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#108 : Le valet de couteaux

Alors que Waverly, Doc et Dolls sont sur le point de rattraper les sept revenants qu'ils traquaient, Wynonna se réveille prisonnière d'un tueur complètement désaxé.


4.64 - 11 votes

Titre VO
Two-Faced Jack

Titre VF
Le valet de couteaux

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L'Agent Dolls (Shamier Anderson) et Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

L'Agent Dolls (Shamier Anderson) et Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) est prêt à se battre

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) est prêt à se battre

L'Agent Dolls (Shamier Anderson) et Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) se battent

L'Agent Dolls (Shamier Anderson) et Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) se battent

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) menace Reggie (Ryan Belleville) avec un couteau

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) menace Reggie (Ryan Belleville) avec un couteau

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) est prête à se battre

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) est prête à se battre

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) hésite à tuer l'homme

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) hésite à tuer l'homme

Jack of Knives (Greg Bryk)

Jack of Knives (Greg Bryk)

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et le Peacemaker

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et le Peacemaker


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Plus de détails

Scénario : James Hurst
Réalisation : Ron Murphy

Doc découvre la voiture de Nicole, vide, des tâches de sang partout.

Wynonna se réveille aux côtés du légiste, ne se rappelant pas pourquoi elle est dans un lit d’hôpital. Wynonna est complètement perdue avant de se rendre compte qu’elle ne sent plus ses jambes, le légiste lui confirme qu’elle s’est blessée à la colonne.

Doc déboule dans le commissariat en appelant Dolls. Il lui apprend alors que Wynonna et Nicole ont été enlevées par le diable lui-même en lui montrant une carte de jeu.

Wynonna pose des questions au légiste pour essayer d’en apprendre un peu plus sur sa formation. Lorsqu’il lui injecte un produit, elle fait en sorte de bloquer la perfusion car elle s’est rendu compte qu’il mentait, il n’y a pas de fac de médecine à Princeton. Elle pense alors qu’il s’agit d’un Revenant et non d’un docteur. Le Dr. Reggie la menace mais elle reste de marbre. Quand il s’éloigne, Wynonna découvre Bethany sur le lit à côté d’elle, la gorge en sang.

Au bureau des Black Badges, Doc, Dolls et Waverly cherchent une solution pour ramener Wynonna. Doc leur raconte l’histoire de Jack et ses couteaux : il a enlevé des filles et les étripaient avant de laisser une carte de jeu sur le lieu de l’enlèvement. Jack était le Revenant qui obsédait le plus Wyatt à son époque. Lorsque Dolls regarde le pique qui se trouve sur la carte que Jack a laissé dans la voiture de Nicole, lui et Waverly comprennent que c’est le dernier des Sept. Alors que Waverly s’apprête à partir à sa recherche, Dolls l’arrête, il n’est pas question qu’elle aille quelque part avec son bras blessé, il vaut mieux qu’elle reste au bureau pour trouver des informations sur Jack.

Lorsque Dolls sort du poste de police, Nedley l’informe qu’ils ont retrouvé l’officier Haught. Elle est en vie mais mal en point, les ambulanciers ont dû la réanimer. Nedley veut bien que Dolls lui pose des questions à condition qu’il élimine celui qui lui a fait ça.

Wynonna pose des questions à Bethany pour savoir depuis combien de temps elle est là mais elle a perdu la notion du temps. Lorsque Bethany lui dit qu’aucune infirmière n’est passée, que c’est juste le Dr. Reggie, Wynonna lui apprend qu’elles ne sont pas dans un vrai hôpital et que Reggie est pas un docteur mais un tueur en série. Wynonna essaie de la convaincre de partir de cet endroit mais lorsque Bethany entend le Dr. Reggie revenir, elle se rallonge dans son lit. Le Dr. Reggie emmène Bethany à son « opération », elle se réveille au milieu de l’intervention alors qu’il lui retire ses organes. Wynonna entend Bethany hurler au loin et tente de bouger ses orteils sans succès alors que de son côté le Dr. Reggie s’énerve, il a encore tué quelqu’un.

Dolls insiste pour interroger Nicole mais Nedley préférerais avoir l’autorisation du médecin avant. Nicole les interrompt : elle veut les aider. Nicole fait part de son dernier souvenir : Waverly Earp qui lui souriait depuis son porche. Elle se souvient également d’un homme qui marchait sur la route en faisant des signes mais elle n’est pas capable de faire sa description. Ensuite, Nicole se souvient de quelques éléments, une forêt, elle avait froid puis elle se trouvait dans un fossé plein de bout mais elle n’a aucun souvenir de Wynonna car elle ne voyait rien. Doc prend le relais sur les questions et lui demande de se concentrer sur les odeurs car la vue n’est pas le seul sens que l’on ait. Nicole se rappelle une odeur de pourrie et d’essence et du fait que son ravisseur ait dit qu’elle n’était pas du bon type, contrairement à Wynonna. Lorsque Waverly craque, elle a peur pour sa sœur, Nicole s’excuse auprès d’elle mais la jeune Earp est contente qu’elle aille bien.

