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#102 : Episode 2

Satu Järvinen

Diana, aveugle à l'interêt qu'elle a provoqué parmi les créatures, lutte de plus en plus contre la magie, tournant le dos à son héritage de sorcière, mais les choses prennent un mauvais tournant quand Satu est envoyée par Peter Knox pour l'intimider. A Venise, la belle mais meurtrière Juliette a retrouvé son obsession fatale pour Matthew. Au moment où Diana décide de faire confiance à Matthew avec un secret sur le livre qu'elle seule connaît, il fuit dans une tentative désespérée de la protéger de ses désirs. Ce faisant, il laisse Diana exposée à tous ses ennemis.


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I'm Craving Her | A Discovery of Witches Episode 2 | BBC America

I'm Craving Her | A Discovery of Witches Episode 2 | BBC America


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Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) dans la campagne anglaise

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) dans la campagne anglaise

La sorcière Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska) menace Diana

La sorcière Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska) menace Diana

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) part chasser

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) part chasser

Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey), sorcière

Gillian Chamberlain (Louise Brealey), sorcière

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) et son ami 	Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh)

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) et son ami Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh)

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) ne se laisse pas intimider par Satu

Diana Bishop (Teresa Palmer) ne se laisse pas intimider par Satu

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) est attiré par Diana

Matthew Clairmont (Matthew Goode) est attiré par Diana

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson) a jeté son dévolu sur Matthieu Beny (Freddie Thorp)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson) a jeté son dévolu sur Matthieu Beny (Freddie Thorp)

Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh) est bien équipé pour une surveillance.

Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh) est bien équipé pour une surveillance.

 Matthew (Matthew Goode) a sa proie en vue.

Matthew (Matthew Goode) a sa proie en vue.

 Matthew (Matthew Goode)

Matthew (Matthew Goode)

 Matthew (Matthew Goode) rejoint Diana (Teresa Palmer).

Matthew (Matthew Goode) rejoint Diana (Teresa Palmer).

Matthew (Matthew Goode) et Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) et Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska) face à Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska) face à Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Domenico Michele (Gregg Chillin)

Domenico Michele (Gregg Chillin)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) montre son labo à Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) montre son labo à Diana (Teresa Palmer)

Peter Knox (Owen Teale) marche avec Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska)

Peter Knox (Owen Teale) marche avec Satu Järvinen (Malin Buska)

Gerbert d'Aurillac (Trevor Eve)

Gerbert d'Aurillac (Trevor Eve)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) et Diana (Teresa Palmer) en promenade

Matthew (Matthew Goode) et Diana (Teresa Palmer) en promenade

Ça chauffe entre Matthieu Beny (Freddie Thorp) et Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Ça chauffe entre Matthieu Beny (Freddie Thorp) et Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) remercie Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh)

Matthew (Matthew Goode) remercie Hamish Osborne (Greg McHugh)

Chasse terminée, Matthew a dominé sa proie (Matthew Goode)

Chasse terminée, Matthew a dominé sa proie (Matthew Goode)

Matthieu Beny (Freddie Thorp) est une proie pour Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Matthieu Beny (Freddie Thorp) est une proie pour Juliette Durand (Elarica Johnson)

Diana, dans l'appartement de Matthew,  demande son aide

Diana, dans l'appartement de Matthew, demande son aide


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Plus de détails

Réalisé par Juan Carlos Medina
Ecrit par : Kate Brooke

Guests :
Michael Culkin ... Professor Marsh
Freddie Thorp ... Matthieu Beny

A Venise, une femme regarde un homme prénommé Matthieu et le suit. Le couple commence à s'embrasser quand elle dit qu'elle connaissait un autre homme nommé Matthew. Au milieu de l'acte, elle le mord à la gorge et Matthieu pend la fuite. Elle le rattrape et l'appelle Matthew avant de le mordre à la poitrine.

Après une scène d’ouverture aussi complexe, la voix de Matthew nous apaise une fois de plus alors qu’il voyage dans sa voiture à travers la campagne avant d’arriver dans un magnifique manoir. Matthew est venu pour la chasse et Hamish le salue à la porte. Hamish est un démon, il veut savoir ce qui ne va pas et Matthew lui dit qu’il est venu s’éloigner d’une sorcière qu'il désire. Ensuite, ils partent à la chasse, du moins Matthew le fait. Il sent le cerf et court à travers les collines pour rattraper sa proie. Après un bon repas, Hamish pense que Matthew devrait rester à l'écart de Diana.

