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#108 : Episode 8

Matthew et Diana à Madison, avec Marcus et Miriam

Avec le danger qui les guettent à chaque tournant, Diana et Matthew sont obligés de fuir. Mais parviendront-ils à s'échapper à temps ?


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The Most Powerful Witch | A Discovery of Witches | Season Finale | BBC America

The Most Powerful Witch | A Discovery of Witches | Season Finale | BBC America


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Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode)

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel) et Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel) et Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Marcus, Miriam et Matthew, trois vampires à l'approche d'Halloween

Marcus, Miriam et Matthew, trois vampires à l'approche d'Halloween

Pour Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer), c'est le moment de dire au revoir à ses tantes (Valarie Pettiford et Alex Kingston)

Pour Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer), c'est le moment de dire au revoir à ses tantes (Valarie Pettiford et Alex Kingston)

Gerbert d'Aurillac (Trevor Eve) s'entretient avec  Domenico (Gregg Chillin)

Gerbert d'Aurillac (Trevor Eve) s'entretient avec Domenico (Gregg Chillin)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) et Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) et Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Miriam Shephard (Aiysha Hart)

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel)

Marcus Whitmore (Edward Bluemel)

Sophie Norman (Aisling Loftus)

Sophie Norman (Aisling Loftus)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer)

Sarah Bishop (Alex Kingston)

Sarah Bishop (Alex Kingston)

Nathaniel Wilson (Daniel Ezra)

Nathaniel Wilson (Daniel Ezra)

Domenico Michele (Gregg Chillin)

Domenico Michele (Gregg Chillin)


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Dimanche 26.05.2019 à 21:00
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Dimanche 26.05.2019 à 21:00
0.21m / 0.1% (18-49)

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France (inédit)
Mardi 09.04.2019 à 21:45

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Vendredi 02.11.2018 à 22:00

Plus de détails

Réalisé par : Sarah Walker
Ecrit par : Kate Brooke

Guests :
Ken Bones ... Sigismund
Julian Kostov ... Timur

Diana est aux prises avec Juliette dans la grange. Matthew sent que quelque chose ne va pas et s'y précipite. Tenant Diana à la gorge, Juliette dit qu'elle a quitté Gerbert et que Matthew l'a abandonnée pour s'accoupler avec elle. Il semble que Gerbert l’ait engendrée et l’ait soignée pour qu’elle soit l’objet du désir de Matthew. En une fraction de seconde, Juliette se retourne et tranche la gorge de Matthew !

Diana projette Juliette au loin. Sa magie s’active et elle utilise le feu de sorcière pour former un arc et des flèches enflammés. Elle vise, tire et tue Juliette en la transperçant. Matthew est en train de mourir. Diana supplie pour qu'on l'aide, promettant de faire ce qu'on voudra en échange de la vie de Matthew. Une voix s’exprime et dit qu’il y aura un prix à payer. Diana accepte, une lame apparaît dans sa main.

Pendant ce temps, Miriam et Marcus sentent que Matthew est mourant. Ils se précipitent vers la grange, suivis par Em et Sarah. Ils arrivent au moment où Diana coupe son poignet et qu’une barrière de lumière protectrice se forme autour d'elle et de Matthew, alors qu'elle donne son sang pour lui. Il refuse de le boire. Marcus dit qu'elle ne peut pas l'aider et Diana implore encore une fois pour qu'on l'aide à sauver Matthew. Il la mord au cou, puis il réussit à se dégager.

De retour à la maison, Miriam fait une tranfusion de sang à Diana, affaiblie. La vampire et Matthew s’assoient au chevet de la jeune sorcière. Miriam est surprise par le courage de Diana et par son feu de sorcière. Matthew a peur que quelqu'un d'autre les trouve, il propose de voyager dans le temps et de se cacher quelque part dans le passé.

Domenico se rend chez Gerbert qui lui demande des nouvelles de Juliette puis s'enquiert de Matthew, insistant sur la nécessité de le retrouver ainsi que Diana. Gerbert demande à Satu ce qu'il en est de Meridiana. Elle lui répond qu'elle l'a laissée partir après avoir été asservie pendant des siècles, et que Diana pourrait être encore plus puissante que Meridiana.

