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#113 : Le Pacificateur

Le Peacemaker a disparu. Quand Bobo met la tête de Wynonna à prix, elle doit faire un choix déchirant si elle veut pouvoir continuer sa croisade contre les revenants.


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I Walk the Line

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Le Pacificateur

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Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) dans la rue

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) dans la rue

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) dans un plaid

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) et Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) dans un plaid

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) embrasse sa soeur sur le front

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) embrasse sa soeur sur le front

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano)

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano)

Willa Earp (Natalie Krill) parle avec Bobo Del Ray (Michael Eklund)

Willa Earp (Natalie Krill) parle avec Bobo Del Ray (Michael Eklund)

Willa Earp (Natalie Krill) et Bobo Del Ray (Michael Eklund)

Willa Earp (Natalie Krill) et Bobo Del Ray (Michael Eklund)

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon)

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) arme au poing

Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) arme au poing

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) prête à se battre

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano) prête à se battre

Bobo Del Ray (Michael Eklund) menace quelqu'un

Bobo Del Ray (Michael Eklund) menace quelqu'un

Willa Earp (Natalie Krill) menaçante avec un pistolet

Willa Earp (Natalie Krill) menaçante avec un pistolet

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano)

Wynonna Earp (Melanie Scrofano)


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Plus de détails

Scénario : Emily Andras
Réalisation : Paolo Barzman

Les habitants de Purgatory deviennent fous dans la salle de la fête mais Dolls, Doc et Nicole protègent Wynonna de la foule. Doc et Dolls la prennent et la lancent par la fenêtre pour la faire sortir.

Bobo et Willa sont à la frontière, ils s’embrassent et traversent. Au début, tout se passe bien, Bobo est content, elle est vraiment l’Héritière mais son corps commence à le brûler alors ils font demi-tour. Willa se rend compte que ce n’est pas le Peacemaker qui est dans la pochette, quelqu’un l’a pris.

Waverly est poursuivie par des personnes qui cherchent sa sœur, elle se cache derrière une voiture mais quelqu’un lui met un mouchoir contre sa bouche.

Willa ne comprend pas qu’on lui ait pris le Peacemaker, elle n’a laissé aucun indice qui pourrait la suspecter. Bobo commence à désespérer, elle doit à tout prix mettre la main sur le Peacemaker.

Dolls et Doc se rendent au poste pour récupérer des armes afin de se protéger. Doc confronte Dolls sur les drogues qu’il prend, Dolls lui dit qu’il en prend depuis qu’il est petit, ça lui permet de rester en vie. Nicole les rejoint mais Dolls dit que c’est secret défense. Doc lui avoue tout ce qui se passe en deux phrases et Nicole le remercie, elle comprend tout désormais. Doc et Dolls vont aller voler un antidote tandis que Nicole a pour mission de retrouver les sœurs Earp. Aussi, Dolls lui souhaite la bienvenue à la Brigade des Black Badges.

Wynonna Earp rentre à l’Homestead à la recherche de ses sœurs tout en s’extirpant de sa robe. Pete York est là et Wynonna essaie de se sortir de ce mauvais pétrin. Elle le frappe mais c’est Willa qui l’assomme avec une poêle. Willa lui raconte qu’elle a été séparée de Waverly dans la foule et qu’elle s’est retrouvée seule, sans le Peacemaker et lui demande où il se trouve.

Wynonna n’est pas plus inquiète que ça à propos de la disparition du Peacemaker alors que Willa est dans tous ses états : retrouver l’arme est une priorité et pas Waverly apparemment. Pour la première fois depuis très longtemps, le téléphone de la maison sonne, Chrissy Nedley retient Waverly au poste de police. Wynonna part se préparer, elle est toujours en sous-vêtements et s’énerve après Willa, elle n’en a rien à fiche du Peacemaker, Waverly est bien plus importante.

Bobo part se réfugier et tombe sur Juan Carlo qui essaie de le convaincre qu’il ne veut pas faire ça. Malgré les avertissements de Juan, bobo ne l’écoute pas et s’en va quand même, bien déterminé à passer la frontière.

Wynonna et Willa arrivent au bureau de Nedley et Chrissy s’évanouit. Willa libère Waverly de ses liens en disant qu’ils doivent vite se rendre à la fête pour récupérer le Peacemaker. Waverly serre un peu plus fort sa pochette et sa sœur se rend compte que c’est elle qui a pris l’arme. Wynonna essaie de comprendre pourquoi Waverly a pris le Peacemaker et cette dernière lui dit qu’elle n’a pas confiance en Willa. Willa s’énerve et les menace de son arme et Nicole arrive dans la pièce au même moment. Si Wynonna ne donne pas l’arme, Willa tuera Nicole. Waverly est vraiment inquiète qu’il arrive quelque chose et supplie sa sœur de donner le Peacemaker car elle aime Nicole. Pour Waverly, Wynonna accepte de lui donner mais Willa tire quand même sur Nicole, qui, heureusement, portait un gilet par balles. En le découvrant, Wynonna est contente que sa sœur ait enfin choisi quelqu’un de malin. Nicole leur dit que Dolls et Doc sont partis chercher un antidote au Shorty’s.