Wynonna débranche sa perfusion et ordonne à ses orteils de bouger, elle se jette hors du lit et tombe au sol. Elle se traîne jusqu’au plateau rempli d’armes.

Waverly craque complètement dans le couloir de l’hôpital et Doc vient la réconforter. Même si Jack a tout une panoplie de couteau, Wynonna les a, eux. Lorsque Dolls leur fait part des résultats des vêtements de Nicole, Waverly croit savoir où il retient Wynonna.

Waverly étend une carte et leur montre un endroit qui correspond et qui était utilisé pour faire de l’alcool, principalement. Mais le nombre de tunnels est trop important et ils ne peuvent pas localiser Wynonna avec précision mais Waverly sait qui pourrait les aider : un certain James Byers qui est sûrement un Revenant. Doc le connaît, il gère un business illégal : une salle de combat.

Doc et Dolls se rendent dans le club de combat et Whiskey Jim se présente à eux. Lorsqu’il demande si Doc a l’argent qu’il lui doit, Dolls lui affirme que les Black Badges le payeront s’il leur donne l’information qu’ils cherchent. Les hommes s’écartent pour discuter tranquillement.

Le Dr. Reggie revient vers Wynonna qui est de nouveau dans son lit, faisant semblant d’être dans les vapes à cause de la drogue. Il s’assure qu’elle ne sent toujours rien en lui détruisant l’orteil grâce à une énorme pince, Wynonna tient bon et ne montre pas sa douleur. Alors qu’il lui pose des questions, il remarque son collier qui est au sol et commence à être suspicieux. Reggie la menace et Wynonna lui demande si elle peut récupérer le collier. Alors qu’il s’approche pour le lui rendre, elle se prépare à le scalper mais le Dr. Reggie se dérobe à la dernière minute.

Dolls demande l’accès aux tunnels mais Whiskey ne veut rien dire, c’est chez lui ici et il fait ce qu’il veut. Si Doc et Dolls veulent son aide, ils vont devoir la gagner sur le ring en s’affrontant, ils doivent s’assurer de faire le show.

Le Dr. Reggie retourne vers le lit de Wynonna mais cette dernière s’est enfuie, il commence à crier son nom et part à sa recherche.

Dans le club, Dolls s’échauffe torse nu alors que Doc est en train de fumer une cigarette lorsque Whiskey Jim lui donne un dossier que Dolls a monté contre lui. La feuille indique des caractéristiques sur Doc qui est immortel. Le combat commence, Dolls voudrait juste donner à Whiskey Jim ce qu’il veut mais Doc est en colère par rapport au dossier et lui met une droite. Dolls ne se laisse pas faire et le met au sol, sous les applaudissements du public.

Alors que le Dr. Reggie ouvre un tonneau pour s’assurer que le Peacemaker est toujours à l’intérieur, Wynonna arrive derrière lui et le menace du scalpel. Reggie essaie de gagner du temps en lui faisant croire qu’il retient toujours Nicole, Wynonna se rend compte qu’il saigne, il ne peut pas être un Revenant. Elle tente de récupérer son arme mais se fait projeter loin derrière par une force invisible tandis que le Dr. Reggie s’effondre. Jack vient d’arriver et l’a tué d’un pic.

Doc et Dolls continuent de se battre l’un contre l’autre, le spectacle est au rendez-vous, même si Dolls est plus fort physiquement. Au milieu du ring, Doc fait comprendre à Dolls qu’il est au courant pour le dossier contre lui et le Marshall essaie de savoir qui est la taupe. Dolls le provoque sur sa relation avec Wynonna et Wyatt ce qui l’énerve, Doc lui met un crochet du droit qui envoie violemment Dolls au tapis. Dolls est proclamé mort par l’assemblée et son corps est jeté dans une benne à ordure. Doc ordonne à Whiskey de lui donner l’entrée du tunnel et lui demande également comment Bobo a eu l’information du dossier qui est classé top secret. Mais le Revenant reste évasif en disant simplement que Bobo a beaucoup d’influence.

De son côté Jack a menotté Wynonna à un lit et elle comprend qu’il avait besoin d’un humain pour tenir le Peacemaker, c’est pour ça qu’il a utilisé le Dr. Reggie.

Doc est dans le pick-up de Dolls en train de chercher comment le faire démarrer quand Dolls apparaît.

Jack fait part à Wynonna de son analyse à son propos. Elle se demande pourquoi il charpille des femmes, peut-être qu’il n’a peut-être pas suffisamment été aimé plus jeune.