Baldwin se rend à la Congrégation et souhaite qu’ils se réunissent pour décider du sort de Satu. En parallèle, il appelle Matthew et lui dit que le temps presse, que les discussions pourraient reprendre avec la réunion de la Congrégation. Pendant ce temps, Gerbert entre aux Archives des Sorcières, citant la prophétie à Knox et affirmant que la sorcière mentionnée doit être Diana. Il veut faire équipe avec le sorcier pour détruire la famille Clermont et pour retrouver Diana. Plus tard, Gerbert et Knox discutent de la nécessité de se débarrasser de Matthew et de Baldwin ce qui ferait de Marcus serait le prochain de Clermont dans la Congrégation.

Chez les Bishop, un papillon utilisé par les sorcières pour lancer des sorts tombe de la cheminée. Matthew se souvient que Bridget, une ancêtre de Diana condamnée lors des procès des sorcières de Salem. Dans le papillon, Diana découvre une boucle d'oreille et Matthew la reconnaît comme étant celle d'Ysabeau, perdue il y a des centaines d'années. Pendant ce temps, Ysabeau et Hamish sont réunis dans l’étude de Philippe pour rassembler tout ce dont Matthew pourrait avoir besoin.

Le groupe essaie de déterminer où Diana et Matthew devraient aller et qu'elles sont les trois choses dont ils auront besoin. Matthew demande des objets de temps différents. Son inquiétude est focalisée sur le présent. Em et Sarah aident Diana à essayer de voyager dans le temps. Sa première tentative échoue car elle se concentre sur trop de choses alors qu'elle devrait se concentrer sur Matthew. 

Hamish arrive avec des affaires de Matthew, accompagné par Sophie et Nathaniel. Dans la cuisine, ils se rassemblent tous. Sophie donne la figurine à Diana et Em la reconnaît comme étant la déesse de la chasse. De son côté, Matthew reconnaît une pièce d'échecs de la reine blanche, une pièce qu'il a perdue jadis lors d'un pari. Nathaniel veut repartir, mais Sophie veut rester et leur parle de son héritage. Matthew réalise que la boucle d'oreille et la pièce d'échecs proviennent de la même nuit, All Souls Night ou Halloween, qui approche…

Marcus et Nathaniel se lancent dans une conversation animée alors que Sophie sculpte des citrouilles avec Em et Sarah. Ils voient que Sophie a été bouleversée et elle leur raconte ses mauvais rêves concernant la Congrégation. Elles promettent de l'aider. Nathaniel reçoit ensuite un appel d'Agatha alors que la Congrégation se réunit de nouveau. Pendant ce temps, Matthew et Diana sont sur le point de revenir 25 jours en arrière, dans la nuit où ils ont dansé à Sept-Tours. Ils réussissent et s'y retrouvent. La soirée au château se répète.

Diana et Matthew reviennent dans le présent, à Madison. Ils dînent tous ensemble. Miriam voudrait tester l’ADN du bébé de Sophie pour savoir s’il s’agit d’une sorcière ou d’un démon. Plus tard dans la nuit, Matthew parle des Chevaliers à Hamish. Matthew devra renoncer à son poste de Grand Maître car il pourrait ne jamais être en mesure de revenir s'il part dans le passé avec Diana. Hamish est surpris que Diana ne veuille pas savoir où ils vont, mais elle veut juste être dans le présent pour le moment. Il la prévient que Matthew ne sera pas le même homme là où ils iront.

Les pouvoirs de Satu sont en train de revenir juste à temps pour son procès. Elle accuse Baldwin de travailler avec Matthew pour garder Diana loin de la Congrégation et c'est la raison pour laquelle elle a agi ainsi. Gerbert évoque les Chevaliers de Lazare ce qui explique, selon lui, pourquoi Baldwin devait aider Matthew. Gerbert demande à Baldwin de se retirer immédiatement du Conseil mais Agatha dit qu'ils doivent voter. Ils font une pause et quand la réunion reprend, seuls Gerbert, Satu et Knox accusent Baldwin de trahison. Knox demande à savoir où se trouvent Matthew et Diana. Par la suite, Baldwin remercie Agatha, il a désormais une dette envers elle.