Wynonna et Waverly partent à la recherche de Willa mais tombent sur un groupe d’humains.

Dolls et Doc s’apprêtent à entrer dans le Shorty’s où se trouvent tous les Revenants. Les deux ouvrent le feu et tirent sur les Revenants sans réfléchir.

Nedley arrive dans le groupe, Wynonna s’est mise dans de beaux draps. Le Sheriff prend la parole devant tout le monde, s’ils font ce que Bobo a demandé, ils deviendront pires que les Revenants. Finalement, ils laissent passer les deux Earp, avant de partir, Wynonna l’informe que sa fille est en vie, dans son bureau.

Doc et Dolls se retirent du Shorty’s lorsque Dolls se prend une balle dans le ventre, il s’évanouit contre sa voiture alors Doc décide de lui injecter une dose de ses drogues. Le problème est qu’il s’est trompé de fiole ce qui transforme peu à peu Dolls en bête. Il entre à nouveau au Shorty’s et on voit des Revenants voler à travers les fenêtres.

Wynonna et Waverly se disent au revoir, Waverly doit trouver Doc et Dolls tandis que Waverly doit faire quelque chose, toute seule. Wynonna découvre l’état du Shorty’s avec des dizaines de corps au sol. Doc et Dolls lui font alors part qu’ils vont distribuer un remède à tous les habitants mais que Lucado a été prévenue et va venir à Purgatory. Dolls doit rester pour organiser la quarantaine mais souhaite bonne chance à Doc et Wynonna, il a confiance en eux.

Bobo entre dans la cabane où était retenue Willa mais Waverly s’y trouve déjà, elle veut des réponses. Waverly essaie de le convaincre de ne pas traverser où tous les Revenants seront libres. Bobo avoue qu’il a fait passer Willa pour morte auprès des autres Revenants pour la protéger. Bobo dit à Waverly qu’il les a observés depuis qu’elles étaient toutes petites et lorsqu’elle lui dit qu’elle n’est pas l’Héritière, il lui avoue qu’elle n’est même pas une Earp. Ils sont interrompus par l’arrivée de Willa et Waverly se cache dans la cabane. Bobo et Willa partent de la cabane en direction de la frontière.

Wynonna demande conseil à Doc sur ce qu’elle est sensée faire, tuer Willa ou pas mais ça relève de son choix à elle, pas de quelqu’un d’autre. Ils font l’inventaire de ce qu’ils ont comparé au Bobo et Willa qui, eux, ont le Peacemaker et des pouvoirs télékinétiques. Wynonna n’est pas sûre de gagner mais elle va essayer quoiqu’il en soit.

Dolls fait son rapport à Lucado qui est surprise qu’il n’ait jamais évoqué la possibilité qu’il existe deux Héritiers. Lucado a de nouveaux ordres, ils ne feront rien pour empêcher Bobo de traverser la frontière mais ils en profiteront pour observer et si jamais Dolls s’approche de la frontière, il l’arrêtera pour trahison. Lucado lui avoue qu’elle le déteste car il survécu à Kandahar comparé à d’autres.

Alors que Bobo et Willa s’approchent de la frontière lorsqu’ils sont rattrapés par Doc et Wynonna. Doc tire plusieurs fois sur Bobo mais ce dernier dévie les balles les unes après les autres avant de s’emparer de son arme. Wynonna met en joue Bobo avec un automatique mais ce dernier s’en empare également, mais Wynonna a accroché une grenade dessus. La grenade explose ce qui envoi Bobo et Doc au sol assez violemment.

Wynonna cours après Willa qui s’apprête à traverser la frontière, Wynonna essaie de la convaincre de revenir à la raison mais elle traverse quand même. Le sol se réveille, des monstres sortent de terre. Wynonna n’arrive pas à faire entendre raison à sa sœur qui continuera seule, même si Bobo ne s’en sort pas. Les deux sœurs se menacent mutuellement de leurs armes mais le Peacemaker se bloque dans les mains de Willa. Dolls, qui est arrivé, tire une balle sur Willa et un monstre s’empare d’elle. Wynonna décide de traverser la frontière malgré les appels de Doc et élimine sa sœur avec le Peacemaker. Le monstre la poursuit mais elle réussit à retraverser la frontière.

