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Colonial Day

Adama (on phone): Tom Zarek represents a danger to the entire fleet. I can bar him from traveling to Cloud 9 o n that basis alone. 
Roslin: I perfectly understand the threat Tom Zarek represents, but the last thing I need is for you to start acting like my own personal goon squad. We need to let this play out. Thank you.


Zarek: Citizens of the Twelve colonies, I am humbled and moved by this great honor. I will be a voice for those who have gone too long unheard by a government that serves o nly the privileged and the powerful. That turns a blind eye to the needs of the weak and the poor. But Roslin and her confederates will no longer be able to ignore us. People of the fleet, look up. The winds of change are blowing. A new era is about to dawn.


Zarek: Thank you for making me feel welcome, Ellen. 
Ellen: I hope to see you again. 
Tigh: Why did you do that? 
Ellen: To get our picture o n the front page of every half-baked newsletter and photo service in the fleet. 
Tigh: I don't need my picture taken with a terrorist. 
Ellen: Oh, wake up, Saul, look at these cameras. Roslin's the past and Zarek's the future, a blind man can see that.


Zarek: Hmm, if I were to offer you my hand in friendship, would you take it? 
Rolsin: Well, there's o nly o ne way to find out.


#6: You're missing an intriguing opportunity. Playa's not wearing any underwear. 
Baltar: Oh, don't be absurd. Really? 
#6: She's been eyeing you all afternoon. 
Baltar: Well, she's o nly human. You're not jealous? 
#6: Love isn't about sex, Gaius. 
Baltar: There's an enlightened point of view.


Zarek: If things weren't so serious, I'd say that was funny. Look, there's no economy. There's no market, no industry, no capital. Money is worthless. And yet, we're all held hostage by the idea of the way things used to be. Look where we are. This man wakes up every morning, tugs o n his boots and goes to work in this garden. Why, because it's his job? What job? He labors, but he gets no benefit! And he's not the o nly o ne. Many of us are just still going through the motions of our old lives. The lawyers still act like lawyers but they have no clients! Businessmen still act like businessmen but have no business! President Roslin and her policies are all about holding o nto a fantasy! If we wanna survive, we need to completely restructure our lives. We need to think about the community of citizens. The group, not the individual. We need to completely free ourselves of the past, and operate as a collective.


Caprica Boomer: You know, if they were human clones that means they're capable of-- of complex emotions, maybe even love. Maybe they were misguided in the way they were indoctrinated, but—
Helo: Whatever they are, they're not human. No human could do the things that they've done. Killed billions of innocent people. They've gotta be fraking Cylons, just like the rest of them.


Valance: You're-- you're bluffing. You haven't got anything. 
Apollo: But we don't need anything, Valance. 'Cause this isn't a trial. This is just you and us in this room. 
Starbuck: Like Zarek pointed out, we're living in a whole new world. There's no due process. This is your courtroom. 
Apollo: And that would make us... your executioners.


Zarek: You are clearly a well-connected, well-informed woman. 
Ellen: Wife of the X.O., For whatever that's worth. 
Zarek: Quite a bit, now and in the future. 
Ellen: That's what I'm interested in, Tom. It's my place. And my husband's place in the future. 
Zarek: Okay... I'm looking for a friend of mine. His name is Valance.


Baltar (on radio): ... I think all of us have had teachers who have made a profound impact o n our lives. History-- history is full of examples of leaders, um, who have come from the most humble beginnings and have risen to meet the challenge posed by cataclysmic events. 
Baltar (on radio): ... Laura Roslin and the tough decisions that she has to make every day. Especially if you're someone like Tom Zarek, who's never shouldered any real responsibility, in your life. To be fair to Tom, how could he? He's been in prison for the last 20 years. Um, now he's had a drastic personality makeover. He's posing like he is the savior to all your ills. I think you all have a short memory, really... 
Baltar (on radio): What I have to say is, we-- we must survive, and we will survive. And we will do so through the values that have made our colonies great. Courage, truth, justice, liberty. With the firm and deep resolve to make Tomorrow better. Not just for ourselves, but for our children. 


Gray: Right, fine, health reasons. You know, all of those years, I watched you. Working with Adar, you were always so quiet, so polite. So dignified. I never thought you'd fit in with the bare knuckle, backstabbing politicians. I guess I was wrong


Baltar: Well, then who do you want me to vote for? 
Roslin: I was thinking you. 
Baltar: Me? Look, um—
Roslin: Doctor, let's cut to the chase. You are a very popular man these days. I would be fortunate to have your intellect and your popularity right by my side. 
Baltar: Well, under those circumstances, I accept. Thank you, Madame President.


Roslin: Citizens, I give you your new Vice President, Doctor Gaius !

Adama: Politics. As exciting as war, definitely as dangerous. 
Roslin: Though in war, you o nly get killed o nce. In politics, it can happen over and over. 
Adama: You're still standing. 
Roslin: So are you.


Apollo: So, um, that bum knee of yours is looking pretty good. And the other o ne's not too bad either. 
Starbuck: Lee, if you wanna ask me to dance, just ask. 
Apollo: You wanna dance? 
Starbuck: Me in a dress is a o nce in a lifetime opportunity.

Ecrit par marshmalow 
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