Dolls explique à Doc comment il a réussi à duper les personnes du club sur le fait qu’il était mort : il a appris à contrôler les battements de son cœur et sa respiration pour faire croire à sa propre mort. Les deux hommes se menacent mutuellement mais le fait que Wynonna soit en danger les retient de s’entre tuer.

Jack se prépare à découper Wynonna mais elle essaie de gagner du temps pour savoir pourquoi les Sept ont décidé de s’attaquer à Ward pour le tuer cette nuit-là. Jack lui fait remarquer que ce ne sont pas eux qui l’ont tué mais bien elle, une fille apeurée. Jack avoue qu’il aimait bien Ward car il était différent des autres héritiers, il n’était pas aussi ambitieux ou courageux, mais il avait l’intelligence. Pour rester en vie, il avait compris qu’il devait s’allier à Bobo, Wynonna refuse d’y croire, son père n’aurait jamais fait de pacte avec le diable. Lorsque Jack s’apprête à l’ouvrir avec ses ongles, Doc tire une balle en sa direction. Les deux hommes se battent ce qui laisse le temps à Dolls de libérer Wynonna. Wynonna lui demande d’aller chercher le Peacemaker tandis qu’elle plante un couteau dans le dos de Jack avant de s’assurer que Doc aille bien. Dolls revient avec le Peacemaker et avant de partir pour achever Jack, Wynonna leur demande de ne pas s’entre tuer.

Doc et Dolls se mettent en joue immédiatement après son départ. Doc ne veut pas le tuer mais cherche des réponses. Dolls lui avoue alors que c’était soit lui, soit Wynonna et c’est pour ça qu’il a décidé de monter ce dossier. Doc lui dit alors qu’il doit se battre et pas se faire marcher dessus.

Wynonna part à la poursuite de Jack qu’elle trouve un peu plus loin en train de ramper. Jack essaie de gagner du temps en prônant le fait qu’il est le dernier des Sept mais une fois qu’il sera mort, elle devra s’en prendre à Bobo lui-même, c’est lui qui dirige tout. Wynonna n’entre pas dans son jeu et l’élimine quand même avec le Peacemaker.

Wynonna est assise contre un baril quand ses camarades arrivent, elle semble perdue et déprimée.

A l’Homestead, les deux sœurs brûlent la photo des Sept, ils disparaissent juste comme ça. Waverly essaie de savoir ce qui va se passer désormais mais sa sœur l’ignore et s’en va.

L’Agent Lucado et Dolls se rencontrent. Dolls souhaite retirer son dossier sur Holliday, il lui dit que Henry est un bon comédien mais le véritable Doc Holliday est mort depuis longtemps. A la place, il ouvre le coffre de sa voiture pour lui donner quelque chose : Whiskey Jim qu’il enferme. Dolls compte le torturer pour trouver la taupe au sein des Black Badges.


Doc : Devil's hell. Plus an angel incarnate.


Unknown Place

Wynonna : Waverly? Doc?

Dr. Reggie : No, no, you're OK. Hey, lay back. Lay back.

Wynonna : What happened?

Dr. Reggie : Deep breaths, Deputy Earp. You remember me?

Wynonna : Uh... Dr. Ninja. Am I in the morgue?

Dr. Reggie : Thankfully, no. You're in the hospital. Do you remember anything about the accident?

Wynonna : Accident? I was at the homestead… Zombie strippers.

Dr. Reggie : Oh, OK. Some memory loss is totally normal after such a trauma.

Wynonna : Where's Waverly? Where's my sister? Where's Doc?

Dr. Reggie : No, no, no. We have to limit your visitors right now, until… Wynonna, I need you to listen to me.

Wynonna : Why can't I move my legs?

Dr. Reggie : There's no easy way to say this. You suffered severe damage to your spinal cord, causing paralysis from the waist down.


Police Station

Doc : Dolls! Dolls!

Nedley : Whoa! Hold on, son, now there's no need for hollering.

Doc : Wynonna and Officer Haught, they've been taken.

Nedley : What do you mean, taken?

Doc : Abducted, absconded, whatever the hell you want to call it, they're gone!

Dolls : What do you mean, gone?

Doc : He's got them, Dolls. The Fiend himself.


Unknown Place

Wynonna : You don't understand. I love my legs. They're what I walk on. What are you giving me? I feel so...

Dr. Reggie : You feel hungover? You're very lucky, Ms. Earp. Lucky you didn't kill anyone.

Wynonna : I wasn't drunk... anymore. Ask... Nicole. Nicole was driving. Where's Nicole?

Dr. Reggie : Shh, I have to listen, OK?

Wynonna : So you're like, a full-on doctor?

Dr. Reggie : Morgue duty is just part of our rotation.

Wynonna : I thought I might go to med school. My solid D-minus thought otherwise. Where'd you go?