Bobo implore Wynonna de le tuer, il est déjà en enfer de toute manière. Lucado arrive et embarque Bobo Del Rey ainsi que Dolls, qui a désobéit. Avant de partir, Lucado ordonne à un agent d’activer la destruction de la ville.

Wynonna est au bord de la route, hors du Triangle lorsque Juan Carlo se présente à elle, la félicitant avant de partir sans un mot.

Bobo voit la frontière se rapprocher, il souffre mais Wynonna lui tire dessus depuis la route et il se consume.

Waverly, Wynonna et Doc retournent au portail où Willa a succombé. Wynonna a prévu d’aller chercher Dolls dans la prison où il est retenu. Waverly se son côté, mets la main dans le reste du monstre et son visage devient tout noir. Waverly retourne auprès de sa sœur tout sourire avant de la pointer de son arme.



Nicole : It can't be true! How could he have poisoned the whole town?
Wynonna : The champagne!
Man : We need her!
Dolls : Everybody, just stay calm!

Woman : We give this Bobo fella exactly what he wants.

Alan : What he wants is our resident bitch!
Wynonna : Not now, Alan! You left!

Doc : Well, I came back.
Wynonna : Yeah? Did you miss me?

Doc : I never miss.
Wynonna : Doc! You can't shoot them. I hate them and they hate me, but they're still humans.
Dolls : Hey, listen, we gotta get you out of here.
Wynonna : I hope my sisters made it out OK.
Dolls : Don't worry, we'll find them.

Wynonna : No, I'll find them. You get something that will turn the townspeople from rabid, drugged-up assholes back into regular assholes!
Woman : Get her!

Doc : I'm sorry about this.
Wynonna : For what?

Dolls : Me too.
Wynonna : What?! AAARGH!
Doc : Antidote?

Dolls : Weapons.
Doc : Angry townspeople. I like where this is headed.
Dolls : One, two, three, go!


Willa : Ready?
Bobo : Let me just look at you for a second. Oh, you are so beautiful. I wasn't sure you'd remember.
Willa : It all came flooding back the second I stepped in the treehouse. "O ye of little faith."
Bobo : But I make up for it in other areas.
Willa : They'll be plenty of time for that out there.
Bobo : It's working. It's actually working. You are the true heir. And the best damn thing I ever… I'm fine.

Willa : Are you OK? Robert! Robert.
Bobo : Back! Take me back!
Willa : I don't understand. The prophecy: "The Willing Heir on the Winter Solstice with the Revenant of their Choosing..."
Bobo : Peacemaker. The heir ain't the heir without the gun.
Willa : I have it. Bobo, I have it. Look.
Bobo : That's not Peacemaker.
Willa : No. No.


Man : Waverly! Where is your sister, pretty lady? Come on, Waverly. We just wanna talk! Forget talking. Where's Wynonna?
Waverly : Bullshit, they do.


Willa : I had Peacemaker in my hot little hand. I was so close!

Bobo : Alright. Just concentrate, baby. If Wynonna took Peacemaker… she knows we're together.

Willa : There's no way. I've given her no reason to suspect me.
Bobo : She's smart.

Willa : She's a sucker. And Waverly is useless.
Bobo : She's intuitive.

Willa : What is this? Talk-about-how-great- my-goddamn-sisters-are day?
Bobo : It's the one day a year this thing's supposed TO WORK! What are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?
Willa : OK. That's OK. We have until sundown tomorrow. I'll go get Peacemaker. You hole up in our place. We bolt, and everyone else dies.
Bobo : You are one sick little puppy, you know that? And you're all mine.
Willa : Maybe we have time for a quickie.
Bobo : OK.
Willa : You screw me, and then we screw this town.
Bobo : You go get that gun… and we'll do both. Go.

Black Badge Division Office

Dolls : We get a sample of the poison that Bobo used, and maybe Black Badge can reverse engineer a cure.
Doc : There's a whole whack of it in the basement.
Dolls : And you know this how?

Doc : 'Cause I was there when Bobo's guy made it.
Dolls : Shh! Hear something? Hey, hey, hey, hey! I doubt this building's up to code. You could burn the building down.

Doc : This coming from the lawman packing enough heat to firebomb Texas. You got any dynamite in there?

Dolls : No.
Doc : Snookered yet again.

Dolls : Hey.
Doc : Look, we gave Wynonna a lick and a promise that we wouldn't take out any townsfolk but a drugged-up mob is not our only problem. Where are the revenants?

Dolls : Oh, I doubt they're having tea at the trailer park.