Plus tard, Hamish et Matthew discutent du livre et il apparaît que les suicides de démons, les problèmes de santé mentale et les sans-abri sont à la hausse. Si le livre pouvait expliquer leurs origines, cela pourrait les aider. Pendant une partie d'échecs, ils continuent leur discussion lorsque Hamish gagne et ne dit pas subtilement que «le jeu ne se résume pas à la protection de votre reine». Matthew décide alors qu'il doit retourner chercher le livre chez Diana, quand Hamish suggère que Marcus s'en charge. Matthew ne le laissera oas s'approcher d’elle, et Hamish lui rappelle ce qu’il était advenu des femmes dont il avait envie : Elena et Cecilia. Matthew s'énerve et dit qu'il a juré de ne plus jamais être accompagné d'un autre sang chaud après Cecilia, mais Hamish peut que dire qu'il parle de Diana différemment.

A Oxford, Diana continue de faire de plus en plus de cauchemars d'araignées et de toiles qui la recouvrent. Après s'être réveillée, Diana se prépare pour la journée et trouve la veste que Matthew a sentie dans le dernier épisode avant de lui rendre dans sa boîte aux lettres. Une fois encore, la bibliothèque est remplie de gens, à la grande surprise de Diana. Lorsqu'elle lève les yeux, elle voit Satu. Peter Knox s'approche ensuite et se présente comme un ami. Au début, Diana le congédie, mais il révèle qu'il connaissait sa mère.

Les deux marchent ensuite ensemble et il dit que la mère de Diana et lui se sont rencontrés alors qu’ils étaient adolescents. Peter dit aussi qu'il espérait se présenter, mais ses tantes sont surprotectrices. Ils s'arrêtent pour le thé et Peter commence son interrogatoire sur le livre : comment elle l'a appelé, où il se trouve et ce qu'il y avait dedans. Peter pense que l'Ashmole 782 contient les premiers sorts de sorcières qui pourraient leur expliquer comment ils ont créé les vampires et comment ils pourraient les détruire. Diana ne répond pas et part. Peter déclare alors à Satu qu’il devra peut-être utiliser une tactique plus ferme.

Diana prend une nouvelle fois le thé avec Gillian qui ne comprend pas le mal qu’il y a à essayer de rappeler le livre. Gillian est heureuse d’apprendre que Matthew ne s’intéresse plus à Diana, mais Diana est un peu vexée que Matthew soit parti.

Satu intercepte Diana et lui attrape la main qui a été brûlée. Elle dit que la magie de Diana est cachée. Satu entre en état de transe pour tenter de comprendre ce qui ne va pas avec elle. Après sa rencontre avec Satu, Diana appelle sa tante Em pour lui poser des questions sur Peter, qui était apparemment attiré par la magie noire et amoureux de la mère de Diana.

Diana se dirige vers la bibliothéque et croise une nouvelle fois Peter Knox. Il lui demande encore de récupérer le livre, elle réplique : « Je suis comme ma mère. Une fois que j'ai pris une décision, je ne reviens pas dessus ». Elle s'en va mais entend la voix de K,ox dans sa tête, il la menace. Il continue à s'introduire plus profondément dans son esprit lorsque les pouvoirs de Diana se déclenchent faisant voler en éclats une fenêtre.

De retour à Venise, nous découvrons Domenico à la morgue, car il veut voir le corps qui a été retrouvé. C’est le corps de Matthieu, vidé de son sang. À la mention du nom de Matthieu, Domenico semble savoir exactement ce qui s’est passé. Il se rend ensuite chez Juliette - qui est la femme du début de l’épisode - et son père, Gerbert D’Aurillac, avec qui il a une conversation privée. Par la suite, Gerbert parle à Juliette de ce qui s’est passé et explique que Baldwin pourrait l’utiliser contre lui. Il mord ensuite son cou pour voir ce qu’elle a fait à Matthieu et nous voyons aussi des souvenirs de son intimité avec Matthew. Juliette est ensuite jetée dans une cellule.