Dr. Reggie : Queens Undergraduate, Princeton Medical School.

Wynonna : And you chose to practice here? In Purgatory? Lucky for me.

Dr. Reggie : Indeed. I am actually pioneering a radical new procedure at this hospital. To increase certain brain functions, and I guess you could say… shut down others. Certain areas of emotion cause a patient to be irrational. They can be removed.

Wynonna : One question. Do you only use the cane as a weapon, or are you hiding a limp under all that bullshit?

Dr. Reggie : Excuse me?

Wynonna : Princeton doesn't have a medical school, dickwad. You're not a doctor, you're a killer. A revenant.

Dr. Reggie : People think that all it takes to become a doctor is smarts. No, no, no, no. A real doctor pushes boundaries. Does things that others find distasteful for the sake of progress. Take yourself, Wynonna. You've been a very, very bad girl. But it's not your fault, is it? There's something very wrong, deep inside of you. And the doctor will search until he finds it, and cut it right out. Off to prep an O.R. Back in a jiff!


Bethany : Hello?

Wynonna : Bethany?


Black Badge Division Office

Dolls : I'll call the Feds and I'm gonna make a discrete request for additional resources. We need boots on the ground.

Waverly : No. No, we need choppers in the air and jets and drones and cruise missiles pointed right at Bobo's head!

Doc : Wasn't Bobo that took 'em. Wasn't the Stone Witch neither. And your fancy weapons won't do anything against Jack and his knives.

Waverly : What kind of man...

Doc : To call him a man would be to speak generously. In Dodge City there was a schoolteacher name of Sally. She laughed like a mule, but her eyes did shine. I was sweet on her, but she went missing. Wyatt and me, we tracked her to a limestone cave in the hills. That's where we found her, with three other soiled doves that had been thought to have run off. He had taken their insides out. Spread them around their own bodies like a Thanksgiving feast.

Waverly : Oh my god.

Doc : Papers called him 'the Jack of Knives' on account of the fact that's what he called himself in the letters he sent, taunting them. Adept at all manner of blade.

Dolls : Great.

Doc : Wyatt and me, we made it our mission to hunt him down. We tracked him through the Cumberland pass, nearly freezing to death, and then I got sick. Real sick. Wyatt never spoke of Jack again, but I know he was the one that haunted him the most.

Waverly : Well, Wyatt must've got him eventually, otherwise the creep wouldn't be a revenant. He was a serial killer when he was human. Who knows what he's capable of now?

Dolls : Or what he's gonna do to Wynonna. Or Officer Haught. The spade. The spade… once symbolized a sword or unsheathed blade...

Waverly : Or knife. He's the last of the Seven. Come on.

Dolls : Whoa, whoa, Waverly. Can't go anywhere with that broken wing of yours. Besides, I need you to stay here and dig deep, find more on this Jack, alright?

Waverly : Right. Bring them home safe, OK?

Dolls : Of course. Alright, Holliday, you said you tracked this guy before, right? You think you can do it again?

Doc : You want my help? I figured...

Dolls : That I'd keep you at arms' length? Yeah, well, not this time, cowboy. Come on. Saddle up.


Outside Police Station

Nedley : We've found her. Officer Haught.

Dolls : Status?

Nedley : She's alive. Barely. Motorist spotted her on the side of the highway. EMS had to resuscitate on site.

Doc : Damn him.

Dolls : I'm gonna need access.

Nedley : You'll have it. Two conditions.

Dolls : Alright, name them.

Nedley : Doctor says she needs a break, you hightail it. And when you find the bastard who did this, you make sure no one else does. And you. Move your damn horse.


Unkown Place

Wynonna : How long have you been here?

Bethanie : Couple days. Maybe a week?

Wynonna : You had any visitors? Seen any nurses, orderlies?

Bethanie : Just Dr. Reggie. He's gonna fix us.

Wynonna : OK, Bethany, we're in serious shit here.

Bethanie : It's OK to feel nervous before a surgery.

Wynonna : This isn't a real hospital. Reggie's not a real doctor.

Bethanie : He cares about me. You know how long it's been since I could actually say that about a man?

Wynonna : Park your daddy issues, 'cause it's time to haul ass outta here.

Bethanie : If he's not a doctor, he's...

Wynonna : A serial killer. The good news is that you're not sick. The better news... Bethany. Better news is that we're leaving. OK? I'll need you to get me a wheelchair, though. Shit.

Bethanie : He's coming back.

Wynonna : OK...

Bethanie : What do I do?

Wynonna : Run. Get help. Go! Bethany, no! Bethany!

Bethanie : I'm not like you, Wynonna. I'm not brave.

Wynonna : No...

Dr. Reggie : Time for the doctor to go to work.


Bethanie : What're you doing? Oh God, please don't...