Hamish, Sophie et Nathaniel rentrent chez eux et Matthew recommande à Nathaniel d'emmener Sophie à Sept-Tours s'ils sont inquiets. Hamish parle de l'Ashmole 782 et Matthew pense qu'ils pourraient le trouver dans son intégralité dans le passé.

Sarah et Em se dirigent aussi vers Sept-Tours et Em émue de dire au revoir à Diana. Sarah conseille à Diana d'écouter ses professeurs. Marcus et Miriam prennent quelques échantillons et prévoient de partir également afin que Diana et Matthew puissent passer du temps seuls. Matthew remet une lettre à Marcus, qui le nomme Grand Maître des Chevaliers de Lazare. Sous le choc, Marcus dit qu'il ne peut pas accepter. Matthew lui explique qu'il a confiance en lui et que Baldwin ne peut pas avoir cette charge car Philippe voulait que la Congrégation et les Chevaliers restent séparés.

Quand tout le monde est parti, Matthew et Diana se tiennent dehors, devant la maison. Elle utilise joyeusement sa magie pour allumer les citrouilles quand Matthew dit que le moment est venu. Baldwin laisse un message sur le téléphone de Matthew pour lui dire qu’ils n’ont plus de temps et qu’ils doivent partir très rapidement, car Knox, Gerbert et Satu arrivent chez les Bishop. Habillés pour le saut dans le temps qu'ils ont prévu de faire, Matthew donne un dernier élément à Diana pour leur voyage : le Docteur Faustus de Christopher Marlowe. Il lui dit qu'ils se dirigent vers Londres, en 1590, alors que Satu tente de contrer le sort qui protège la maison. La porte vole en éclats au moment où Matthew et Diana sont sur le point de faire un pas en avant et que Diana se retourne...

Résumé écrit par albi2302 à partir du recap de The Nerd Daily.






Diana: Now I've got you.

Juliette: You must be Diana?

Matthew: Juliette!

Juliette: Hello, Matthew.

Matthew: Is Gerbert here, with you?

Juliette: I've left him. You abandoned me. And now you're mating with her!

Matthew: If you hurt her...

Juliette: I have to know how she did it. Kiss her. Or I'll make her bleed.

Matthew: It's going to be all right. It's going to be alright.

Juliette: You like how she responds to you. Gerbert sired me, groomed me to be the object of your desire. I had no value.

Matthew: I'm sorry.

Juliette: Your magic can't save him!


Diana: Ok...

Matthew: I've searched for you my whole life.

Diana: You're not gonna die. Do you hear me? I won't let you… Maiden mother, crone, I call you. Goddess, help me… I will do anything to save him.

Goddess: If I help you, there will be a price.

Diana: I will give anything, anything that you want. Anything, just save him.

Goddess: Give him life.


Miriam: Matthew!

Sarah: Em!


Miriam: Marcus!

Marcus: Diana, you need to let me help him!

Miriam: Don't!

Diana: Get away from him!

Sarah: Don't!

Diana: Drink. Drink.

Marcus: Your blood can't heal both of his wounds. He's dying.

Diana: Drink.

Sarah: Diana, you need to let him go.

Diana: I will pay your price! Whatever it is!

Goddess: Very well.


Diana: What would I taste like?

Matthew: Don't ever say that to me. It would take but a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.

Diana: I'm safe with you.

Matthew: I love you.


Matthew: What took you so long?

Marcus: I had to go to Oneida.

Matthew: Use the left arm, it's already open.

Marcus: It's useless. The tissue's full of your saliva so it won't absorb anything… Right, there's gonna be a line going into your right arm, Diana. You may feel a sharp scratch.


Gerbert: Any news of Juliette?

Domenico: Afraid not. Unlike her to run away.