Pendant ce temps, Myriam fait des analyses de sang lorsque Marcus se présente. Il semble que les analyses de James soient normales et que le problème concerne Marcus.

Après l'épreuve de la bibliothèque, Peter Knox rend visite à Gillian et lui dit que Diana a réalisé un sort élémentaire, à la grande surprise de Gillian. Diana frappe ensuite à sa porte et voit Peter. Elle réalise alors que c'est Gillian qui l'a trahie. Tout ce qui est arrivé à Diana se bouscule dans sa tête, elle se rend ensuite chez Matthew. Elle frappe mais personne ne répond. Elle est découragée jusqu'à ce qu'elle le voit au bas de l'escalier.

Diana est assise dans la chambre de Matthew et dit qu’il avait raison en ce qui concerne les créatures à venir pour le livre. Pendant ce temps, tout ce que Matthew peut entendre est son pouls de l’autre côté de la pièce. Matthew lui demande de se calmer, puis lui demande pourquoi elle est venue le voir. Malheureusement pour Diana, elle n’a personne en qui elle peut avoir confiance et elle ne veut certainement pas que Peter obtienne le livre. Matthew tend ensuite un livre à Diana. Elle est ravie d’apprendre qu’il connaissait Charles Darwin, mais aussi surprise d’apprendre qu'il recherche l'Ashmole 782 depuis 1859. Elle cherche alors à estimer son âge : "Connaissiez-vous Machiavel ? Avez-vous survécu à la chute de Carthage ?"

Matthew demande à Diana s'il peut lui montrer son laboratoire et lui recommande de mettre un manteau car il perçoit qu’elle a froid en entendant les bruits de son coeur. Au laboratoire, il lui dit qu'ils étudient des espèces de vampires, de sorcières et de démons. Malheureusement, la tension est interrompue par Myriam et Marcus qui hume l'odeur de Diana… "Wow ! AB négatif." avant de proposer de prélever son sang. Diana décline brusquement son offre, lorsque Matthew explique que les vampires sont incapables de transformer les humains, que les démons sont de plus en plus sujets à la folie, et que les sorcières sont en train de perdre leurs pouvoirs.

Il lui montre ensuite divers ADN de sorcières, puis aborde le sujet de l'Ashmole 782. Diana voit que Matthew pense qu'elle devrait utiliser ses pouvoirs. Après l'avoir déposée à sa porte, il commencer à s'éloigner. Diana lui avoue que le livre contient d'anciens mots cachés sous un nouveau. Elle parle de ce qu'elle a remarqué, notamment de trois pages manquantes et de la représentation alchimique de l'enfant. Il attrape sa main et embrasse son poignet...

Résumé écrit par albi2302 à partir du recap de The Nerd Daily.

Woman: Matthieu! Over there.


Juliette: I used to know a Matthew.

Matthieu: It's Matthieu.

Juliet: Matthew.







Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared. Demons, Vampires and Witches hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery. Ill at ease, even with each other. But as my father used to say: "In every ending, there is a new beginning."


Matthew: New trousers, Hamish?

Hamish: Morning.

Matthew: You really didn't need to be here, you know.

Hamish: "Hello, Hamish. Nice to see you." Good to see you, too, Matthew.

Matthew: I can quite well go hunting on my own.

Hamish: It's good to have a break from London. I've been meaning to get out on the moors, anyway. John's preparing the car.


Matthew: I see you've redecorated.

Hamish: I thought the place needed brightening up.

Matthew: Looks like a wedding cake.

Hamish: You didn't come all the way up here to diss my interiors, Matt. What's going on?

Matthew: It's complex.

Hamish: Isn't it always with you?

Matthew: This is even more...

Hamish: What? Fucked up? Look at the two of us. A vampire friends with a demon.

Matthew: I came up here to get away from a witch.

Hamish: When you say "get away"... Do you mean?

Matthew: I'm craving her.


Doctor: Who are you? You can't come in here without...

Domenico: My boss will call you in three seconds to give it. I'm looking for the body of the tourist found last night.

Doctor: Yes? Yes. Of course, sir.

Domenico: The body?

Doctor: He has no blood in him. And there was no blood at the scene. It's... Strange.