Dr. Reggie : The doctor is gonna make you feel better, Bethany. She won't stabilize. I can't lose another one! Come on, come on! It's OK. It's OK. I can fix the next one. I just know I can fix Wynonna.



Nedley : I know Deputy Earp is still out there, and we'll continue the search, but we agreed my Officer...

Dolls : Is our only witness. I need to question her before her memory becomes more clouded than it is.

Nedley : I'd feel more comfortable with a greenlight from her doctor.

Nicole : Sheriff. I'm good. OK? I want to help.

Nedley : Well, I'll swing by and make sure that cat of yours is fed.

Nicole : She doesn't really like men.

Nedley : Well, who does?

Dolls : OK. So what was the last thing you saw?

Nicole : Waverly Earp, smiling at me from her front porch. And, uh, a man stepping out on the highway. Flagging us down.

Dolls : Description?

Nicole : No. Just a blank space after that. Until the woods.

Dolls : So what happened?

Nicole : Somebody was carrying me. I was blindfolded, I think. Or just really drugged. Next thing I know I'm freezing cold, covered in dirt in a ditch the side of the road.

Dolls : What about Wynonna? Do you remember anything about Wynonna?

Nicole : No. I couldn't see anything.

Doc : Sight ain't your only sense, Ms. Haught. What did he smell like? Close your eyes. Take a deep breath in, let the memories come.

Nicole : Sour. Musty.

Dolls : Like death?

Nicole : No. Spoiled fruit. And gasoline. He kicked me.

Dolls : What?

Nicole : I couldn't figure out why my chest was hurting. He threw me down and he said "You're the wrong kind."

Dolls : You're the wrong kind. You're the wrong kind. You're the wrong kind. Uh… Serial killers, they, um, often have a type of victim that they prefer.

Waverly : And Wynonna?

Dolls : Must be exactly what Jack's looking for.

Nicole : Waverly, I'm so sorry.

Waverly : No, it's fine. I'm just glad you're OK.


Unknown Place

Wynonna : Come on, toes... move.



Waverly : Doc…

Doc : Now, now. You know she's tougher than a boiled owl.

Waverly : He's got, like, a shitload of knives.

Doc : And she's got us.

Dolls : Ahem! Initial tests came back from Nicole's uniform. Traces of ethyl alcohol.

Waverly : Yeah, the… gasoline smell she remembered.

Dolls : Common by-product of chemical manufacture. Like designer drugs. Certain types of explosives.

Doc : Sour fruit.

Dolls : Excuse me?

Doc : Nicole also said she smelled sour fruit. As in fermented fruit.

Waverly : Liquor.

Dolls : Ethyl isn't in liquor.

Doc : Back in my day it was. Bootleggers used it to make moonshine.

Waverly : Doc, you're a genius!

Dolls : Let's not get carried away.

Waverly : OK, I think I know where he has her.


Black Badge Division Office

Waverly : Right. Late 1930s, Purgatory gets a new sewage system. Construction crew hits what they think is a sinkhole. They actually found a series of tunnels used during prohibition to smuggle liquor across the border.

Doc : Prohibition?

Dolls : From 1919 to 1933 the United States banned the sale, the making and consumption of alcohol.

Doc : Lord, I'm almost glad I was in the well for that.

Dolls : So Jack went from using caves to using those tunnels. Does this map give their location?

Waverly : No, unfortunately. The town just sealed them up. But I think I have an idea who might know where they are. OK, 1884, Wyatt killed a corrupt saloon owner named James Byers.

Dolls : James Byers.

Waverly : Same name appears again in 1925 in connection with a rumored liquor run. It could be two guys or...

Dolls : Or a revenant.

Doc : Aw, hell.

Dolls : Let me guess. You knew him?

Doc : I know him. Runs an operation in town.

Dolls : What kind of operation are we talking about?

Doc : The best kind, highly illegal.


Fight Club

Doc : There are two rules to this, Mr. Dolls.

Dolls : Let me guess. First rule of fight club, never talk about fight club, right?

Doc : Nobody talks about it, how're fellas gonna know where it is? No, the first rule is, You never, ever bring the law.

Dolls : And what's the second rule?

Man : Wait here. Boss is comin'.

Doc : Oh… Ooh!

Dolls : What d'you think, human or revenant?

Doc : Kinda hard to tell. Well, Whiskey Jim likes to mix it up. 'Course, the humans have no idea they're stepping into the ring with a demon. Adds a bit of whimsy to your typical pugilistic festivities, no?

Whiskey Jim : Look who the cat dragged in.

Doc : Whiskey Jim.

Whiskey Jim : Doc Holliday. You being here means one of two things. Either you got my 10K, or you got a death wish.

Dolls : Of course, you owe him money.

Doc : Did I forget to mention that?

Dolls : Listen, this idiot doesn't have what he owes you, but my division does. All in exchange for some information. Is there a place we can talk, Whiskey Jimmy?

