Nancy Drew
#117 : La Fille du médaillon

Le compte à rebours a commencé, les amis de Nancy doivent courir contre la montre pour trouver un moyen de vaincre l'Agleaca avant qu'elle ne prenne ce qui lui est dû.



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The Girl In The Locket

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La Fille du médaillon

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Etats-Unis (inédit)
Mercredi 08.04.2020 à 21:00
0.55m / 0.1% (18-49)

Plus de détails

Scénario : Melinda Hsy et Taylor et Lisa Bao
Réalisateur : Larry Teng

Cast :
Kennedy McMann ... Nancy Drew
Leah Lewis ... Gerogia 'George' Fan
Maddison Jaizani ... Bess Marvin
Tunji Kasim ... Ned 'Nick' Nickerson
Alex Saxon ... Ace

Guests :
Riley Smith ... Ryan Hudson
Scott Wolf ... Carson Drew
Katie Findlay ... Lisbeth
Liza Lapira ... Victoria Fan
Miles Gason Villanueva ... Owen Marvin
Judith Maxie ... Diana Marvin
Veena Sood ... Dr. Sandoe
Parveen Dosanjh ... Whitney Marvin
Paolo Maiolo ... Isaac Marvin
Junnicia Lagoutin ... Cassidy Marvin
Ariah Lee ... Ted Fan
Zoriah Wong ... Charlie Fan

Nancy and Carson are talking in their house.

Nancy: You had every opportunity to tell me the truth. But you didn't, because you hoped that I would never find out that Lucy was my mother. Every day for 19 years, you woke up and you chose to lie to me. And what did Kate think?

Carson: Your mom...

Nancy: N-N-No. What did Kate think? Did she have second thoughts? Is that why you sent me away from her when she was on her deathbed? So that she didn't have some attack of conscience and then tell me that Ryan Hudson is my biological father? Oh, my God...

Carson: All we knew was what Lucy told us. She begged us to protect you. She said you wouldn't be safe if the Hudsons found out who you really were.

Nancy runs away in the stairs. Carson follows her.

Carson: Nancy, Lucy gave you to us and begged us to raise you. It was her dying wish.

Nancy: What would have happened if I hadn't ever tested Lucy's DNA? How long would you have kept up this-this master deception?

Carson: Your mother and I...

Nancy locks her bedroom’s door.

Nancy: Stop calling her my mother!

Carson: We both agreed it was best not to tell you.

Nancy: Why, why... ?

Carson: That it would be best...

Nancy: No, listen. Why-why did you bury her dress in the backyard? Why were you arguing when you were digging it up?

Carson: Kate was the one who buried the dress. For her, I think it was some kind of link to Lucy. And when she told me, I asked her to get rid of it, and she didn't. She hid it in the attic. I guess she-she probably thought that nobody would ever find it there because no one ever went up there… Nancy… Please let me in.

Nancy: I really, really need some space.

Carson: You shouldn't be alone right now.

Nancy: Yeah, well, it turns out I've been alone my whole life.

Carson: You know that's not true… Nancy… Nancy, please.

Carson enters in Nancy’s bedroom. She escapes from the window.


Nick is sleeping on the Fans’s couch.

Charlie: Why didn't he sleep in George's room?

Ted: Well, they can't do it, you know, with mom in the house.

Nick wakes up.

Nick: Oh... Oh, my... Oh... Morning, Ted, Charlie. Look, just to be clear, your-your sister and I are just friends, okay? A-And-and colleagues.

George: You two, out. Now. Go help Mom.

Charlie: You go help Mom.

George: Good morning.

Nick: Morning. How'd you sleep?

George: Terribly.

Nick: Yeah. Same here.

Victoria: If you stay one more night, I'm charging rent. This ain't an Airbnb.

George: Ignore her.

Victoria: Don't ignore me!

Nick: Um, she-she's right. Y'all have been more than generous. I'll... I'll look for my own place today… Just as soon as I find my other shoe.

George: Oh...

Nick: Very funny, guys.

George: What happened?

Nick: Someone put the Atlantic Ocean in my shoe.

George: Come on. Seriously?

The ocean turns into sand.