Domenico: Is there any background on him?

Doctor: He was French.

Domenico: Name?

Doctor: Matthieu Beny.

Domenico: Matthew.


Matthew: Stop.

Hamish: Where?

Matthew: About 35 meters below the ridgeline.

Hamish: Good hunting.


Diana: Hey. Busy today.

Sean: Don't know why. Students aren't back yet.


Peter: Dr Bishop.

Diana: May I help you?

Peter: My name's Peter Knox. I presume there aren't usually this many other creatures in the library.

Diana: Well... No.

Peter: So I suppose word has spread about the Ashmole manuscript you took out.

Diana: Sorry, I'm waiting on a book.

Peter: You're quite right to keep it quiet, but I assure you I am a friend… Shall we discuss this over coffee?

Diana: I don't think so.

Peter: Or are you a tea drinker like your mother was?


Diana: Did you know my father, too?

Peter: Only slightly. Your mother and I met when we were teenagers… I was very fond of her.

Diana: What was she like?

Peter: Passionate, clever, stubborn as a mule when she wanted to be.

Diana: Really?!

Peter: It's truly terrible what happened. I've thought about you a good deal over the years and... I've wanted to introduce myself, but your aunt's very protective.

Diana: Yeah.


Peter: Could we get tea for two, please?

Waiter: Yes, sir.


Hamish: Feeling better?

Matthew: Yes. Thank you.

Hamish: I think you're wise to keep your distance from the witch.

Matthew: Yes. But the problem is, she's in possession of something that I need. Or rather... She's capable of retrieving it.


Peter: So, er, did you just call it up?

Diana: Yeah.

Peter: How?

Diana: Er, the... The normal way.

Peter: That's odd because I requested Ashmole 782 this morning and it isn't there.

Diana: Not there?

Peter: Missing. According to the Bodleian catalog it's been missing for years.

Diana: But how could it be? That doesn't make any sense. I took it out.

Peter: You did return it, I take it?

Diana: Of course! I would never steal a book from the Bod.

Peter: No. It could be the date. Yeah. Maybe the book only shows itself around the time of the equinox. Or... Or it could be that there's a spell on it and that somehow, for some reason, you broke it.

Diana: I'm not my mother, Mr Knox, I didn't inherit her powers.

Peter: What happened when you opened it?

Diana: I only looked at one page.

Peter: What was on it?

Diana: A picture.

Peter: Of what?

Diana: The alchemical child.

Peter: There must have been more. You must have seen more.

Diana: Why is it so important to you?

Peter: Because if this book is what I think it is, it contains the witches' first spells. It could tell us how we created vampires.

Diana: That's just a myth.

Peter: Vampires have used their brute power and longevity to gain far too much control, but if we created them... Then we could uncreate them.

Diana: I won't have any part of that.

Peter: You have to try and take it out again. You're the only person who's seen it in years.

Diana: Let go of my arm!

Peter: I'm quite sure I'll see you again, Diana… Not as amenable as I'd hoped. We might need to use firmer tactics.


Domenico: Juliette, good evening.

Juliette: If you're here to see my father, he's not to be disturbed.

Domenico: I think he's going to want to hear what I have to say.


Gerbert: This better be important.

Domenico: It is. It's a police matter.

Gerbert: Leave us.


Gillian: To be honest, I still don't get what you're so anxious about. How could taking out a book for a senior witch do any harm?

Diana: Come on, you were in the library. You felt it. This... This book is powerful and I... I don't... I don't trust what Peter Knox might do with it. He hates other species. He'll use it against them.

Gillian: It's no concern of ours.

Diana: I don't even know how he knew I took it out in the first place.

Gillian: These things get out.

Diana: I just... I don't want to have anything to do with it. I want to lead a normal life. I want to be normal.

Gillian: I've known you for ten years. You couldn't be normal if you tried. It's so typical something like this would happen to you.

Diana: What shall I do, Gillian?

Gillian: Just get it out for him and forget all about it. Carry on with your paper.

Diana: Yeah, but that's nearly impossible with all these... Creatures and the library.

Gillian: Not the vampire that was following you before?

Diana: No. He seems to have given up on me.

Gillian: Oh, that's a relief at least.