Doc : You never know. We all have our vices. I think it's time we talked about yours.
Dolls : It's not what you think. It's just medicine.
Doc : Now see, that one I have heard before. I am a doctor.
Dolls : Look, I've taken this since I was a kid. It helps keep me alive and some parts of me dead.
Nicole : Have you seen what's going on out there? The whole town's gone 5150! Whatever you've got planned, I'm game.
Dolls : Hey, this is classified.
Doc : Purgatory's overrun by demon revenants, a.k.a. Wyatt Earp's resurrected outlaws. Bobo Del Rey is their leader. I am Doc Holliday. Yes, that Doc Holliday. And Dolls here, he is just a dick.
Nicole : Finally! Thank you. It... Actually, It makes perfect sense. Except for the last part. Hmm.
Doc : You still in?

Nicole : Like Flynn. What do you need?

Dolls : OK. Find the Earp girls. See if Nedley's still vertical. We've got an antidote to steal, people. And, Agent Haught welcome to the Black Badge Division.


Wynonna : Willa! Waverly! Oh-oh-oh-ow! Shitty shoes! Waverly! Guys!
Pete : Now there's a sight for sore eyes.
Wynonna : Ha, ha, ha! Pete.
Pete : You remembered my name this time!
Wynonna : It's not all I remember. I remember, in kindergarten, you couldn't tie your shoes, so I wore Velcro sneakers in solidarity. I remember, in high school
Pete : teYou know what I remember? How you broke my heart, and slept with my brother, made fun of my mama's diabetes!
Wynonna : Yeah, I was messed up. But I'm not that person anymore.
Pete : No, you're just wrong. Still wrong, and that Bobo guy knows it. You're a cancer on this town. A cancer that needs to be cut out. And I need that antidote.
Wynonna : Ah!

Pete : Ugh!
Wynonna : You're sick, but I can make you better. I can stop Bobo. I don't want to hurt you.
Pete : Ugh! Ugh!

Wynonna : OK.
Willa : See, I don't have that problem.
Wynonna : Willa! Oh, my God!
Willa : Oh, fighting off the local boys in your underwear? Boy, you did grow up.
Wynonna : What happened to you?

Willa : I got separated from Waves. There was clawing and kicking and some well-chosen cuss words, and then, next thing I know, it was me and an empty… Wynonna, where's Peacemaker? Peacemaker was in the purse at the party. You saw it, I saw it. Now gone, vanished.
Wynonna : So you lost it?

Willa : No. Someone took it.
Wynonna : Well then, we're really… Phone. My cell died, but maybe Pete's...
Willa : Why aren't you more freaked out?
Wynonna : Well, 'cause I can't dial the phone and throw a fit. Awww, he saved Waverly's number under "Cuties."
Willa : Could a revenant have nabbed it?
Wynonna : No. It fries 'em if they touch it. She's not answering. Hey!

Willa : Look, I know you're worried about Waverly, but Bobo has something up his sleeve. I mean, he's psychic electric "Koolaided" all of those meatsticks! Finding Peacemaker needs to be our priority.
Wynonna : Aren't you?

Willa : What?
Wynonna : Worried about Waverly?

Willa : Of course. Why are you bothering with that? Just shoot him and be done with it.
Wynonna : Pete's a dumb dude, but he's not a revenant. None of them are. I can't just kill them. Would you?

Willa : Sometimes, being an Earp means making tough decisions to survive. For the greater good.
Wynonna : Yeah, well, if there's one thing I've learned this year, it's that good is a moving target. I don't think that thing's rung for 15 years. Hello. Woman-you-currently- want-to-kill. Please be Waverly.

Police Station

Chrissy : No. But I've got her!
Where are my manners? This is Chrissy Nedley!


Wynonna : What do you mean, you got her?

Police Station

Chrissy : I found her and I chloroformed her and I tied her up.
All by myself! Can you come and get her?
Wynonna : Yes.

Chrissy : And bring your head so I can chop it off to get the antidote for me and my dad. I'm at his office. Bye!


Wynonna : Chrissy, wait! Shit! Change of plans. Super-fun-times Earp family reunion.
Willa : Wait. I'm just wondering; shouldn't we go and get…
Wynonna : Peacemaker is just a gun! Waverly is Waverly. And Chrissy sounded like she's sniffed enough glue to bankrupt a model airplane factory. I'm not waiting to get her. And neither are you. She's our sister.
Willa : As long as I get to kick someone's ass.
Wynonna : That can be arranged.