Nick: That's... Weird. I could've s-sworn...

George: Ah, well this one just has peanut butter on it. Here. Someone needs a spin on the chore wheel. Ted!

Nick’s phone rings.

Nick: Mr. Drew?


Nick joins Carson in the street.

Nick: Nails in all four. Yeah, slow leaks. Like someone wanted you to drive a couple of miles before you got stranded… You got a vandal in your neighbourhood?

Carson: I would put money on it.

Nick: Hey, I can, I can make these safe enough so you can drive back to town, but you're gonna want to get new tires… Hey, just want to say, with the apparent exception of one vandal... Everyone's thrilled you were exonerated. You and Nancy must have had a hell of a celebration, right? Where is she, anyway? Why isn't she out here with a tire jack?

Carson: She's... Not answering her phone. I'm lucky I was able to get you. I know you've been busy over at the restaurant.

Nick: Nancy told you about that.

Carson: Yeah, she's caught me up on recent events. The highlights, anyway.

Nick: Um... Look, when I ended things with Nancy, I...

Carson: No, no, no. No, that's between the two of you. I just wanted to say, it's good you're making a life for yourself here. Kate would've been happy to see it.

Nick: I hope so. Yeah, she was an amazing lady.


Bess and Lisbeth are kissing in the locker room, Ace enters.

Ace: Pardon me.

Lisbeth: Hi, oh.

Ace: Hey, don't mind me.

Bess: Um... Me and Lisbeth just haven't seen each other in a few weeks.

Ace: Okay.

Lisbeth: Yeah. Bye.

Bess: Bye.

Lisbeth: Mmm. Portland can't compete with you.

Bess: Then it should quit trying.

Lisbeth: Mm.

Bess: Hey, be my plus-one to Aunt Diana's birthday party tonight. She asked me to plan it.

Lisbeth: Mm-hmm, rich lady soiree, huh? Okay, but our next date night's drive-in and a pizza.

Bess: Okay.

Lisbeth: I got to go. I'll pick you up at 5:00?

Bess: Perfect.

Lisbeth: Okay. Bye.


Bess picks up tomatoes in the freezer. One is covert with maggot. Bess lets down the tomato, it turns into sand.


Ace finds a rope in the sink. There is a finger in it. Ace throws the rope, it turns into sand.


George eats her breakfast.

Victoria: First he's on your couch, then he's in your bed. That's the nature of man. I just want to make sure that you're thinking as much with your head as you are with your meow.

George: What the hell?

George gets a crab out from her mouth.

Victoria: You heard me!

It turns in to sand.


Ace, Bess and George are on phone.

Bess: Let me guess, you had a bizarre vision that turned into sand?

George: Tidal crab in my corn flakes.

Ace: Crusty nautical rope in the sink, severed finger.

Bess: Yeah, maggots in the tomatoes.

George: Nick said he found seawater in his shoe this morning, and it wasn't a prank from my sisters.

Ace: Wait, Nick woke up at your place this morning?

Victoria: Yeah, his last night of mooching.

Bess: Hi, Victoria. Do you think these are messages from Dead Lucy?

Victoria: Hi, Bessie. What's up? No, not likely.

George: Hey...

Victoria: Leftover sand sounds like a warning. Like a curse. George told me that Nancy called to the Aglaeca and didn't pay the toll.

Ace: We tried to pay it. Owen Marvin almost bled out.

Victoria: Yeah, well, obviously, it wasn't enough. Look, inhuman sea spirits are very unforgiving. So now the Aglaeca's pissed, and that's why they're sending you these portents.

George: Hey.

Victoria: You have to find a way to appease it. Oh, and before anyone asks, I will not be doing the ritual. It turns out, spirits make me drink.

George: Oh, poor you.

Victoria: But I have heard of a ritual that can defuse the effects of a curse from an inhuman sea spirit like the Aglaeca. You need two ingredients: the person who called to it and one of their blood relatives. For the person who made the call, ooh, it is gonna hurt like a son of a bitch.

George: Okay.

Victoria: And...

George: Hey. We need to find Nancy and Carson. Jesse, get off that nature cam, say goodbye to the bears, we got to go.

Jesse: Coming!