Gerbert: Have you heard anything more about Matthew?

Domenico: He's not at Sept-Tours.

Gerbert: He's hiding with Diana Bishop. We must find them. Well. What?

Domenico: I have other news. If I shared it with you, I'd be taking a certain risk which, I hope you agree, deserves some reward?

Gerbert: You've had enough handouts, you greedy little shit. Tell me what you know. The stench of a frightened witch... How I love it.


Gerbert: What did you do with Meridiana?

Satu: I let her go. She'd been in thrall to you for long enough. No-one should have to suffer centuries of slavery.

Gerbert: Is Diana Bishop as powerful as her?

Satu: She may be more powerful.

Gerbert: And you held me back from her. You let Matthew get his hands on her.

Satu: I didn't want that to happen.

Gerbert: She really did defeat you. Your power still hasn't returned.

Satu: Baldwin's kept me here, because I'm dangerous to him. Don't you want to know why?


Miriam: What she did was unspeakably courageous. You might not have been able to stop.

Matthew: I know.

Miriam: She's certainly full of surprises. Witch fire. It wasn't in her DNA markers… I'd like to do more tests on her.

Matthew: No. She's been through enough.

Miriam: Matthew, she's the most powerful witch we've ever encountered. And she doesn't descend from the ancient clans… If we were to trace her genetic lineage, understand how powers we thought were extinct have survived?

Matthew: Alright, alright, yes, I'll ask her.


Diana: You craved me, all this time and you resisted. Did you love her?

Matthew: Once. She was Gerbert's creature. He trained her to infiltrate my heart and my family.

Diana: And I took her life.

Matthew: You saved me.

Diana: I don't regret it.

Matthew: We can't yet protect ourselves, and if Juliette could find us, then Knox can, The Congregation can. We can't just sit here, waiting for that to happen. Diana, what if we time walked? What if we hide somewhere, in time?


Baldwin: Send out the order. The Congregation will convene to decide the fate of Satu Jarvinen.


Sarah: In the divine name of the Goddess, help to...

Matthew: Baldwin.

Baldwin: Knox knows Satu Jarvinen is in Venice and is demanding we convene. If the Congregation gets back together it may be impossible to stop further investigation.

Matthew: You must stop them.

Baldwin: Your time is running out!


Matthew: What's this?

Diana: It's a poppet. Witches use these to cast spells. I've never seen one so old before.

Matthew: Didn't your ancestor, Bridget Bishop, have a problem with one of those?

Diana: Yeah, they used it as evidence to convict her at Salem… What is this? An earring?

Matthew: It's Ysabeau's. My father, Philippe, gave that to her. But she lost it hundreds of years ago. How on earth... What is this house trying to tell us?


Marthe: Matthew will need this too.

Hamish: I'll be sure he gets it.

Ysabeau: Send him and Diana all our love.


Marcus: You could land in the middle of a war, or an epidemic, or...

Matthew: But what's the alternative? When she found the Book, she became a target.

Emily: What do you think, Diana?

Diana: Well, it depends on where we go. Wherever it is, or whenever it is, I should be able to learn about my magic.

Matthew: Agreed. Em, you explained that to Time Walk, you need three objects from a particular time and place.

Emily: That's what Stephen told me.

Matthew: I have items coming my past lives. But, the thing that really concerns me right now, is once we arrive there, how do we return from the past?

Emily: If it's a short way, it's not that difficult. Stephen said the further you go back into time, the harder it is to return. You're gonna need some powerful spells for that.

Sarah: And that'll require proper training.


Sarah: Open your mind. Think about the still room. You have to want to be there more than here.

Diana: Where will you be?

Sarah: Depends when you arrive. If it's before you left, we'll be there. If not, we'll be here.

Emily: It's time we take a big step into the mysterious. Pick up one foot, we travel.

Sarah: Focus, Diana, focus!

Diana: Why didn't it work?

Emily: Honey, you're focusing way too much on the details of the room. Honey, you need to think about Matthew. You want to be with him. Magic's in the heart not the mind. Try again.

Diana: Ok.