Bobo : Jesus Christ!
Juan-Carlo : Right initials, wrong fella. Robert, you don't want to do this.
Bobo : Oh, but I do. I must be close to actually doing it for you to be here. Let me ask you, why negotiate with a demon instead of pleading with the human?
Juan-Carlo : She's too far gone. Whatever Willa once was…

Bobo : She's so much more. Besides, what are you gonna do about it? Tell on me?
Juan-Carlo : If the heir crosses the boundary with Peacemaker on this day with hate in her heart, there won't be anybody left to tell.
Bobo : You know why Willa and I fell in love?
Juan-Carlo : Slim pickings at the hostage hut?
Bobo : No. Because the Earp curse's brought us both nothing but pain.
Juan-Carlo : You brought your pain on yourself.
Bobo : You have no right to be here. You're not allowed to interfere, remember? So step aside, old man. I can save her. If we get out there, I can save us both. Save her.

Police Station
Wynonna : Chrissy, don't make me break that skinny little neck of yours!
Willa : Wynonna.

Wynonna : God!

Chrissy : My dad… Daddy's out there somewhere. And my friends!
Wynonna : I'm the only one who can save them, Chrissy.
Willa : Hey!

Chrissy : OW! Who the hell are you?
Willa : Another Earp.
Wynonna : Oh! Chrissy! Shit!
Willa : Waverly! Hi. Let's see.
Waverly : Ah!
Willa : There.

Waverly : You came.
Willa : Of course.
Waverly : Is Chrissy-Is-Argh!

Willa : OK.

Waverly : Is Chrissy OK?
Willa : Shake it off, sis. We have to get back to the Wainwright.
Waverly : What? What? Why?
Willa : We have to find Peacemaker. You took it from me? You?
Waverly : Wynonna!
Wynonna : You OK, baby girl?
Willa : OK then. I think Waverly ingested the poison.
Waverly : Did not!

Willa : She's acting erratically.
Waverly : Because I took Peacemaker away from you?
Wynonna : Why?

Waverly : I saw something in Willa's eyes at the place where Bobo held her.
Wynonna : What are you saying?

Waverly : I don't think the Willa that came back is our Willa.
Willa : What I am is the goddamn Earp heir, and I'm running out of goddamn time! I don't want anyone to get hurt.
Wynonna : Nobody's getting hurt on my watch.
Willa : Nobody else, you mean. Daddy, me, everyone else out there. When are you gonna take responsibility for all that you’ve done ?
Wynonna : Why did Bobo save you at the homestead? Why did you save him?
Nicole : Hey, I knew I recognized that ringtone. Whoa! OK. OK.
Willa : Give me Peacemaker or I punch a bunch of holes in Waverly's girlfriend.
Wynonna : "Girlfriend"?
Waverly : Um, kind of.

Nicole : Kind of?
Wynonna : I know you won't shoot.

Willa : What do I care about some ginger butch cop?

Waverly : Wynonna, she'll do it.
Nicole : Waverly...

Willa : If I don't have it in three.
Waverly : No, please!

Wynonna : It's the only thing that'll stop Bobo.
Willa : Two.

Waverly : Wynonna.
Wynonna : I can't.

Waverly : Please. I love her.
Willa : One.
Wynonna : OK. OK!
Willa : So naive, so emotional.
Wynonna : This isn't over. I'm coming for you.
Willa : Then I better slow you down.
Waverly : AH!

Willa : Now you know what it feels like when people take your things.
Waverly : Come here.

Nicole : I want
Waverly : I know, I know.
Wynonna : No blood. There's no blood!

Waverly : Shh-shh.
Wynonna : If my sister joined the dark side, and you've been a revenant this whole time, I'm just gonna call in sick tomorrow.
Waverly : Shh.

Nicole : No, I'm...wearing a bulletproof vest. It's kind of standard operating procedure when we got a 404 on our hands. Bunch of crazy hicks off their rockers?
Wynonna : Finally picked the smart one.
Waverly : I'm gonna get you to the hospital, OK?
Nicole : No, no. I'm just a little bit bruised. You gotta go with Wynonna and stop your sister. Sorry, but she's kind of a dickhead.
Wynonna : Wish Doc and Dolls were here.
Nicole : They went to raid Shorty's. Something about an antidote.
Waverly : See? Super smart.
Wynonna : Yeah, alright. Yeah, you guys do that. Time's up, let's go!
Nicole : Go.


Wynonna : Bobo did something to her.

Waverly : She shot my girlfriend!
Wynonna : Now, if we can just undo it, we can get her back. The real her.

Waverly : I'm not scared of Willa.
Man : Wynonna Earp!
Woman : Well, well, well, the lady herself. Dead or alive, I think he said.
Wynonna : Oh, right. You guys.