Victoria: Do you need any help?


Nancy wakes up at Owen’s place.

Owen: What, are we hiding out from the world today?

Nancy: Can we call in sick?

Owen: I would love to, but I can't miss Aunt Diana's party.

Nancy: Ah, yes, of course.

Owen: But, um, I'm flying back to New York tonight. Why don't you come with me? I think with everything that's happened, you deserve a few personal days.

Nancy: Yeah. Yeah, I do deserve that.

Owen: All right. We'll hit Diana's party tonight, and leave right after. Sold?

Nancy: Sold.

There are fishing hooks in Owen’s hand.

Nancy: What? What happened?

They turn into sand.

Nancy: Are you... ?

Owen’s phone rings.

Owen: Hello? Ace? Uh, yeah, she's... Um, it's an emergency?


Ace drives to Nancy.

Ace: Get in.


Ace and Nancy are talking in Ace’s car.

Ace: I know you're dealing with a lot, but, uh, Victoria says the Aglaeca's coming after us. Nick, Bess, George, we've all gotten these really weird visions. Portents. Have you?

Nancy: I vomited up a seaweed wreath yesterday morning.

Ace: I would say that qualifies.

Nancy: When I went to look for it later, it had turned to sand. You're saying the Aglaeca did that?

Ace: Yeah, apparently it's like a bloodhound. And because it responded to your call for Lucy's bones, you're acting as its gateway. But that also means that you're the one that's capable of stopping it.

Nancy: Okay, how?

Ace: Well, Victoria says that you can throw it off your trail by mixing your blood with somebody else's. Disguising yourself so that, you know, the curse can't find you, because if it can't find you, it can't find any of us. Uh, but... The ritual has to be done with a relative… Your blood relative.

Nancy: Well, that's a problem. Because you-you saw the test results last night. My closest relative is not my blood relative.

Ace: But Ryan Hudson is… Look, I know that poses certain challenges. And don't worry, I'm gonna keep that part confidential, but...

Nancy: I, um... I think I... Have a plan.

Nancy gets out off of the car.

Nancy: I'll meet you guys at Diana Marvin's party.

Ace: Well, can I know the plan?

Nancy: I have to talk to my father.


Nancy enters in Ryan’s house.

Ryan: What, did you break in? Figured you and your dad would be celebrating by now.

Nancy: I need your help.

Ryan: Uh, sorry, I can't do that. I got to get over to the free clinic in Trenton.

Nancy: Don't you have rich-people health insurance?

Ryan: It's not for me, okay, I'm trying to get answers on Lucy. The court clerk gave me a copy of her journal.

Nancy: Why?

Ryan: Why? Because my dad threatened her. I wanted to make sure he wasn't being physically violent. I didn't see anything in her journal about that, but I did... Find this. Look, check it out. Early spring 2000, she's writing about being sick, queasy, her clothes don't fit anymore… That was just a couple months after her and I spent the night together on New Year's. Let's just say that we weren't exactly safe.

Nancy: You don't have to share everything.

Ryan: I think that Lucy was pregnant… Yeah, think about it, right? She would've kept it a secret from her mom, 'cause that woman was crazy, but she could've snuck out to see a doctor, and the closest free clinic is in Trenton. So I'm gonna go over there and pay 'em a visit.

Nancy: I'm sure the whole staff has changed by now.

Ryan: Nope, wrong, there's only one ob-gyn, and that's Dr. Sandoe. Been there since the beginning of time.

Nancy: Uh, why do you even care if Lucy had a baby?

Ryan: Because if she had a baby, then that baby's mine. And I have spent far too long not knowing everything that I should know, and I want to find out… Hey, what if you came with me? Yeah, why don't you come with me, do your little girl detective work, you know, it'll speed up the process. I'm sure you're curious to know if Lucy was pregnant.

Nancy: Counteroffer... Uh, I'll come with you... If you do me one favour.

Ryan: Okay, deal, but we're taking my car, 'cause yours is like a moped with a roof.


Nick and George are working in the office at the Claw.

Nick: Victoria said the answer's in here?

George: Yeah, my mom only knew the rules, but the exact incantation is in here. Um, try under... Blood rituals.

