Graham Patrick Martin

Retrouvez l'interview VF dans HypnoMag#6, pages 52 à 56.

Ecrit par albi2302 

Novembre 2017

You play Rusty Beck, a young man with very tormented life, introduced in the last episode of The Closer and developed in Major Crimes. What did you know about this character when you auditioned ?

When I received the audition notice, it explained Rusty’s complex backstory. It would have been very hard to prepare for in the three hours I had to work on the audition. Fortunately, I had recently worked on a film called “Somewhere Slow” where I played a homeless drifter, so I had already done a great deal of research on homeless youth and trafficking. 
Drug, prostitution, abandonment, testimony, sexuality, adoption ... Rusty is a complicated character because he is disturbed by his past and his homosexuality. How do you prepare yourself for this role ?

One of the things that motivates me is my need to get Rusty’s story right. Youth homelessness is an important story that most people don’t want to hear about it. So I see it as a great responsibility to tell his story as accurately as possible. 
Although he was abandoned by his biological mother, Rusty manages to create strong ties with Sharon Raydor [Mary McDonnell] who has finished to adopt him, and also Louie Provenza [G.W. Bailey]. Mary and G.W are two actors with a great career, how is your relationship on the set? Do they give you some advices ?

I consider myself to be the luckiest young actor in Hollywood. I have been working for five years with these actors. They are always eager to give me advice on acting and life. GW has specifically been a mentor of mine since the start. He never hesitates to pull me aside and offer his guidance on the scene we are playing. He also taught me how to tie a tie. I love that man.
Rusty is the character who has most evolved during the seasons of Major Crimes. Are you satisfied with this evolution and what do you like in this role ?

I am very satisfied with Rusty’s story. His story is one of hope. He started out as an impulsive, self-centered homeless kid desperate to survive. He’s grown into a hard working and focused future lawyer. There were some bumps along the way, but I hope Rusty’s story let’s kid’s in rough situations know that there is hope for a better life. I also hope his story inspires folks to help out the homeless youth community. 
At the beginning, Rusty has some difficulties to assuming his homosexuality and he finally accepts it. Homosexuality has remained very taboo and finally begins to take is place on the show. How the LGBT community did react with you towards Rusty ?

The LGBT community has been very supportive. I have had so many interactions with fans -both online and in person- who approach me just to say “Thank you for telling my story”. It’s really moving when I experience this. Because again, it’s a story that isn’t often told. I’m thrilled that James Duff and the writers on Major Crimes were brave enough to add this character to a cop show.
In the last seasons, Rusty find his place and fall in love with Gus Wallace [Rene Rosado]. Do you discuss your scenes with Rene or do you just play your role according to your scenarios ?

Rene is a fantastic actor who is always eager to bring the scene to life in an authentic manor. As a result, we have great conversations on set about our real-life relationship experience, and we use that to bring into our scene. 
The show exists for 5 years  and you often meet the same actors (even more for some actors present in The Closer). How are the vibes on the set ?

We are a family on the set of Major Crimes. And like all family’s we have our ups and downs- but at the end of the day we all love each other and are working together to achieve the common goal of making the best television possible for our fans, who have stuck with us for a long long time.
On January 18, the show got a season 6 of 13 episodes that will allow the series to celebrate its 100th episode. Do you want to spin this episode and what would you like to see ?

Its hard to believe that we are already at 100 episodes. Many shows go into autopilot when they reach this many. However, I think that Major Crimes is really starting to hit it’s stride. The writers are throwing out some of the most complex and powerful scripts we’ve every had, which is firing up the actors and making it fun to come to work every day. 
You started your career with a guest role in Law & Order: Criminal Intent, another police TV series but you also play in several comedies. Although we can group them, these are two different approaches. What do you like in those both genres ?

I love both comedy and drama for different reasons. Working on Two and a Half Men as well as The Bill Engvall Show was some of the most fun I have ever had in my life. It was like getting paid to play a fun game everyday. Though the one hour drama format is way more difficult, I enjoy diving into the psychology of another human. There an art to it that I have so much more to learn about, but I’m enjoying figuring it out. 
Do you have any projects after the season 6 of Major Crimes ?

I worked on a film called “Bukowski” that James Franco directed. It should be coming out within the next year. I also directed a music video for the artist Harlie, which will be premiering on August 24th.
The french community really appreciates you, for your character and your actor playing. What would you like to say to your fans ?

Thanks so much for watching ! I am from south Louisiana which has a very large Cajun French population. I grew up with my grandparents speaking French. I regret not learning the language from them, but theres still time !

Ecrit par albi2302 
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langedu74, Avant-hier à 19:39

Encore quelques pouces nécessaires pour valider le thème de The Handmaid's Tale, merci

chrismaz66, Hier à 08:02

J'ai voté pour le thème Langedu74 ^^

choup37, Hier à 09:16

voté aussi!

chrismaz66, Hier à 10:08

Venez départager Christian Clavier et Bruno Salomone chez Kaamelott, les Gladiateurs (jeu) c'est la finale! Merci ^^

Locksley, Hier à 19:08

Le quartier Fire Country est ouvert ! Bonne inauguration à sabby et bonne visite !

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