Dolls : Come on! You sure you don't want to bring something more substantial?
Doc : You don't go to war with a borrowed gun. Guarding something for Bobo?

Dolls : I think they think they are while he gets away scot-free.
Revenant : Holliday and Black Badge. Get 'em, boys!
Doc : Yes, let us not stand on ceremony. Heehaw!



Waverly : AH! Shorty's.
Wynonna : Let Waverly go, and you can have me.
Nedley : That sounds like a plan.

Wynonna : Nedley. You seem sweatier than usual. It's really saying something.
Nedley : This is quite the pickle you got yourself into, Wynonna.
Wynonna : You know me.

Nedley : You have been a plague on this town destroyed a lot of lives and you were a royal pain in my ass. She's also the only shot we got at getting out of this mess. I know you're sick. I know that you're scared. So am I. But that man out there. Bobo Del Rey and his ilk. They're not like us. They've never been like us. If we do this… I mean, if we turn into the angry mob of ignorant villagers that he thinks we are if we kill one of our own and make no mistake, Wynonna is what we made her ...if we do that, then well, yeah, we'll be just like them. Hell, we'll be worse because we had a choice.
Moira : So that's it? You're just gonna let her go?
Crowd : No way!
Moira : Leave the rest of us to die a painful death?
Nedley : No one's gonna die, Moira. Wynonna's not gonna let that happen. Right? Go. Fix this.
Wynonna : Nedley, you sure you're OK?
Nedley : Ah, you remember that chili cookout debacle in '05? This ain't nothing.
Wynonna : Chrissy's in your office. She's alive.
Nedley : Thank you for that.


Dolls : Come on! Think we got 'em all? Ugh!
Doc : I had a horse named Lavender once.
Dolls : Ah! Ugh! Ah… Ah! You pocketed my drugs. Argh!
Doc : I brought your drugs. You are the laziest junkie I ever met.
Dolls : How much did you use? Argh! Ugh! Aaah! Which ones did you use?
Doc : Are you sure you're up for this?
Dolls : You might want to stand back. Playtime's over. Aaah!
Doc : What are you? I guess I'm about to find out.


Wynonna : Must be the end of the world 'cause I think I want to marry Sheriff Nedley.
Waverly : OK, uh... you need to go find Doc and Dolls. And I've got something I need to do. Something only I can do.


Wynonna : What the hell?
Dolls : OK, so Black Badge is gonna test this stuff ASAP, then I'm gonna try manufacture a cure or... Oh, hey.
Wynonna : Hey.

Dolls : Pass this stuff out to everyone in the town. You should have seen your boy shoot earlier. Not bad.
Doc : Me? This one tossed big Steve through the window.
Wynonna : As long as you boys had fun.
Dolls : Look, Bobo had all these revenants squirreled up in here, guarding the poison. Probably to keep 'em busy while he escapes the Ghost River Triangle.
Wynonna : Well, he'll have help. Willa's a double agent. They're in this together.

Doc : What?
Wynonna : They'll try to cross the line.

Dolls : The Solstice.
Wynonna : And they've got my gun. Her gun. Hey, are you shot?
Dolls : Hey, whoa, whoa, don't touch me. I'm-I'm still your boss. And I had to call mine in.

Wynonna : Lucado's coming here?
Dolls : Desperate times.

Carl : Bobo. Bobo's coming back for us. And he's bringing the lead. Try. Your friend's flown the coop without you.
Wynonna : Stupid Carl. What's wrong with him?
Doc : We need to head your sister off at the pass.
Dolls : I still got to coordinate the quarantine.
Wynonna : Please come.

Doc : Two on two.
Dolls : One of whom is one of the fastest gunslingers in the West. And the other...
Doc : Permission to re-raid your gun safe?
Dolls : 80-62-88. Hey, Earp… good luck.


Bobo : Ah! Willa?
Waverly : Wrong sister.
Bobo : Did you drink the poison? Come here to beg me for the antidote? I just want answers.
Bobo : Oh?

Waverly : Robert Svane. Svane, Norwegian for swan.
Bobo : You never cease to impress me, Waverly. And look at you now. All grown up.
Waverly : Where's Willa?

Bobo : Your sister's not here.
Waverly : But she's coming, isn't she? She's your lead.
Bobo : Bingo.
Waverly : The thing is, if you open that door, you're not the only thing that can leave. All the other revenants will flee. You're letting... you're letting filthy demons loose into this world!

Bobo : I am one of those demons.
Waverly : Oh, I know.