George and Nick kisses.

George: Okay, we, um... Shouldn't rush into anything.

Nick: Yeah, I agree. Um... Yeah, we don't want to rush.

Bess enters in the office.

Bess: Oh. Oh, uh, sorry to interrupt your, uh... Closed-door owners' meeting. I'll be out of your hair so you can, um...

George: Oh, just stop it.

Bess: Okay, well, since I have you, do you think it would be possible to squeeze in the de-cursing blood ritual after Aunt Diana's cake-cutting but before the champagne toast? See, the, the party's on a very tight schedule.

George: Bess, the only timetable that matters is getting rid of this curse ASAP.

Bess: Ooh, let's hope the Aglaeca doesn't feed off negative energy, am I right?

George: Do you mind? We were...

Bess: Looking for portents?

Nick: Yeah, exactly.

Bess: Mm-hmm, in each other's mouths… Carry on.


Ace and Owen are working in the restaurant.

Ace: Done. Document's decrypted.

Owen: Wow, that was fast.

Bess receives a text.

Bess: Oh, no. Oh, no. Yo-Yo Ma can't make it. Aunt Diana loves chamber music, and... This was one of my surprises for her.

Ace: It was only one of them.

Bess: And I'm... Also thinking about bringing Lisbeth.

Owen: Huh, Lisbeth. You're surprising your aunt with the girlfriend your aunt disapproves of?

Bess: Well, yes, but...

Owen: 'Cause she's actually a cop with a knack for investigating rich families. That's why Diana has a problem with her.

Bess: Hmm.

Owen: Just think about it. Ace, thank you for your help.

Ace: You're welcome.

Owen: See you tonight.


Ryan and Nancy are at the Clinic.

Dr. Sandoe: Well, you seem to be in perfect health and you're not expecting. May I ask why you wanted your friend to be here?

Nancy: I was hoping to...

Ryan: I want to know, do you, do you remember a girl named Lucy Sable?

Dr. Sandoe: Well, I've lived here all my life. Of course I remember her.

Nancy: W-Was she ever a patient of yours? You're not allowed to say, I know, but I...

Ryan: But she was, wasn't she? Can you just, can you, can you tell us, w-was she pregnant?

Dr. Sandoe: Uh...

Ryan: It would've been the summer of 2000.

Dr. Sandoe: HIPAA confidentiality still protects the deceased.

Ryan: Okay, so what protects me, then? If she was pregnant, then I was the father. Look, ma'am... I cared about Lucy. Okay, and-and she didn't think that she could tell me the truth, but she was wrong. She could have.

Dr. Sandoe: I am not gonna break the law for you.

Ryan: Why can't you see the human side of this?

Dr. Sandoe: I'm sorry for your loss.

Ryan: Oh, well, then, what if I buy this place and I just shut it down?

Nancy: Ryan!

Dr. Sandoe: What?

Ryan: Or you can give me the answers I'm looking for. We'll keep it between us. I'll write you a big fat check, and you can go back to, to giving flu shots to homeless people.

Dr. Sandoe: Bullying me is not gonna help.

Ryan: I am not bullying you, ma'am. I'm just trying to negotiate.

Nancy: Hey. Hey, how about I talk to Dr. Sandoe privately? 'Cause it's my exam, right?

Ryan leaves.

Nancy: I am not going to ask you to violate patient confidentiality. But I am going to ask you to wait in here for five minutes and then walk out looking upset.


Nancy is out from the exam room. Ryan goes to talk to her.

Ryan: Did you work your sleuthy magic, or do I got to pull out my checkbook? What'd she say?

Nancy: Not here.


Nancy and Ryan are in the Clinic’s entrance.

Ryan: So, what'd she say?

Nancy: Yeah, Lucy was pregnant. You guys were together on New Year's Eve of 1999. Her due date was late September 2000… She died August 31.

Ryan: Maybe she had the baby early. You know, she put it up for adoption?

Nancy: Dr. Sandoe would have heard.

Ryan: So that's... ? That's it? Lucy died pregnant with my kid.


Bess meets Lisbeth at the sheriff station.

Bess: Hi.