Whiskey Jim : Bloody Black Badge? Rule number one, moron.


Unkown Place

Wynonna : Yo. What up, Doctor Murder?

Dr. Reggie : How are you feeling?

Wynonna : Floaty. These drugs are hella dope. And coming from me, that's saying something.

Dr. Reggie : I need to ask you some questions about your personal history.

Wynonna : Cut the bullshit. I know who you are. The last of the Seven. Which means I'm sure as shit not telling you anything.

Dr. Reggie : You're awfully mouthy for a girl who just found out she's paralyzed.

Wynonna : Bethany hasn't come back. I'm just scared, OK?

Dr. Reggie : That's why it's important to have a healthy and open patient-doctor dialogue. So tell me, Wynonna… Can you feel this?

Wynonna : Nope. You could be giving me a pedicure.

Dr. Reggie : Good. Still, we should up your meds. The doctor just wants to understand you. Don't you want to be understood?

Wynonna : I want to be on a beach in Hawaii with two very impressionable cabana boys.

Dr. Reggie : Always with the jokes. Tell me, Wynonna… What happened after you killed your own father?

Wynonna : I was committed. Put under the care of a 'specialist'. Every time I told the truth, I got a nice jolt of electric juice.

Dr. Reggie : Was the shock therapy effective?

Wynonna : Yeah. Made me good at poker and now I don't have to shave my left leg.

Dr. Reggie : You use humor as a form of self-defence.

Wynonna : I prefer my Buntline special. What'd you do with Peacemaker? Get a good grip on it? Stings a little, don't it, Revenant? Hey, that's mine.

Dr. Reggie : What is it doing over here?

Wynonna : You must've snagged it on something when you wheeled me in. Give it back.

Dr. Reggie : Answer my questions without any more guff.

Wynonna : And you won't cut me open?

Dr. Reggie : Wynonna, we have to do the surgery. For your own good.

Wynonna : To fix me, yeah. Did you fix Bethany?

Dr. Reggie : The doctor has ensured that she's in no more pain.

Wynonna : What is with psychos and talking in the third person?

Dr. Reggie : I'm not psycho!

Wynonna : Fine, you're not psycho. You're not psycho. You're delightful. Top notch. I'll answer whatever, OK? Just put my necklace back on me, please.

Dr. Reggie : On second thought, you're not really in a position to do any bargaining, are you?


Fight Club

Dolls : OK, look, we just need the entrance to your old bootlegging tunnels, that's it.

Whiskey Jim : Let's say I was willing to help you. And I ain't. Those tunnels are of no use to you or anyone. They were boarded up a long time ago. Nobody knows how to find them.

Doc : Well, somebody does.

Whiskey Jim : That 'someone' has a very sharp blade and Bobo's backin'. Ain't got nothin' to do with me.

Dolls : Look, just tell us where they are and we'll be on our way, alright, Whiskey?

Whiskey Jim : This is my place. I do the asking. And you owe me plenty.

Doc : Look, we are all businessmen here. Can't we come to some sort of arrangement?

Whiskey Jim : Hmm… Now you do look like you can handle yourself.

Dolls : Yeah, I do alright.

Whiskey Jim : Alright. You want my help? You two need to earn it. Here, now. In the ring.

Dolls : Whoa, whoa, whoa. You really want me to fight him?

Doc : What, you yella?

Dolls : No, I'm being realistic, and let's be real, you won't get your money's worth.

Doc : Oh, I'll take that bet. Shut up.

Whiskey Jim : Whatever. Just make sure there's blood. Lots of it. One of you leaves on a stretcher, or neither of you leaves at all. You give me that? I'll tell you where my tunnels are.

Doc : Rule number two, don't come if you ain't willing to fight.


Unkown Place

Dr. Reggie : Wynonna! Wynonna!


Fight Club

Whiskey Jim : This fella's been looking for a chance to give you this. Boss man sent him. I guess Bobo wants you alive for something. You best read it quick.

Doc : Dolls, you slimy motha...

Man : Place your bets, gents! Alright, let's go! Come on!

Whiskey Jim : That's enough. It's showtime.

Dolls : Alright. OK, look, we're running out of time. Let's just give this guy what he wants. We should make it look real.

Doc : Who says it ain't?

Dolls : Oof! Heh, heh! Alright, old-timer. Playtime's over.


Unkown Place

Dr. Reggie : I see you've found my missing scalpel.

Wynonna : Know how to make someone show you where something precious is hidden? Set fire to their house. It's the first thing they go for.

Dr. Reggie : Wynonna, don't be rash. You'll never find Officer Haught without me.

Wynonna : New deal, Reggimite. Tell me where she is, and I'll make your trip back to hell an express. Screw around, and I will have some fun before I blow your Revenant brains out.

