: Bye!

Sarah: Come on! Hot chocolate and marshmallows.

Diana: Definitely.


Sarah: Diana.


Diana: Mum.

Matthew: There's nothing wrong with you, Diana. There never was.

Diana: Normally, when you're spellbound... That's it. You're bound for life. Until that person sets you free.

Matthew: But not you.

Diana: No, I think they tied it to need. If I was ever in trouble, I could... Still call upon my magic and I wouldn't be alone. Matthew, you were in their stories.

Matthew: The spell was somehow tied to me too.

Diana: To my need for you… They knew I'd fall in love with you.


Emily: Coffee, Sarah? You know, I thought she'd come home and tell you herself. But then, you know... We buried them... And it just didn't seem to matter. We were only holding ourselves together. I suspected that Diana's magic just wasn't right. I mean, you saw it. Honey, it came and went. And it's not like those old stories about spellbound witches that are left with nothing. The thought of saying those words out loud, to you, telling you that I thought Rebecca spellbound her daughter. I just didn't want to break your heart again.

Sarah: She didn't trust me, Em.

Emily: Oh. Darling, it wasn't like that.

Sarah: It was. It was and it's okay. She knew too well... She knew you'd be careful... And patient. And I'd just rant and rage and... Go after Knox with a carving knife.

Emily: Well, maybe you should have.

Sarah: Well, there's still time.

Emily: Sarah, look at me, please. Please, please, please, look at me. She trusted you, she did. Honey, she trusted you to be the carer, the warrior. To keep her safe while she was gone. And that is exactly what you did, my love. Oh, honey, don't cry, please!


Peter: Who is it? Who is there? Who is it? Who's there?

Satu: You killed Rebecca Bishop and Stephen Proctor.

Peter: Where's Diana?

Satu: You told me... Opening someone up would affect the spell caster too. And you knew it because you cast a spell yourself. Twice. You opened them up to get to the power you couldn't find in their daughter. Am I right?

Peter: No.

Satu: Did you find what you were looking for? That's because the power was never theirs. It was Diana's.

Peter: No! I tested her!

Satu: Yes, you did. And you couldn't find it because she was spellbound. She must be. Diana doesn't even know her own power, what she is. You should have seen it, Peter.

Peter: It could only have been them. They did it.

Satu: The parents? Are you sure?

Peter: Rebecca could have led the Congregation. That's where she was headed. And then we could have really, finally challenged the De Clermonts. But Stephen... I've never met a witch so secretive, so selfish. He got into her ear and that was it. Our great hope... Gone.

Satu: You loved her.

Peter: I never intended to kill him, if that's what you mean.

Satu: You loved her. But the power you sensed... You loved that more. I wanted it too. That's why I betrayed you. That's why I had to open up Diana, even though it drained my power… It will come back. Won't it?

Peter: Give it time. And rest.

Satu: Peter. There's a prophesy about the end of the vampires. I think it has to do with Diana. Which means that creature... We need to get her away from him, whatever the cost.


Matthew: Curing a fever. How to fix a leaky roof. This is child's play. Where are the spells for self-defense? For setting up a shieldaround a property?

Sarah: That's just not possible. Those spells haven't worked in generations. Look... I know you're worried about Knox finding you. I'm worried about Diana's power. She needs to learn control. Now you may think these spells are quaint, but that's what they teach.

Matthew: With respect, Sarah...

Sarah: They teach control!

Matthew: That witch came to kill her. When she comes back, she will not be alone. This is not enough by a tenth let alone by a half!

Sarah: I know you're trying to scare me, but I'm already scared.

Matthew: Yes.

Sarah: And I am doing the very best that I can.

Diana: You're right, Sarah, I do need control. I'll go back to the basics. Start my magical training over again. And you can teach me how to defend myself, Matthew, so I can use my magic against our enemies.


Diana: Stay away the dark. Stay away the dark.

Sarah: Look, you don't just say the words, okay? You have to concentrate on what you desire. You feel it. Set your power alight… It'll come, honey. Try it again.

Diana: Okay.


Matthew: I could have sworn this box was from the 17th century, but for the condition.

Emily: Lovely, isn't it? It was a present from Diana's father.

Matthew: He was a timewalker.

Emily: Wow! Look at you. Stephen might have been a little bit more discreet with his souvenirs had he known a vampire was gonna come a-calling.

Matthew: Did he go to the past often?

Emily: Mm, far less after Diana was born, but he would still take Rebecca someone special for her birthday.