Miriam: Matthew, relax.

Matthew: Relax... She could be stuck somewhere in time. Then how would we get her back?


Diana: I did it!

Matthew: I knew you could.


Gerbert: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf for with it, she shall destroy the children of the night. I've been trying to decipher that prophecy for longer than you can imagine. I thought it might be Satu but, the state of her, it must be Diana Bishop.

Peter: What have you done with Satu?

Gerbert: Domenico has her with Baldwin's approval. It's a delaying tactic. Baldwin is protecting his brother and the Bishop witch.

Peter: He's gone too far!

Gerbert: I agree. And if we can prove it, we could remove him from The Congregation. It would throw the de Clermonts into chaos and give us the... Opportunity to find... Diana.


Matthew: Hamish.

Hamish: Hello, Matthew. Marcus, Miriam. And you must be Diana.

Diana: I've heard so much about you.

Hamish: Likewise.

Matthew: I see you brought everything?

Hamish: Yes. And some added extras. They're demons. I can vouch for them. And they have something for Diana.


Sophie: I wanted to get to you earlier but we didn't know where you were until Agatha told us.

Hamish: Agatha Wilson. She's a demon on The Congregation.

Matthew: You have links to The Congregation?

Hamish: Agatha's trustworthy.

Matthew: And we know that, how?

Nathaniel: Because she's my mother!

Sophie: This has been passed down through the Norman family. My father told me, when the time comes, to give this to the one who has need of it.

Diana: What is it?

Emily: Diana. The Goddess of the hunt.

Matthew: It's a chess piece. The white queen. I lost that in a wager, on All Souls Night, a very long time ago.

Sophie: But how did it end up in my family?

Matthew: I have no idea.

Nathaniel: Soph, let's go.

Sophie: No. Nathaniel. Look at these people! Vampires, witches and daemons, all together, under the same roof. If we can't tell them, who can we tell?

Diana: Tell them what?

Nathaniel: Soph, stop.

Sophie: My parents were witches.

Miriam: Cross species? But that's impossible.


Emily: Just to let you know, the house has a mind of its own, so don't be scared. You're gonna try it up here.


Hamish: If The Congregation finds out about Sophie's family history, she'll be in trouble.

Matthew: All I know for sure is that that chess piece was in the same place as this, on the same night.

Diana: Witches always say there's not much keeping the living from the dead between Halloween and All Souls. I don't know, maybe, maybe it might help us to time walk.

Matthew: All Hallows Eve is in six days. Will you be ready?

Diana: We'll have to be.


Sophie: How many do we need?

Sarah: Usually, two, for the porch. But this is great. We can put them up the driveway.


Marcus: The problem is, those rules haven't changed since their establishment. During the Crusades...

Nathaniel: That's what I mean. The Congregation are using ancient texts to corroborate modern prejudices.


Emily: Well, they're getting along.

Sophie: It's good he has someone to talk to. He wants to change the world, but it's hard to do that on your own.

Emily: And you, honey? Who do you have to talk to?

Sophie: Me? Oh, I'm fine.

Emily: I couldn't sleep last night. And I heard you crying in the bathroom. Bad dreams?

Sophie: I don't want to worry Nat.

Sarah: Tell us.

Sophie: I'm in a room with my baby. There are footsteps outside. I know The Congregation are coming for me. I don't care about that, but I'm scared, because they're coming for my baby too.

Emily: Oh, honey. You're among witches now, we'll do everything we possibly can.


Nathaniel: How do you do that?

Marcus: Couple hundreds years' practice. Do you want a go?

Nathaniel: I'll stick to computers… Hey. Mum.

Agatha: Are you all right?

Nathaniel: Yeah. Everyone's good. There's three vampires here and three witches, along with the three of us. No one's killed anyone… Yet.

Agatha: Well, be careful. I'm heading back to Venice. The Congregation's reconvening. Tell Diana to be careful. I love you.


Diana: Am I really ready to take us back twenty-five days?

Matthew: Well, we have to practice. If we can't do this, we don't stand a chance crossing the centuries.