Bobo : They're not the only ones who'll be set free. Wyatt Earp's has been dead and in the dark for 80 years. Maybe it's time for the rest of us to step into the light. Including you.
Waverly : Is this how you did it with Willa? Talked and coerced and seduced a 13-year-old girl?
Bobo : I never lay a finger on her.
Waverly : You were her captor!
Bobo : I was her saviour! Those other revenants wanted to do horrible things to her. I told them I killed her. I hid her away. Here.
Waverly : Sounds like one sick fairy tale.
Bobo : It wasn't always like this. After Clootie stole her away from me… I did go a little crazy. But days before she was due to turn 27, Constance erases her memory and says… she will only give me back Willa if I help her put back together her boys.
Waverly : The bones.
Bobo : I rallied an army together to dig in the dirt. And I dug, and I dug, and I dug. Do you know why? Swans mate for life.
Waverly : Please. Please, let her go.
Bobo : Have you been listening to me? I used to watch you girls and I'd wonder how a man… like Ward Earp ended up with so much goodness. And then there was the baby. And I used to think about saving her too.
Waverly : Only I wasn't the heir.
Bobo : Ohhh, Waverly. You're not even an Earp.
Willa : Robert?
Bobo : You need to hide. Now. Get behind that bed. Hey.
Willa : I got it.

Bobo : Yeah?
Willa : Little snitch Waverly took it.
Bobo : We have to go, now. Come on.

Black Badge Division Office
Wynonna : Come on, Doc, spit it out.
Doc : Spit what out?

Wynonna : You know, the rousing old-timey speech that's gonna make me believe I can take on my own sister. Come on. WWWD. What Would Wyatt Do?
Doc : I once had a dog the name of Plucky.
Wynonna : Your big pep talk is "Plucky"?
Doc : She was a gorgeous black and tan coonhound, but she only had one ear. Even so, she would run from miles when she heard me calling. She got bit by something in the woods, and she went rabid. Wyatt, he offered to put her down but… I knew it had to be me.
Wynonna : Old Yeller might owe you some royalties.
Doc : I am sorry about your sister.
Wynonna : I never was a great judge of character. Always ended up dating the drummer.
Doc : I mean we could run. We could get a little house in the country, raise chickens, grow barley.
Wynonna : Is that why you came back? To be a farmer?
Doc : No, I returned because a peculiar fellow insisted you needed my help.
Wynonna : Was he a farmer?
Doc : He was a mechanic.
Wynonna : Willa's got Peacemaker. Bobo's got telekinetic powers. What do we got?

Doc : Things that go boom.
Wynonna : She's better than me, Doc. Faster. I don't think I can beat her.
Doc : But you are still gonna try.
Wynonna : I have to.

Doc : Careful, Earp. Doing what's right even in the face of ridiculous odds? You are beginning to sound like a hero.
Wynonna : No matter what happens, Willa is not a dog. I'm not putting her down.
Doc : Let's hope she still comes when you call.


Dolls : Ah... R&D approximates 36 hours… until an antidote. Meanwhile, we're monitoring and have handed out antipsychotics to about 80% of the town.
Lucado : In every report you've filed you didn't once think to mention there could be two Earp heirs?
Dolls : I didn't know for sure.
Lucado : Black Badge has underestimated the situation here, I'll give you that. If we survive this, expect us to start being a little more hands on.
Dolls : From day one, I've been following my orders: to make sure the revenants do not leave the Ghost River Triangle.
Lucado : We have new orders. If this Bobo Del Rey can open a gateway, we observe what happens when he does.
Dolls : And what happens next is that people die. My people, anyone else these demons come into contact with.
Lucado : There are other forces at play here. We are not to interfere. If you can't handle that,
turn in your badge.
Dolls : Lucado, I need to assist my deputy.
Lucado : If you step within 50 yards of the boundary, I'll have you arrested for treason.
Dolls : What is it? What is it exactly that you have against me?
Lucado : That you survived Kandahar when… others didn't. You are a monster In more ways than one. I'd say to make yourself useful, but it's pretty obvious you can't.


Wynonna : Willa!
Bobo : I'll take care of these mice.
Willa : OK.

Bobo : Go.
Wynonna : Hey! Wanna play with the big girls?
Bobo : RUN!
Wynonna : Doc! Doc! Doc!
Doc : It's OK, love. Go on.
Bobo : Willa.
Willa : Respect your elders, bitch!
Wynonna : Wake up and remember who the hell you are! You're Willa Earp!

Willa : And the rightful heir!
Wynonna : Then you should know that what you're doing is hella dumb! No! Wait! Willa! I'm serious, stop! What did you do?