Matthew: It's that easy to do?

Emily: I don't know about "easy". I mean... You know, jumping a few minutes forward and back, that's one thing, but going further back in the past, you know.He said he had to find three objects from the right time.


Diana: Stay away the dark. Stay away the...

Sarah: That's it! That's it! Once more.

Diana: Stay away the dark. Stay away the dark! So much for my control.

Sarah: Don't worry, I'll deal with it. No air for fire, extinguish the light of the fire. Okay. One more time.

Diana: Okay.


Juliette: You need to go.

Domenico: Why? He's not here. Why do you never run? He's out of the city, you have the keys. Is it really just the promise of Matthew keeping you here?

Juliette: You don't understand me or Matthew.

Domenico: Gerbert does, does he? You know Baldwin's telling people Satu has Diana. I think he's lying.

Juliette: Why would he do that?

Domenico: That's a good question.

Juliette: You think Diana's still with Matthew.

Domenico: I once got my hands on Diana's personal file. I could again if you'd like to explore your options.

Juliette: Why would you do that? What's in it for you?

Domenico: I was born here, in Venice, did you know that? It's the only home I know, so I keep Baldwin happy. Or Gerbert, or whoever's pulling the strings that day, but you... You could go anywhere.

Juliette: I... Don't remember my home.

Domenico: When did you last see Matthew? It's been decades, hasn't it? Gerbert doesn't control you. He does. I'll get you the file. The way I see it, you either go after Matthew or you burn it, prove I'm wrong, walk away from all this. Either way... You'd be free.


Sarah: Diana, this one's easy. Trust me!

Diana: Easy for you, easy for Em, not for me!

Sarah: Look... We're both just too worked up. We just...

Diana: Your magic works differently from my magic, Sarah. You can't help me with this.

Sarah: We'll take a break, I think.

Diana: Oh, come on! I'm sorry.

Sarah: No. No! What?

Matthew: Diana? Diana?

Sarah: What if it was Satu? We don't know how powerful she is.

Matthew: Quiet…

Diana: What?

Matthew: I can hear her. She's all right.


Matthew: What just happened?

Diana: I don't know. I... I needed to step outside to get some air and then, bam, I was... Here.

Matthew: Do you think that you might have just timewalked? I mean it, I mean it. You weren't there. You certainly weren't here. Otherwise I'd have heard your heart beating.

Diana: But timewalking? I mean, even if I could, I wouldn't know how I did it.

Matthew: Well, you do realize that your father was a timewalker, don't you?


Agatha: Hamish, thanks for agreeing to see me.

Hamish: You said this was about Sophie.

Agatha: She wants to speak to the witch, Matthew's witch, Diana Bishop… Sophie was born to witches. I know it sounds mad, but it's true. You know what I'm risking even by telling you this. Right now, Nathaniel and Sophie are safe. They're anonymous.

Hamish: You really think that Diana's... What? Saviour of the demons?

Agatha: Sophie does. There's so much that we don't understand. If demons can be born to witches, if cross-species families are possible, then... Everything that we know about our kind is... Well, it's all up for grabs. Think what this could mean for us. Demons can finally have the status and understanding that we deserve.


Baldwin: Come to make confession, Gerbert?

Gerbert: My conscience is clear. I trust your family are well?

Baldwin: No. Why would you speak of France? I assumed that topic would be a zero-sum game.

Gerbert: Far from it. It was Juliette here who offered Satu the use of... La Pierre. I found out about the outrage... Far too late to intervene.

Baldwin: Miss Durand does very little without you telling her to.

Gerbert: Not when it comes to your brother. My dear, tell him of your meeting with Satu… You told me you... Offered Satu the castle. You wanted Diana dealt with. Don't you recall?

Juliette: No. I don't.

Gerbert: Juliette!


Domenico: Juliette.


Matthew: You need to sense where the danger is more quickly… What's the one constant when your powers worked, mm? Need, simple, instinctive need. You weren't thinking, you were feeling.

Diana: Agh! Shit!

Matthew: I'm sorry. Are you all right?

Diana: No!

Matthew: You're bleeding.

Diana: I'm fine.

Matthew: I won't harm you.

Diana: Look at you!

Matthew: Don't, Diana!

Diana: No, look, I've had an idea. Do you remember that night at the riverbank? When you said to me, "Move past me slowly." You said, "Do not... Run."

Matthew: Fuck!