Dr. Reggie : Hell?

Wynonna : You killed Nicole, didn't you, you sonuvabitch?

Dr. Reggie : No.

Wynonna : Red blood? You're human.

Dr. Reggie : I'm sorry, Doctor.

Jack : No need to say sorry, Reginald. You served your purpose. And now, you are released.

Wynonna : Who are you?

Jack : I've had a lot of names. But you can call me Jack.


Fight Club

Dolls : What happened to your shoulder, huh?

Doc : I'm surprised you don't know. It wasn't in your report?

Dolls : How?! Who told you? Who gave it to you?

Doc : You wanna poke and prod me for science? You wanna put me back in a cage? You are a dirty, two-faced son of a bitch liar.

Crowd : Ohh!

Man : What're you waiting for!? Get up! One of you two needs to eat this mat, or this deal's off!

Doc : Wynonna will never forgive you if you hand me over to the authorities.

Dolls : You didn't help her when it mattered. She's with Jack because of you. No wonder why Wyatt left you to die.

Whiskey Jim : Winner! Ohh! You sir did give me one hell of a show. You killed him!


Whiskey Jim : We'll deal with his corpse.

Doc : Much obliged.

Whiskey Jim : Now, I expect Black Badge will be snooping around, asking about their missing agent. I'd make myself scarce, ASAP.

Doc : The entrance to the tunnels.

Whiskey Jim : Now, I promised him that information. Him's dead...

Doc : Now, goddammit!

Whiskey Jim : Well, you did give me one helluva good show!

Doc : That file Dolls had was classified. How'd Bobo get it?

Whiskey Jim : We revenants are trapped inside the Ghost River Triangle. But Bobo, his reach extends far beyond that. He's got friends in high places, that one. Oh, oh, oh! I, uh, got these off your dead friend. Don't think he'll be needing them anymore.


Unkown Place

Wynonna : You needed a human to handle Peacemaker for you.

Jack : Somebody lost their head.



Doc : Jesus H. Christ!

Dolls : Nope. You weren't leaving without me, were ya? Never touch my stuff.


Unkown Place

Jack : Your nose is bleeding.

Wynonna : Got a tampon? Or, you know, an inkling to get me to a real hospital?

Jack : Wyatt's nose bled like that when I first met him. I've been studying you for a long while. We are so alike.

Wynonna : Insane?

Jack : No. You work with a team, not because you want to, but because you have to. Like me. And you prefer to hunt alone. Like me. This is a trick that Reginald taught me. Surgeons today like to draw a map on their patients for where they're going to cut.

Wynonna : Any chance this surgery is elective?

Jack : It's mandatory, I'm afraid.

Wynonna : Thought doctors had to take an oath to do no harm.

Jack : I've never really been a doctor. But I did study surgery. And by study, I mean, I love to cut open bodies. I like to see what makes people... people. See, even when I was human, I wasn't. Not way down deep.

Wynonna : I owe Reggie an apology. You're the sickest puppy in the litter.

Jack : Flattery's not gonna save you.

Wynonna : What is your damage? Mommy didn't love you enough? Or is this because every woman you ever met rejected you?

Jack : Maybe. Your dime-store psychology is adorable, Wynonna. I love women. Can't you tell? Feast for the eyes. And every man has a favorite body part upon which to gaze. I love to look at your organs. And I'm gonna keep you alive just long enough… that you can look at them too.



Doc : You dead, and now you are nuts.

Dolls : Oh, how the tables and have turned. Army Night Rangers. Elite paramilitary unit. They train us in how to lower our pulse, control our breathing. Make the enemy think you're dead.

Doc : Oh, aren't you the master of deception.

Dolls : Here we go.

Doc : If your bosses have no compunction about turning a person into a pin cushion, how are they better than the demons?

Dolls : Your body is a treasure trove for science. Think about what the military could do with soldiers who didn't get sick, didn't age? It was a decision made for the good of the many.

Doc : I get to choose who I share my treasure trove with, not the goddamn government. If Wynonna wasn't in danger, I would shoot you right now.

Dolls : Yeah. If Wynonna wasn't in danger, you would be in the back of a van. Hey, hey, hey! Watch it!

Doc : Ooh! Easy now. I'm just gettin' ready. But once Wynonna is safe...

Dolls : Yeah. Once Wynonna's safe.

Doc : Now. How the hell do we get in there?


Unkown Place

Jack : Reginald always used antiseptic because he thought that there was a chance that the patients would survive the procedure, but… let's not kid ourselves. You're not gonna survive this. Now… only the best for the heir.

Wynonna : Wait! Before I die, just tell me.

Jack : Tell you what?

Wynonna : Why. Why send the posse of seven? If Bobo really wanted my daddy dead, he could've done it himself.

Jack : Don't forget, it wasn't the posse that killed dear old Ward. It was a scared and confused little girl.