Diana: I don't know. There is something about him… He... He seemed to know more about the book than anyone else… I should have asked him about it. Instead, I... I told him to leave me alone.

Gillian: You're quite right, too.

Diana: Have you ever talked to them?

Gillian: No.

Diana: So you don't know what they're like?

Gillian: And you do, after one conversation?

Diana: He didn't seem to be as prejudiced against us as we are against them… I gotta go. Been invited to one of the dean's awful parties. Thank you. Sorry to burden you with this.


Matthew: So even though Ashmole 782 might be the answer to our problems, Hamish, my interest in it puts her in danger.

Hamish: It seems we're all in danger, Matt, if we don't get that book. You know that daemon suicides are on the rise? As are mental health problems, homelessness.

Matthew: Yes, I know. I've been looking into the statistics.

Hamish: We are struggling. If this book could explain our origins...

Matthew: Yes. Wouldn't that be something, my friend?


Marcus: Where's Matthew?

Miriam: He's not here.

Marcus: Oh, just, he said he'd ring me with the results. Have they come through yet?

Miriam: James' have… His blood tests are normal.

Marcus: So the problem's with me then?

Miriam: It seems so.


Satu: That was quick. What did you do to your hand? I think the book did that to you when you opened it.

Diana: Who are you? You were in the library.

Satu: You were the magnet for it. Magic attracts magic… But yours is hidden… Someone did something to you… Oh… You did it to yourself…  Do you fear persecution? Is that it?

Diana: I haven't until now. You were with Peter Knox. You tell him I won't get out his book.

Satu: This isn't just about the book. It's about you.


Diana: Hey, Em. Have you heard of Peter Knox?

Emily: Peter Knox is in Oxford?

Diana: He said he knew Mum.

Emily: Yeah, he was crazy about her.

Diana: I thought so, from what he said.

Emily: Tried to persuade her not to marry your father.

Diana: Did she like him?

Emily: They were friends in the early days and then he just got into some stuff.

Diana: What?

Emily: Dark magic. Why is Peter Knox in Oxford?

Diana: The book I told you about. He wants it.

Emily: Your father distrusted him and, by the end, your mum did too. Be careful of him, Diana.


Gerbert: Juliette. A word… Where were you two nights ago?

Juliette: Seeing the city at night. You said I was allowed.

Gerbert: I said... As long as you were good.

Juliette: I have been.

Gerbert: If there's something I don't know, Baldwin can use it against me.

Juliette: Baldwin's not even in Venice.

Gerbert: He sees and hears anyway! This dead tourist... Is a brazen vampire killing. And Domenico... the nosey little fucker... Smelt you on him.

Juliette: That's not true. Domenico hates me… Matthew!


Juliette: You taught me to crave Matthew! No! Father! Father!


Hamish: This book you say Diana called up.

Matthew: Mm.

Hamish: I've heard stories about it. The witches stole it from the vampires. The vampires stole it from the witches.

Matthew: That's untrue.

Hamish: Demons, of course, don't get a look in. We know it's important to us but we don't know why and we're not even allowed to ask. The general feeling being we matter so much less than the other creatures.

Matthew: Can we not have a political argument?

Hamish: It's easy for you to say. You're not treated like a third-class citizen.

Matthew: It's hardly like you are. You practically run the City of London.

Hamish: That's not the point. I'm an anomaly… Checkmate… There is more to the game than protecting your queen.


Hamish: Wait! Think before your next move.

Matthew: No, other creatures will want the book. I have to obtain it from Diana before they do.

Hamish: I know you need the book, but couldn't Marcus do it?

Matthew: Marcus? Not letting Marcus anywhere near Diana.

Hamish: He's much less of a danger to Diana than you are! Think what's happened in the past to women you've craved. Elena, Cecilia.

Matthew: I wish I'd never told you.

Hamish: But you did because you wanted me to be your conscience.

Matthew: After Cecilia, I swore to myself that I would never get involved with another warmblood again and you know that!

Hamish: But, Matt, you've never talked about another woman the way you do about Diana Bishop. I'm just trying to protect you.

Matthew: I'll try to take your advice.

Hamish: Don't try. Do. If you hurt her, you'll never forgive yourself and I couldn't bear it. Don't go back to Oxford until you're sure you can control yourself around Diana Bishop.