Lisbeth: Hey, hi, uh... I'm gonna leave this with you… Look. So... Is this... Posh enough for Aunt Diana? Oh, my God, you hate it?

Bess: No, no, no, no, no. I love it. You... You would look amazing in it, um... It's just, um, I double-checked and, um... I can't actually bring a plus-one.

Lisbeth: Oh, I...

Bess: I'm so, so, so, so sorry for all the trouble, so last minute. That's why I wanted to come and apologize in person.

Lisbeth: Bess? Among the things that I love about you... Is you are a terrible liar… It's not about a plus-one, is it? It's about Aunt Diana? Hey, I'm not mad… But if someone has a problem with us being together, I would rather deal with it now than later.

Bess: I know, I just... I don't want to lose you, I don't want to lose them. No, I've been waiting to meet my family for so long...

Lisbeth: Do you want my advice? Let's face 'em together. Tonight. But you-you have to be ready. So if you are... Call me and I will be there… In a fancy jumpsuit. Okay?


Nancy and Ryan are in the car.

Ryan: So, you, you gonna, like, tell me why we're going to Diana Marvin's house? I mean, you know that I'm like persona non grata, so... You want to tell me what this favour is, or what?

Nancy: Yeah, in-in a minute. Can I ask you something?

Ryan: Yeah, sure.

Nancy: What would it have meant, uh, if-if you'd had the... The baby? Do you think you were ready to be a dad at 18?

Ryan: At 18, no. No. No, hell no, no. A kid like me, I was dumb and spoiled and I had horrible parental  role models, as you know, so no. That would've been a disaster.

Nancy: Do you think... ? Do you think that you would have tried to... ?

Nancy loses her hairs.

Nancy: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Ryan: Wh-Wh-What-What's going on?

Nancy: Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Nancy is choking.

Ryan: You okay? Hey. Hey, h-hold on.


Ryan stops the car. Nancy gets out off of the car.

Ryan: Hey, you okay? You choking? Hey, what, what, are you having a panic attack?

There is sand in Nancy’s hand.

Nancy: No. No. Uh... It was a portent.

Ryan: A portent? What, you mean from Lucy?

Nancy: No. From something completely different. This is the favour that I had to ask you, actually. A few days ago, I did something unusual to get the evidence to exonerate my... To exonerate Carson. Um, my friends and I did this ritual to call to this sea spirit.

Ryan: Sea spirit. Like-like dolphins?

Nancy: Stay with me. It's, uh, it's a local legend. Uh, and it worked. The Aglaeca answered my call. But the problem is... Is I couldn't hold up my end of the bargain. The-the Aglaeca wanted Owen Marvin's blood. All of it. So we couldn't go through with it, and now we triggered this, uh, curse, and I have to fix it. And in order to do that, I need to do another ritual to make sure that the spirit doesn't lock onto its target, and-and that's where you come in.

Ryan: Why me? I mean, unless this Aglaeca takes cash, then I'm...

Nancy: It's not about your money this time, Ryan. It's about you, specifically, because... It's a long story, uh, and one of which you don't need to know all the details. But i-if you just come with me...

Ryan: Yeah, no, of course. I mean, it sounds urgent, so...

Nancy: It is.

Ryan: Okay, yeah. Uh, just out of curiosity, though, if I... If I don't go and help, um, does this sea demon come after Owen Marvin? 'Cause there are some pros and cons to him being dead.

Nancy: Excuse me?

Ryan: Well, I mean, the guy's my biggest business competitor, you know? And I'll never forget that smug little look he had on his face when he turned me down when I asked him for help. He's gonna regret that.

Nancy: I need you to be serious right now.

Ryan: I am being serious right now. I don't forget when someone crosses me.

Nancy: What is wrong with you? Why are you like this?!

Ryan: Wh-Why am I like what, Nancy? What am I supposed to be like? You've met my dad.

Nancy: No! No. D-Don't blame genetics, because people make choices. You, you chose to hide your relationship with Lucy. You chose your corrupt parents' money over anything else in your life. You chose to step out on Tiffany.

Ryan: That marriage was a business proposal.

Nancy: You are an entitled, morally bankrupt legacy criminal with no spine and-and a thing for teenaged girls… What, having a kid was supposed to change all that?