Wynonna : It was an accident.

Jack : I know, I was there. I know you're not gonna believe this, but I really liked your father. He wasn't like the other Earp heirs. He wasn't ambitious like Edwin, or courageous like Josiah, but he had something that they didn't have. Wits. When Ward started his little ride, he realized that in order to survive, he was gonna have to make certain alliances.

Wynonna : With who? Black Badge?

Jack : Don't be daft. He made a pact with the big man himself. Bobo Del Rey.

Wynonna : No. My daddy would never make a deal with a demon. Never.

Jack : They were very close friends.

Wynonna : Liar.

Jack : I'm sorry, Wynonna, that I break your heart. Now I'm going to cut it out.

Wynonna : No! No! Took you long enough.

Doc : You're welcome.

Jack : Doc Holliday. I always hoped that I'd have this pleasure. Where did you get the Stone Witch's trinket? Normally I just carve up women, but, Doctor, in your case I'm gonna make an exception.

Doc : Looks like it's just me and you, Jackie Boy.

Wynonna : Go! Go get it.

Dolls : Peacemaker?

Wynonna : Yeah. It's across the hall. Whisky barrels. Quick! OK.

Doc : Did I get him?

Dolls : Not your job. Oh! It just got a little wet.

Wynonna : Mmm. Oak-aged. Thank you. Don't kill each other.

Dolls : Alright… So.

Doc : Yep.

Dolls : Good talk.

Doc : Oh, we are done talkin'. I think this would be a good juncture to remind you that I am the fastest gunslinger that ever walked the earth.

Dolls : Hm. Debatable. What about Billy the Kid?

Doc : Ooh, I should shoot you right now, just for being such an obstreperous jackass.

Dolls : So go ahead. Take me out. Just know they've got satellites. Predator drones. You look like you just came out of the Grand Ole Opry, so they will find you, Doc.

Doc : And you, sir, are an asshole. But you are not a villain. So why, Dolls?

Dolls : It was you. Or her.

Doc : I see. Do you know what Wyatt used to say? He used to say, 'Doc, well, if you stand for nothing, you are sure to fall.'

Dolls : What was I supposed to do?

Doc : You do what you do best, Deputy Marshal Dolls, you fight.

Dolls : OK.

Doc : Well, that was easy.


Jack : Just think about it. Think about it. Think about it. I'm the last of the Seven. What happens when you kill me?

Wynonna : Order too much Thai and open a bottle of wine?

Jack : Once I'm gone, you'll have to deal with the puppet master. And Bobo Del Rey makes the rest of us look like choir boys.

Wynonna : Yeah. But he'll still make the same pathetic hissing sound when I shoot him between the eyes.

Jack : You're talking tough, but you're just like me. You're broken. I can hear the fear in your voice. Oh, I wish I could stay! Watch what's coming next. A reunion… an escape. So much blood.

Wynonna : You attacked my home and killed my sister. Now make your peace.

Jack : What's the hurry, little girl? Enjoy the moment. Savor the kill.

Wynonna : Who's this, you do impressions now? Who is that, Judi Dench?

Jack : You've solved a great mystery. Succeeded where Scotland Yard failed, and all by your lonesome.

Wynonna : I ain't interested. And I'm not lonesome. I just prefer to hunt alone.


Earp House

Wynonna : You have to let go sometime, Waves.

Waverly : Maybe tomorrow. Well, just like that, the Seven are gone.

Wynonna : Just like that, huh?

Waverly : So what now? Wynonna?



Lucado : You stand by this report? That your Deputy possibly dispatched the most notorious serial killer in history?

Dolls : I said possibly. There's no way to prove it without a body.

Lucado : How convenient. Where's my delivery?

Dolls : Oh yeah. I will be formally withdrawing the report I filed on the alleged target. Henry is nothing but a con artist. A good one, but… the real Doc Holliday is dead.

Lucado : You continue to disappoint me.

Dolls : As long as I keep surprising you, sir.

Lucado : Always.


Dolls : I've acquired a local asset. A revenant from within Bobo Del Rey's inner circle. Trusted lieutenant. I will test the limits of his physical body. And his mind. No method will be spared. After all, there's no danger of him dying on me... at least, not permanently.
Seems there's a mole in my organization, Jim. And you are going to help me find them.

Kikavu ?

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chrismaz66, 15.04.2024 à 11:46

Oui cliquez;-) et venez jouer à l'animation Kaamelott qui démarre là maintenant et ce jusqu'à la fin du mois ! Bonne chance à tous ^^

Supersympa, 16.04.2024 à 14:31

Bonjour à tous ! Nouveau survivor sur le quartier Person of Interest ayant pour thème l'équipe de Washington (saison 5) de la Machine.

choup37, Hier à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, Hier à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, Aujourd'hui à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

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