Professor Marsh: Dr Bishop.

Diana: Good evening, Professor Marsh.

Professor Marsh: Welcome.

Diana: Thank you.

Professor Marsh: I understand you gave an excellent talk and that you are writing it up.

Diana: Yes, yes, I am indeed.

Professor Marsh: And I look forward to reading it. We want to get you on that shortlist.

Diana: Well, thank you.

Professor Marsh: Now, there's someone I would really like you to meet. He has a very interesting specialization, the occult... Sciences.

Peter: Alchemy. It's quite a subject. Especially for someone who says she lacks interest in magic.

Diana: I don't just lack interest. I lack aptitude.

Peter: Are you sure? The book came out for you and no one else.

Diana: I told you, I don't know how that happened.

Peter: But you didn't tell me a vampire's been following you.

Diana: How do you know that?

Peter: It would be catastrophic if it falls into their hands. Can't you see the danger you're in?

Diana: I can take care of myself.

Peter: Laudable, but naive. The fact that vampires are now involved makes this so much more urgent.

Diana: I'm not going to call it up for you.

Peter: Why not?

Diana: Because I don't happen to like the idea of uncreating other species.

Peter: They would do exactly the same to us, if they could.

Diana: I'm like my mother, Mr Knox. If I've made up my mind, I don't change it.

Peter: Diana. Think about what you're doing. You must be true to your blood, your heritage. Don't make me force you to recall that book. Diana. Don't walk away! You can't escape me that easily. I can be with you wherever you are. I need the book. We need the book.

Diana: Get out of my head!


Gillian: How's it going with Diana? Did she get the manuscript out for you?

Peter: No. Last night, she performed an elemental spell.

Gillian: What? Diana did?

Peter: Did you know she was powerful?

Gillian: No, I... I... I can't believe... She's never shown she is.

Peter: Maybe she's used her magic to forward her career. And that's why she's kept it secret from you.


Diana: Oh, thank God you're here. You haven't been answering your phone.


Peter: If this book is what I think it is, vampires... Then we could uncreate them.

Diana: I don't even know how he knew I took it out in the first place.

Gillian: These things get out.

Satu: This isn't just about the book. It's about you.

Matthew: This is about a great deal more than just alchemy. Ashmole 782 has been missing for centuries and yet you were able to call it up. Aren't you curious why? You need to be careful.


Diana: Professor Clairmont's rooms, please.


Diana: You were right about creatures coming to look for the book. Peter Knox from the Congregation and there was this Scandinavian witch. I don't know... I don't know who she was.

Matthew: Try to calm down. Your adrenaline is very high.

Diana: You can smell my adrenaline?

Matthew: Course I can… Thank you. Why did you come to me? Last time I saw you, you said you never wanted to see me again.

Diana: I have no one else to talk to.

Matthew: You must have friends.

Diana: None I can trust… It was a mistake to come here. I'm sorry I disturbed you.

Matthew: Does Knox want the book?

Diana: He says it has the witches first spells in it. Is that what you think it is?

Matthew: Peter Knox believes that witches created everything and everyone. I'm obviously not of that opinion. Does he know that you sent it back?

Diana: Yes. He wants me to try and get it out again.

Matthew: Will you?

Diana: I don't want him to have it… "Dear sir, your letter of 15th October has reached me at last." You knew Charles Darwin?

Matthew: Yes. I met him on a number of occasions, particularly when he was building up to his publication of Origin. I began to wonder how his theories might relate to us creatures. I was desperate to understand our origins. You see, I'd already heard rumours, whisperings, about a book hidden from human eyes, an alchemical text.

Diana: Ashmole 782.

Matthew: Ashmole. That man had an uncanny ability to find bizarre manuscripts. I found and read every one of them. Apart from 782.

Diana: You've been searching for the book since 1859.

Matthew: Mm.

Diana: How old are you?

Matthew: I'm older than I look.

Diana: 300 years?

Matthew: Mm.

Diana: 500 years? Did you know Machiavelli? Survive the fall of Carthage?

Matthew: Which fall of Carthage? I'd like to show you my laboratory. The work we've been doing recently links into creature origin. I won't harm you. You have my word.