Diana: And you're sure we're not going to bump into our past selves?

Matthew: I think it's a different kind of past. You haven't bumped into your past self whilst you've been time walking here.

Diana: No.

Matthew: I guess we'll soon find out.

Diana: Don't let go. Close your eyes. Now pick up your foot... When I tell you... Now.


Diana: How do we know it's the right night?

Matthew: We don't.


Matthew: Well, don't you look lovely tonight, Maman.

Ysabeau: No better than I did this morning. Shall we eat?

Matthew: Why not?


Matthew: Would you like to dance with me? I love you.


Gerbert: I was present when Philippe set up The Congregation. He weighed the scales in his favour.

Peter: A de Clermont must be one of the nine creatures who sit in the chamber.

Gerbert: It's a problem but it's not insurmountable.

Peter: Who would take the seat?

Gerbert: After Baldwin and Matthew? Marcus, but we wouldn't have any trouble with him.

Peter: Baldwin won't go easily.

Gerbert: He'll put up a fight. But... We can match him.


Emily: He doesn't find it funny. So you said goodbye to Ysabeau?

Matthew: We did, yes.

Diana: And we made it back just in time for supper.

Sarah: Your last one, with us, for a while anyway.

Marcus: Come on, Nat!

Nathaniel: No, I'm not letting you two anywhere near my baby's DNA.

Miriam: Don't you want to know if your child's a witch or a demon?

Sophie: I do!

Hamish: I think it's a great idea.

Sarah: I'd like to propose a toast: to unusual friendships.

All: Unusual friendships!


Hamish: I presume you still want me to be a Knight?

Matthew: Of course. It's because of you the order runs so smoothly. But I am going to give up my post as Grand Master.

Hamish: Matt, no!

Matthew: The brotherhood could do with new energy. There was more than enough of it around that table tonight.

Hamish: Almost a shadow Congregation.

Matthew: And if Sophie's claim to being a cross species is true, then there'll be more like her in need of protection. It might just be that the Knights have to take on The Congregation.

Hamish: Which is why you must lead us.

Matthew: I might not be able to. If Diana doesn't master the spells that are required to leave the past, then we may never come back.


Hamish: Matthew's playing his cards close to his chest. Don't you want to know where you're going?

Diana: No. No. I just, I want to be here, present, for the time that we have left.

Hamish: Traveling back in time, you'll be totally reliant on him. You do realize where you are going, he won't be the same man?


Peter: Baldwin has ordered Satu to be put on trial. No matter what she's done, we must stand united. How are you?

Satu: My power is coming back.

Peter: Good. We may need it today.


Matthew: Nathaniel. If you become at all concerned, when you're home, take Sophie here.

Nathaniel: France?

Matthew: My mother's expecting you. Sarah and Em will be there. I don't want them here when Congregation calls. You do understand we have a hell of a fight ahead of us?

Nathaniel: I've been fighting all my life.

Matthew: Good luck.


Diana: Thank you for bringing me the statue.

Sophie: I'm glad that I did and that I met you. It feels like it'll be important.

Diana: Yeah.


Hamish: What about the Book of Life? When you're away, the witches could get their hands on it.

Matthew: Well, in the present, the book isn't whole. Pages are missing. But, where we're going, we might find it in its entirety. Think of that.

Hamish: Come back and bring it with you.

Matthew: Goodbye, my friend.

Diana: Bye.


Baldwin: You abducted Diana Bishop against the permission of this chamber. Do you deny this?

Satu: No.

Baldwin: You will therefore be stripped of your status as a Congregation member. The witches will decide the punishment you deserve. They will also need to nominate a new member. Until then, this Chamber is adjourned.

Satu: I did it because I believed you were working with your brother to keep Diana from us. And I was proven right.

Baldwin: Keep her under control, Peter.

Gerbert: I'd like to hear what she has to say. How were you proven right?

Satu: I took the witch somewhere we'd be safe, but Matthew Clairmont followed us there with his brother. He's helping them.

Peter: Working against The Congregation is a treasonous offense.