Ryan: You know what? I want you to find your own way home.

Nancy: Ryan. Ryan!

Ryan lets Nancy in the middle of nowhere.


George and Nancy are on the phone.

George: Let me guess. You just got hit with another portent? Nancy?

Nancy: Yeah. I couldn't breathe and I thought that all my hair got cut off.

George: Oh, my God, your hair? Ugh. Meanwhile, in George land, those little tidal crabs? I found a whole family of them in my apron. Okay, my mom says escalation could mean we're marked for death, so no pressure. I found the directions for the ritual. Tell your dad to meet us at Diana's party.

Nancy: He's not coming.

George: What? Drew, you had one job. What is plan B?

Nancy: I will call you when I figure it out. I'm sorry.

George: Wait...


George and Nick knock on the Drews’s door.

Nick: Hey, he turned down Nancy. Why would he say yes to us?

George: We got to try, right?

Carson opens the door.

Nick: Hey. Sorry to bother you. And we know Nancy already asked, but is there any way you would reconsider helping us with this de-cursing blood ritual?

George: And not to play the guilt trip card, but we only helped Nancy call the Aglaeca because you were in jail. We didn't know the evil spirit was gonna, like, latch onto her.

Carson: Okay, h-h-hang on. Stop. I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I don't even understand some of the words that you're using. But you've spoken to Nancy today?

George: You mean you haven't?


Ace and Bess arrive at the party.

Ace: Thanks for the invite. Think I might get lucky tonight.

Bess: Yeah, and I definitely will not. Do you think I messed it all up with Lisbeth? You know what? Don't answer that.

Diana: Oh, there she is.

Ace: Hey... You got this.

Bess: Thank you.


Bess walks to Diana.

Bess: Happy birthday, Aunt Diana.

Diana: Oh, everything is absolutely perfect, dear. And look at you, speaking of perfect. Now, where's your guest? No plus-one?

Bess: No. I-I... I came alone.

Diana: Well, aren't you clever? Arrive unencumbered. Bess, may I present Cassidy... Hello, Cassidy... And Isaac Marvin, my late husband's children by his first marriage.

Bess: Oh, right.

Isaac: Mm. Are you an only child, or are there more secret cousins lying in wait?

Bess: No. No, no, it's just me.

Diana: Oh, Whitney, you're in Bess's place.

Bess: Hi, Whitney. Um, I've heard so many wonderful things about you. But no. I couldn't possibly take your place.

Diana: Bess, you have earned it tonight. Please. Go ahead.

Bess: Okay.

Whitney: Diana, I am getting you a drink. Do not move.

Bess: She hates me.

Diana: No, no, no, no.

Bess: Yeah, she does.

Diana: Whitney used to plan my parties. But then, in her wedding speech last spring, she placed several junior relatives ahead of me in her list of people to thank. That's all.

Bess: I...

Diana: This family's a game of Chutes and Ladders, dear. We have to be ruthless. Always. But I think you're gonna do just fine. Come on. Have some fun.


Nancy arrives at the party.

Owen: Excuse me, gents. Hello.

Nancy: Wow. Hi. I am underdressed.

Owen: It's okay. I'm just glad you're here. Um, look, you won't be offended if, uh, you don't meet the whole family tonight, will you? I'm looking to make a surgical exit from this thing.

Nancy: No, I have had plenty of family time today. Um, but I do need to meet my friends before we go.

Owen: Sure, you do that. I've got some business to put to bed. And once Aunt Diana blows out her candles, we are out, too. My jet will have us in the city by midnight.

Nancy: I can't wait.


Nick phones Nancy, he reaches the voicemail.

Nancy: Hey, it's me. Leave a message.

Nick: Nancy... You at the party yet? Call me when you get this. Please.

Guy: Hey, buddy. Can you get me a drink?

Nick: Seriously? I don't work here.


Ryan drives then parks his car. He founds a picture of Nancy as baby. He notices she looks like Lucy.


Nancy and Ace are talking at the party.

Ace: But the ritual won't work without a blood relative.

Nancy: Yeah, I know.

Ryan: Hey. You left this in my car.

Nancy: Ace, can you give us a sec?