Diana: All right.

Matthew: Put this on. You're cold.

Diana: How do you know that?

Matthew: Adrenalin causes a rise in metabolic heat production. Your adrenalin has dropped and so has your heart rate.

Diana: You can hear my heart?

Matthew: Yes. All the time.


Matthew: We're among hundreds of laboratories using genetics to study species origin, but in our lab humans aren't the only species we're studying.

Diana: You're studying vampire genetics?

Matthew: Mm. Witches and demons, too. We take physical specimens from burial sites mostly and extract DNA from the samples.

Marcus: Hey, Matthew!

Miriam: He's been helping me while you've been away.

Matthew: Diana, this is my colleague and lab manager, Dr Miriam Shepherd. Miriam, this is Dr Diana Bishop.

Diana: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Marcus: And I'm Dr Marcus Whitmore. Different type of doctor. Wow! AB negative. Don't suppose I could take some of you blood, could I? It's tough getting a sample from a living witch.

Diana: No... Thank you.

Miriam: If your friend isn't here to give blood, what is she here for exactly?

Matthew: I wanted to show Diana that the work we're doing here proves beyond all doubt... That creatures are dying out. Vampires are failing to sire. Demons are increasingly prone to madness.

Diana: And witches?

Matthew: Are losing their powers. Come and see. Please, sit down. Allow me.

Diana: Thank you.

Matthew: Now, this graph shows the mitochondrial DNA of a witch named Benvenguda. She lived in Brittany in the 7th century and she was very, very powerful. A marvel really, in an age that produced... Many marvels. Now, compare that to the graph belonging to Beatrice Good, Benvenguda's last known direct descendant. Now, as you can see, Beatrice's DNA shows far fewer markers common amongst witches, indicating that... Her ancestors, as the centuries passed, relied less and less upon witchcraft to survive. Now... Is this pattern of... Denying power, is the reason why witches will eventually become... Extinct?


Peter: Who do you think she might talk to?

Gillian: Well, I don't know. Apart from me, Diana doesn't have any friends in Oxford.

Peter: Oh, forgive me. I don't believe you've been introduced. This is Miss Järvinen. She's our new representative on the Congregation.

Gillian: Oh. Wow! Congratulations.

Peter: Well?

Satu: I tried to look inside her. She interests me.


Diana: You think 782's going to help you with your research, don't you?

Matthew: It could explain our origins, yes.

Diana: But we aren't going to go extinct tomorrow. There are still plenty of creatures in the world.

Matthew: I have a different sense of time to you. When humans talk about climate change that's exactly the argument they use. "Oh, the polar ice caps will take so many years to melt. Who cares?" I remember when the Thames iced over every winter. I used to skate on it. You're right though. It's not going to happen immediately, tomorrow, but it's already begun. One day, there'll be just one species. Humans. And at first, they won't notice the difference because they've never noticed us, but, gradually... Eventually, they'll come to see that... All the magic has seeped out of the world. And they'll look around them and everyone will be the same.

Diana: You think whatever power I have I should use?

Matthew: I think at the very least you should try not to be frightened of it. Although, as far as I can tell, there are only two emotions that keep the world turning. One is... Desire. And the other is fear.

Diana: Magic is desire made real. That's what my aunt says.

Matthew: Mm.

Diana: The book's a palimpsest. Old words hidden under new. It was heavy. It smelt. It smelt odd. Three pages were cut out. The only page I saw showed a baby floating in an upside-down vessel. It was probably the alchemical child, although I've never seen it represented like that before.

Matthew: Thank you.

Kikavu ?

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StefLibre  (22.09.2018 à 21:09)
Message édité : 22.09.2018 à 21:10

On a sent déjà l'intensité entre Diana et Matthew... ça m'a vraiment donné l'envie de reprendre les livres. Egalement afin de remettre les différents protagonistes dans les contextes.

Même s'ils sont diffférents entre les livres et la série, mais cela n'est pas dérangeant à mon sens. Chacun aura sa trame, du moment qu'ils restent cohérents smilesmile

Hâte de voir le troisième ! je n'attends même plus la vostfr laughing


Merci aux 6 rédacteurs qui ont contribué à la rédaction de cette fiche épisode

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