Baldwin: One that I deny! Your witch has no proof. And my brother has always been a thorn in my side. Why would I help him?

Gerbert: Has anyone in this chamber heard of The Knights of Lazarus? The Knights run a parallel organization since the covenant was signed. They were established by Philippe de Clermont and his sons. The aim of the order is to further... The vampire cause.

Baldwin: The brotherhood is philanthropic. We protect those who can't protect themselves.

Peter: Like Diana Bishop? You are a Knight of Lazarus and your brother is its Grand Master, right? He's ordered you to protect her, hasn't he?

Baldwin: No.

Gerbert: Your heart is beating at double its usual speed, Baldwin, your pupils are dilated. You're lying.

Sigismund: Where are they? What's your brother done with her?

Timur: Does she have the Book of Life?

Peter: You want the Book and Diana Bishop for yourself. This is a vampire conspiracy.

Gerbert: I am as shocked as you, Peter, and to prove that I have no allegiance with Baldwin, I demand that he step down from The Congregation, with immediate effect.

Baldwin: I have no intention of stepping down!

Gerbert: Then we must make you.

Agatha: We don't use force in this chamber!

Gerbert: Baldwin de Clermont, you have committed treason against The Congregation. Your punishment is death by beheading and fire.

Baldwin: That is a punishment suited for the 14th century, not the twenty-first!

Gerbert: It comes from our ancient Testimony and there is no newer one to replace it.

Agatha: There is one Congregation rule we mustn't overlook! Each of us has one vote on every decision in this chamber.

Satu: Does that include me?

Peter: You're still on The Congregation.

Baldwin: As am I. I also have a vote.

Gerbert: All those who accuse Baldwin of...

Agatha: Wait! Unlike the vampires, demons give everyone a voice. We will recess and discuss this further.

Gerbert: Make it quick.


Gerbert: All those who accuse Baldwin of treason, raise their left hands… Domenico?

Baldwin: All those against...

Agatha: The motion is dismissed.

Peter: You kept your head on your shoulders for now. But you will tell us. Where are Matthew Clairmont and Diana Bishop?


Domenico: You'll be hearing from me.

Baldwin: Thank you.

Agatha: I had my reasons to want to protect Diana Bishop. But you owe us a debt.


Matthew: Oh, before I forget. There's a card with the numbers to get in contact with my mother.

Sarah: I never thought I'd be staying under Ysabeau de Clermont's roof.

Emily: A diet of nuts and berries, at least we'll lose weight, right? Diana. I love you.

Diana: Goodbye, Em.

Emily: Goodbye my darling. Take care, you.

Diana: Yeah, you too.

Emily: Yes, I will.

Sarah: Listen to your teachers. Absorb all the knowledge you can.

Diana: Yeah.

Sarah: You have more talent than any witch could ever dream of possessing. And I am so glad you're not going to waste it.

Diana: Thank you. I won't let you down.

Sarah: Stay safe… Good luck.


Miriam: Right. All done. We'll continue our research while Matthew's away.

Diana: Thank you.

Matthew: You're leaving now? Not staying for Halloween?

Miriam: We thought you two should have some time here alone. And as you know, I hate goodbyes… I'll see you outside, Marcus.

Marcus: So...

Matthew: I have something for you… Open it.

Marcus: Grand Master of The Knights of Lazarus? I can't do this. I don't want to.

Matthew: You think I did? But Philippe wanted to keep The Congregation and the Knights separate. So he made me promise him that the brotherhood would never be run by Baldwin. And I'm asking you to do the same.

Marcus: I can't follow in your footsteps.

Matthew: My son... You are the only one that I trust to do the job... I am at your command, Lord.


Matthew: It's time...


Diana: In the suitcase of clothes your mother added this. It's engraved. "A ma vie de cœur entier". My whole heart for my whole life.


Matthew: Please leave a message and I'll get back to you...

Baldwin: Your time's run out Matthew. Go now. They know where you are. Gerbert has the witches so be prepared for magic. Be prepared for anything. I just hope I'm not too late!


Matthew: This should help us find our way.