Willa : What I had to!
Wynonna : OK, so what the hell was that?
Willa : I did it! I am the lead! Hahaha! The prison gates are open!
Wynonna : Willa, we can still stop this.
Willa : Stop this? This is better than I planned. Bobo and I get out, and Purgatory burns! They hate us, Wynonna. They're evil. They deserve that thing!
Wynonna : I doubt your lover's gonna make it.
Willa : So, I go it alone.
Wynonna : No, you're not alone. You have me. Willa, either make it stop or I'll stop you.
Bobo : Willaaa!
Willa : Funny, that it would go down here.
Wynonna : Mom used to bring us here.
Willa : When she couldn't take any more of Dad's fists.
Wynonna : We have to get Peacemaker back over the line, and then we can start over. Just you and me.
Willa : Bobo doesn't know… but he's not the only one that came to visit me in that treehouse… making promises in the dark.
Wynonna : What kind of promises?
Willa : That death can be a mercy. I know you don't believe me, but I'm doing this for you. No more Purgatory, no more Earps, no more curse.

Bobo : Not me.

Doc : Well, who then?
Bobo : The old one.

Willa : I'm faster than you.
Wynonna : You're my sister.
Willa : I promise this will be quick.
Wynonna : You know you can't.

Willa : You keep saying that. Squeak.
Wynonna : Willa.
Willa : What happened?

Wynonna : You went wrong.

Doc : Did you get a clean shot?
Dolls : That wasn't a clean shot.

Willa : See, Wynonna? You can never really go home again.

Doc : Wynonna!

Wynonna : Make your peace.

Bobo : Do it. Do it. I'm already in hell.
Wynonna : Did you love her, Robert?
Bobo : Did you?
Lucado : We'll take it from here, Deputy.
Wynonna : What are you?
Lucado : Taking him to a black site. Extraordinary rendition.
Bobo : Outside of the Triangle? Wynonna! Don't let them do this! Please! Shoot me! Shoot!
Wynonna : I can't end the curse unless I send every single revenant back to Hell!
Lucado : Be nice, and in a few months, we might send him back to you. You can dispatch whatever is left of his quivering mass.
Wynonna : Dolls?
Lucado : He defied a direct order from his superiors. That's treason.
Wynonna : He's a good man.
Lucado : He's a good liar.
Wynonna : You don't give a shit what he did. This is personal for you.
Lucado : Hahaha! You are in no position to interfere. What with your history.
Wynonna : The Bleaker case? So I pulled a few B&Es in the day.
Lucado : No, Wynonna. We know what you did. Did you get the town coordinates? When we're out of range, tell control to go in hot. Tomahawks, the whole she-bang. Boom.


Juan-Carlo : You did aces, Wynonna. Careful now. We all know how good you are with that thing.
Wynonna : Who are you?
Juan-Carlo : No revenant. See? I'm outside the Ghost River Triangle.
Wynonna : There are things out there, too.
Juan-Carlo : Things that want to get in.
Wynonna : Why?
Juan-Carlo : The Triangle is not only a prison. It's also a sanctuary.
Wynonna : For who?
Juan-Carlo : Not a who. A what.
Wynonna : Listen. You know who I am? I'm the goddamn Earp heir. I got work to do.
Juan-Carlo : Good luck, Wynonna. We'll be watching you.
Wynonna : Super.


Bobo : What did you do? We're almost over the line now. This one's gonna hurt.

Wynonna : We all used to play here under a poplar tree. The year she was taken, it got felled by lightning. Spring comes, I'm gonna plant a new one. For the girl she was. For my Willa.
Doc : Well, that'll be lovely.
Wynonna : But first, I'm gonna kill every single revenant from the Rockies to the big city. And then I'm gonna stop that thing from getting in here.
Doc : And the deputy marshal? Are we gonna go get him?
Wynonna : He's in a maximum security black ops prison...and he shot my sister. Damn straight we're gonna go get him.
Doc : What do you think that is?
Wynonna : I don't know yet.
Doc : Well, it's coming.
Wynonna : Mm-hmm. So am I.
Waverly : You ready?
Wynonna : Sweetheart… I'm ready for anything.

Kikavu ?

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choup37, 18.04.2024 à 08:49

5 participants prennent part actuellement à la chasse aux gobelins sur doctor who, y aura-t-il un sixième?

chrismaz66, 18.04.2024 à 11:04

Choup tu as 3 joueurs de plus que moi!! Kaamelott est en animation, 3 jeux, venez tenter le coup, c'est gratis! Bonne journée ^^

choup37, 19.04.2024 à 19:45

Maintenant j'en ai plus que deux, je joue aussi sur kaa

CastleBeck, Hier à 11:48

Il y a quelques thèmes et bannières toujours en attente de clics dans les préférences . Merci pour les quartiers concernés.

Viens chatter !