Ace: I'll get set up.

Ryan: Is this you?

Nancy: Yeah. It used to belong...

Ryan: Yeah. Well, this is a picture of Lucy as a baby from her yearbook… Compare and contrast… You look like you could be twins, Nancy, why is that?

Nancy: I don't know. Babies look alike. It happens.

Ryan: No, no, you're smarter than that. That sounds like something I'd say. Why do you look like twins?

Nancy: Okay, let's take this somewhere else.


Nancy and Ryan are walking in the garden.

Ryan: And Lucy was smarter than me, too. She had this-this way that she looked when she was figuring things out, just like you.

Nancy: Doesn't prove anything.

Ryan: Yeah, well, what about the wasp stings? You told me you were allergic to wasps. You know I carry an EpiPen everywhere I go?

Nancy: Millions of people are allergic to wasps.

Ryan: Yeah, and are they haunted by Lucy Sable? I mean, I get me, Nancy, but why you? Look, this-this might sound crazy, but think about it. The photos, the wasp stings, the way you carry yourself. Lucy was pregnant 19 years ago. What if she had that baby?

Nancy: Can we just do the ritual, please?

Ryan: I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me. Why was Lucy Sable haunting you?

Nancy: Lucy wanted me to find out that she had her baby before she died… That the baby survived… I survived.

Ryan: Why didn't you just tell me?

Nancy: Can I have my locket?

Ryan: How did Carson and Kate... ?

Nancy: Lucy asked them to protect me. She never said who the father was.

Ryan: So Lucy died thinking that I abandoned her. Is that... Is that why you asked me to come do this ritual with you? Because, what, you-you needed a parent?

Nancy: Uh, just needed a blood relative.

Ryan: And that's why I know the truth? What if you hadn't needed me?

Nancy: I wish I didn't.

Ryan: Finally. A straight answer.


Nick, George, Bess and Ace are preparing the ritual.

Carson: Looks like you guys have done this before.

George: Okay, what's the point if Nancy's not even here, Ace? Do you even have the... ?

Ace: It's all good. We're all good.

Nancy and Ryan arrive.

Nick: Uh, what's going on?

Bess: Ryan Hudson?

George: What the hell's he doing here?

Carson: Are you all right?

Nancy: No.

Carson: Nancy...

Nancy: You can go. You're not needed… Let's do the thing.

Nick: Um... Without a blood relative?

Nancy: We have one. "Make a fire. Burn seaweed as an offering to the sea spirit".

Bess: Yeah, we have it all there.

Nancy: "Scatter signs of the curse into the offering flame".

George: Well, here's what's left of my pocket friends.

Nancy: "Blood relatives join h-hands over the fire"… Please… Start the incantation.

Bess: I don't understand, though. Are-are you two cousins or something?

Nancy: No. Can we get this over with? Please.

Ace: "In this fire, to end a spirit's desire, we burn the signs with the salt of the sea and two blended wounds. With this offering of blood for blood, we cast a veil between the herein kindred spirits and the vengeful one, so that it may no longer pursue us. Forever gone".

Nancy is in pain.

Ryan: Nancy, I have to stop this.

Nancy: No! No, no, I... I need you to save my friends.

Nick: Why do you need Ryan?

Nancy: Because... Lucy was p... Was pregnant with Ryan's baby. And right before she died... She gave birth… To me.

Bess: Oh, my God.


After the ritual, Ryan tries to talk with Nancy.

Ryan: Hey. Are you, uh... Are you okay?

Nancy: Yeah. Thank you. For helping.

Ryan: Yeah, I hope it works.

Nancy: Me, too.

Ryan: Hey, should we, um... Sh... I don't know. Should we, like, go maybe get a-a coffee or something sometime?

Nancy: I don't think I'm ready for that.

Ryan: Yeah, me neither.


Ryan and Nancy are back near the Marvins’s house. Carson is here.

Nancy: Going to excuse myself.

Carson: Ryan. Before Lucy died, she told us that the Hudsons weren't safe. That meant you.

Ryan: Lucy didn't know the truth. Did she? She died thinking I abandoned her. Nancy would've been safe with me. And I lost the chance to raise her because of you.