Diana: 'Settle thy studies and begin, to sound the depth of that thou wilt profess.' Doctor Faustus. Christopher Marlowe?

Matthew: I remember the night he inscribed it. Kit was a close friend of mine, in a dangerous time when there were very few creatures one could trust. It was to him I lost that chess piece to, on a wager on All Souls Night… Every year, a group of us would meet at the Old Lodge, for the Catholic holy days of All Saints and All Souls.

Diana: So, we're going to London?

Matthew: To 1590.


Gerbert: Top room of the house. They're alone. Matthew's slipping.

Satu: There's some kind of spell on it.


Diana: Now remember, do not let go, no matter what.

Matthew: Never.

Diana: Lift up your foot. And now, put it down when I tell you… It's time.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 50 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

22.09.2022 vers 02h

11.04.2022 vers 17h

07.09.2021 vers 17h

11.08.2021 vers 16h

28.02.2021 vers 18h

17.02.2021 vers 21h

Derniers commentaires

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Locksley  (23.02.2020 à 08:28)

Eh oui, quand on sait que deux saisons de plus sont déjà acquises, on peut se permettre de laisser les spectateurs sur un gros cliffhanger qui les frustre suffisamment pour leur donner envie de revenir pour savoir la suite ;-) Se jeter sur les livres est une option, attendre la saison 2 en est une autre.

Pour l'aspect développement, c'est sûr que 8 épisodes c'est très court.

langedu74  (23.02.2020 à 00:48)

Aaah non c'est quoi cette fin de saison !! Bon l'avantage d'avoir regardé la série seulement maintenant c'est que je n'aurais pas à attendre aussi longtemps pour la saison 2 ^^

Je pense qu'un ou deux épisodes de plus auraient permis de développer plus certains aspects de l'histoire surtout vers la fin. Mais j'ai quand même beaucoup apprécié cet épisode, avec notamment la réunion des 3 espèces à Madison, et bien sûr j'ai adoré la série en général :-)

Emmalyne  (06.11.2018 à 00:40)

J'ai beaucoup aimé l'épisode, même si je trouve que la congrégration discidente n'est pas été assez approfonfie, c'était pas vraiment possible en 40 minutes.

Cette fin de saison est vraiment sadique, comme j'en ai rarement vu, je crois qu'elle est dans mon top 5. Heureusement que j'ai pu lire la suite.

Il y a plus qu'à attendre pour la suite avec beaucoup de patience et finir de lire le tome 3.

Locksley  (05.11.2018 à 09:39)

@petitebones : contente que mon HypnoReview t'ait amenée à découvrir la série et que tu l'aies aimée ! Comme l'a souligné StefLibre, il y a du potentiel pour de nouveaux épisodes et ça, c'est une très bonne nouvelle :-)

ptitebones  (04.11.2018 à 23:50)

Nooooon c'est quoi cette fin ! Je veux la suite ! 

J'ai adoré du début à la fin, je suis vraiment trop contente que deux saisons soient déjà assurées. Merci Locksley et ton hypnoreview pour la découverte de la série !

Vivement la suite !

StefLibre  (04.11.2018 à 22:41)

Tout à fait raison Locksley wink et heureusement qu'ils ont annoncé cela rapidement...

Mais cela va être troooooooooooooop long à mon goût crycrycry; Teresa ne pouvant tourner qu'après la naissance de son bébé. 

Mais je reste positive, pas grave je regarderai la 1ère saison en boucle pendant une année (au moins) ! Avec ce que l'on voit aujourd'hui pour beaucoup de super séries, je suis déjà très heureuse d'avoir la certitude pour les deux saisons qui suivront. sealedsealedsealedsealed

Et après la sortie de la suite (Time Convert) déjà lue, pourquoi pas des saisons supplémentaires ???

Locksley  (04.11.2018 à 22:25)

J'aime beaucoup la réunion sorcières, vampires et démons chez les tantes de Diana. Quant à la fin de l'épisode, heureusement que la série a obtenu 2 saisons supplémentaires ;-)



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