Diana: I guess I just need a little more danger.

Matthew: That was your first time in trouble.


Diana: What's wrong?

Matthew: There were two women, two human women. Not like...This, not like us. But I did love them. And I told... Each of them that they were... Safe with me. I even believed it. If I ever harmed you...

Diana: Matthew... You will never harm me. I'm not human. I'm powerful. And you won't hurt me because you don't want to. You can't. I won't let you.


Marcus: Be nice, Miriam.

Miriam: Surely, if we're here to just guard the place, it's not essential we go inside?

Marcus: Yeah, but it's not very sociable, is it?

Emily: Hello! You must be our Miriam and Marcus. I'm Emily. This is Sarah. And we're delighted to have you. Please, come on in. Come on.

Miriam: After you.

Emily: Mi casa, su casa.


Sarah: How on earth could anyone think that you're... That you're human?

Diana: Sarah, you're hardly inconspicuous yourself. The smell of henbane is coming off you in waves.

Sarah: You got a problem, Junior?

Marcus: Oh, no. No, no. It's just, erm... You look so much like your namesake. Sarah Bishop, your ancestor. She taught me how to set a broken leg at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

Emily: That is so fascinating, Marcus. Did you know her well?

Sarah: Em, enough already! Can we please not pretend this is a social call? Vampires protecting Bishop land? It isn't gonna work.

Miriam: What the hell?

Sarah: Look at you. People will talk. We might as well send a flare up for the Congregation.

Matthew: With respect, Sarah...

Sarah: With respect, Matthew... I've had about enough of you saying "with respect" and then doing or saying whatever you damn please.

Miriam: What is going on?

Matthew: Magic house.

Diana: The house doesn't like it when we argue.

Miriam: It smells strange. I can't quite place it.

Matthew: Do you want to be alone?

Diana: No.

Matthew: Is that what I think it is?

Diana: Ashmole 782. This is one of the missing pages.

Matthew: Someone just posted it to your parents?

Emily: What does it mean?

Marcus: She's wearing Matthew's insignia.

Sarah: Here, let me...

Miriam: May I?

Emily: Didn't you say that the pages in Oxford had a hidden text?

Diana: The words were moving so fast I couldn't read it.

Sarah: If it was torn from the book, it's no wonder that the magic was damaged.

Miriam: We need to get it to a lab.

Sarah: No need. I have a still room and I know just the spell.


Domenico: You! Oh, dear. Technical difficulties? Why don't you come with me? Venice is no place for a witch without magic.


Diana: My God! I know this writing. He wrote in the manuscript.

Matthew: Who, your father? In The Book of Life?

Diana: There were two inscriptions on the first page. One in ink by Ashmole and another in pencil. "In two parts, the first Anatomical, the second Psychological."

Matthew: Well, there was no such thing as psychology in Ashmole's day.

Diana: No, I know. I wrote it down as a late addition at the time. What an earth is my dad doing writing in The Book of Life?

Matthew: Well, you did see him outside the Bodleian. Perhaps he meant for you to recognize his hand. That would explain the anachronistic language. What if... He's the reason that you and only you can summon the manuscript?

Diana: I still can't believe he's a timewalker. Maybe he meant for all of this to happen.

Matthew: I think that he wants you to have The Book of Life. Every last page of it.


Baldwin: Well done, Dominico. Where is she? What have you done with Satu?

Domenico: What happens now? Will you recall the Congregation?

Baldwin: Not just yet. Let's have some wine. And bring her to the back of the palazzo, would you?

Domenico: It's funny. I always thought you hated Matthew. But it actually suits him, doesn't it? Having everyone focus on our errant witch instead of his one.

Baldwin: Satu trespassed on my land, my ancestral home. I want to see her suffer before the Congregation decide her fate.

Domenico: You know, I think I'll hold on to her. Just for now.

Baldwin: What do you want, Domenico?

Domenico: Nothing. Today, but tomorrow, the day after... Who knows? I'll be in touch.


Matthew: That's it, Diana. Open your mind. Don't think, just let your powers sense me.

Diana: Wouldn't this be more fun if you just came out here and kissed me? Okay. Okay. I sense a vampiric presence. No cheating, okay? Stay exactly... Where you are.

Juliette: You must be Diana.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 51 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

22.09.2022 vers 02h

04.04.2022 vers 16h

07.09.2021 vers 17h

11.08.2021 vers 16h

27.02.2021 vers 22h

17.02.2021 vers 21h

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