Ryan drives away.

Nancy: I know what it feels like now. To have a secret that you don't want anybody to know. Because... If they find out, it'll change everything.

Carson: I was afraid I was going to lose you.

Nancy: Keeping the secret changes everything, too. So...

Carson: I'll sleep in my office loft, starting tonight. I'll give you that space you want, for as long as you want.

Nancy: No, stay in your house. I'm going to New York, actually, with Owen.

Carson: You don't have to run away.

Nancy: I need to be someplace you're not.


Ace, Bess, George and Nick enter in the house.

George: Ryan is Nancy's dad?

Ace: Dead Lucy is her mom.

Bess: Wait, George... Slept with Nancy's dad?

Nick: Whoa, whoa, guys. Okay, we just need to hold up a second.

Bess: Uh, Ge...

Nick: George.

George leaves, Nick follows her.

Bess: They're waving me for photos. At least the ritual worked, right?

Ace: Yeah. Hopefully, no more portents. You should go, though. You look way too good not to be in those photos.

Bess: Okay.


Bess walks to Diana.

Diana: Uh, let's start with our newest cousin.


Bess and Diana pose for photos.

Diana: I do hope Lisbeth forgives you for not bringing her tonight. Because I do want you to continue your relationship. She could be a valuable window into how the police view our family.

Bess: Oh, yeah, but, you see, uh, Diana, she wouldn't mix work with relationships.

Diana: And she should never know they're mixing. Think of it as your birthday gift to me.


Bess, Ace and George have still portents.


Nick is looking for George in the garden.

Nick: George? George!

Nick has a portent.


Nancy is choked.


The crew is on the phone with Victoria.

Victoria: What did you do wrong?

George: Nothing. We did it word-for-word. The whole "ritual to ward off a curse from an inhuman sea spirit".

Victoria: But you got bigger portents, so, clearly, you messed something up.

Nancy: Nick thought he was drowning. Ace saw his hands and feet tied. And this morning Owen said that he saw fishhooks, uh, tearing into his skin. And-and I saw a vision of... Someone with their hair sheared off. Um, like a... Like a prisoner on-on their way to an execution… We assumed that the Aglaeca was an inhuman entity, someone that was never alive. But what if the Aglaeca was a person? Someone, uh, tied hand and foot and thrown into the ocean… Uh, Victoria, what would happen if-if-if the Aglaeca was an entity of human origin?

Victoria: If this thing had a human origin, well, then that ritual you just did, you took the right medicine for the wrong disease. And you probably pissed off the Aglaeca even more. The portents will only get worse.

Nancy: We have to tell Owen.

Bess: Yeah, he's not answering.


The crew finds Owen’s phone in a hallway.

Nick: Weird place to lose your phone.

Bess: Owen?


The crew enters in a bathroom.

Bess: Owen, you okay? Owen?

They discover Owen’s dead body.

Kikavu ?

Au total, 14 membres ont visionné cet épisode ! Ci-dessous les derniers à l'avoir vu...

28.02.2023 vers 21h

03.07.2022 vers 23h

22.02.2021 vers 20h

25.01.2021 vers 23h

21.12.2020 vers 17h

09.12.2020 vers 17h

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Logo de la chaîne M6

NCIS, S21E10
Samedi 8 juin à 21:55
1.12m / 6.7% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne M6

NCIS, S21E09
Samedi 8 juin à 21:10
1.17m / 6.6% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne France 2

Tropiques criminels, S05E08
Vendredi 7 juin à 21:10
3.62m / 20.4% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne France 2

Un si grand Soleil, S06E184
Vendredi 7 juin à 20:45
2.87m / 16.4% (Part)

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Demain nous appartient, S07E203
Vendredi 7 juin à 19:15
2.31m / 16.6% (Part)

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Demain nous appartient, S07E202
Jeudi 6 juin à 19:15
2.27m / 15.9% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne TF1

Demain nous appartient, S07E201
Mercredi 5 juin à 19:15
2.47m / 17.5% (Part)

Logo de la chaîne TF1

Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle, S01E108
Mercredi 5 juin à 13:45
2.00m / 27.1% (Part)

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